
Fair Enough?

"Evelynn said that it is something the people around you commonly use in your previous life?" Princess Isabella continued as she cast a stare at Davis.

"I don't know how things worked in your previous life, but if you keep using it after we got married like six years ago, for instance, even I will start to think that you don't want to have a child with me despite your complete assurance with words." She chided before she rolled her eyes.

That's right! Words amounted to a fart if he couldn't fulfill it, but if Davis did so as he said with his actions, then Evelynn would've been rest assured.

Truly, it wasn't very reasonable of him. He kept saying that they would eventually have a child all the while he kept feeding her birth control pills. It was like saying that he had a method to heal her from certain death but only had the stop-gap measures for six years without any change.

Even with trust, who wouldn't become paranoid in that case?
