
Pearl And The Root

Looking at Seylin Blizzara thoroughly becoming incensed, Davis couldn't help but smilingly shake his head.

"Who told you to act so high and mighty as though everyone was beneath you? Only you can tease them and not the other way around? I think that's a bit hypocritical for a mischievous woman like you. Don't you think so?"

Seylin Blizzara trembled as she glared at him. But a few moments later, she calmed down- at least, she looked like it because her red pupils were no longer dilated. Her body kept shaking, especially her right leg, which was fraught with death energy at this moment.

"Fine. I admit defeat. Can you heal me now?"

"There's nothing to heal."

Davis waved his hand, causing Seylin Blizzara to frown heavily. She had given so many concessions and didn't keep her pride above her life but was still met with a no? Just as she stood up, intending to take action, she suddenly sensed the death energy in her right leg starting to dissipate.
