
C63 Two for the price of one.

Sitting on the end of his bed in deep thought, Nathan looked to his clothes washed and brought to him not that long afterwards, his mind racing as he quickly placed everything behind him. He had so much more to do that he had no time mourn some missing parts of himself.

"System, let's see my current status."

System: Opening.


Name: Nathan Blackrose

Age: 27

Race: Arch God

Title: Creator God (E), Freefall Expert, The Fool, Exterminator

Dominion: 3/15 - 1 In Use (Auryn) 3 In Use (Water Temple Orb), 8 in Use(Sanctuary Valley)

Faith: 12440

Words Of Power: (Three)

Power Word Bow - (Rank Iron 96%)

Power Word Fertility - (Rank Silver 40%)

Power Word Aqua - (Rank Silver 12%)

Minor Sub Skills:

(Bow) - Bolt Of Unstoppable Might - (Rank Silver - 72%)

This ability fires a single bolt that is unstoppable by non-divine beings, If non-divine being lives after the blast then they will be permanently terrified around the caster.

Major Sub Skill:

(Bow) Lord Of That Which Falls - (Rank Bronze - 8%)

This ability allows the user to redirect any ranged weapon that is fired in your presence, non-divine beings cannot stop this process.

(Fertility) Sever The Lines - (Rank Iron 10%)

Target in sight. The target is rendered sterile. All their children immediately suffer and quickly perish. All grandchildren will then get targeted, then Great grandchildren all the way down to the fifth generation. The only cure is divine intervention or another divine power word to interrupt. Mortals have no method to resist.

Current Relations:

Auryn Zey - Eria Elf - Fertility Vassal

Current Loyalty - 70%

Status: Healthy

Current Missions:

- Primary -

Increase Followers to 10,000

- Secondary -

Increase Vassal's to two.

Create a Miracle

Extra Abilities:

Admin Menu: Locked


He stared at the faith that had increased by such a significant amount, while he looked at it knowing he could spend it to gain his next power which was one of the mighty seven. His mind went back to the number of creatures he had slain.

Thousands or maybe even more of them slain like snuffing out a candle with a simple blow of his mouth or a pinch of his fingers. He tried to process this, but just nothing came to him, no remorse or regret.

It was the best strategy at the time, gaining so many allies was the best plan, and the other side was violent and attacked anything at all. He knew this plan was the best, but something still felt wrong with himself.

"It's too late now to think about this. It was the best plan; I now have enough for the next power word. Let's get that."

He quickly opened the shop as he looked back through the options.


- Welcome to God's Store! -

Power Word Sale! (Monthly)

Bow (80% Discount): 1700 Faith (SOLD OUT!)

Fertility and Aqua Bundle (50% Discount): 3000 Faith (SOLD OUT!)

Journeying (20% Discount): 10,000 Faith


-Card Effects!- (Monthly)

Loyal Vassal (1 Left) (Popular!): 2500 Faith each.

Tempory Power Word (3 Left): 500 Faith each.

Power Upgrade (2 Left) 250 Faith each.


Vassal Power Upgrades

Auryn Zey - Eria Elf - Fertility Vassal

Conversion Completion Status - 18%

Increase Speed - 1,000 Faith


Legal Items

1. We are not responsible for damage, destruction or loss of property due to these effects

2. No refunds.

3. No discounts for creating the game.

4. We offer no technical assistance, deal with it yourself!


Next Month on the first the shop will rotate the stock; please make sure to purchase all the items you want or need before the end of the month.


He stared at the vassal powers upgrade, his mind halting as he could increase Auryn's power at the cost of increasing the conversion speed. In the end, he decided against it.

His hand was hitting the Journeying from the store as the system pulled up another window.

'Do you wish to purchase Journeying for 10,00 faith?'

He accepted the charge as the power flowed into him, his body feeling closer to completion as the power melded into him before settling inside him. His eyes opened again as he then pulled out the death orb for the second round.

System: What are you planning on doing Nathan with that.

"Well, If you were an all-knowing system, then you could tell me yourself."

System: ...

"See, I've come to think about our arrangement. I think I have narrowed it down. You are not a system but a person, I think I may know who but out of the two people I still need to narrow it down. Since that is the case, you will not know about this method."

System: Method for what?

Nathan pressed his hands onto the death orb, pulling away from the layers of power that had trapped the divine energy inside, his energy pulling it out before absorbing it, his eyes flashing as he felt the energy become one with himself.

His mind racing as he felt all the connections to the orb, so many vampires living inside this place. Everyone connected and dependant on this energy to live, it was not a life one would live normally, and with only death magic, it was a half-life that required blood to keep themselves stable.

Nathan replaced each strand that connected the orb to each vampire, instead of making it connect to himself as he also weaved other divine powers in with the death energy.

He added in both Aqua, Journeying and fertility in small amounts, this difference added could start to change the vampires, giving them each a different source of powers.

Some slight amounts of Journeying power could allow them to fly while with fertility they could start producing blood for themselves and did not require to drink from others while the Aqua permitted them to be resistant to the once dangerous water magic that usually hurt them without certain magics already installed.

Nathan opened his eyes after finishing connecting all the vampires back to himself with new sources of power, the difference between this and Auryn was mainly the output of a small drip to a flowing river which meant he needed no dominion cost till he had an entire nation of them.

"So, did you figure out what I've done yet system?"

System: You have acquired Power Word: Death

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Daily Release

Wow we got so many votes!

Two more bonus chapters today.

New Vote for the next power words


Every 250 Powerstones will be an extra chapter.

If we can get into Top 20 at the end of the week! I will give you all an extra 3 chapters.

So let's do this! :D

Cddizzymcreators' thoughts