
Joseph Stalin

Time: 4 days after the kidnapping

Location: FOB in Bern, Marshall's office.

POV: Kyle's

''Adelger Reporting!'' Adelger said, ''Adelger I want a status report on the projects currently being worked on and their estimated time of completion.'' I ordered him. ''Yes Marshall, I'll send the reports before your departure!'' Adelger assured me. ''And Sir that Lad you got here a few months ago, Werner von Braun if I remember correctly, is very outstanding in the rocket and jet engine development program, I would like to ask you to promote him to 5 Star scientist.'' Adelger remarked, ''Understood Adelger, continue your work.'' I replied flatly.

'Sigh' 'It is time to hold the press conference and answer the questions the world has' I thought dejectedly. I stood up and walked out of the office, in the hallway 100 golden skulls were neatly standing in two rows facing each other and allowing me to walk in between. ''IN THE MARSHALL WE TRUST!'' They saluted, 'The requirements for reaching gold skull position has increased multiple folds, one needs to reach 5 stars in rank, get rank 5 in Combat and medical. The badges do look better for them, made of special alloys and is able to stop high calibre bullets.' I remarked.

I continued down the hall until I reached the door to the Balcony, outside were the Swiss people waiting for an answer and the press from all over the world, they all want answers from the leader of the Council of Nations and the leader of Switzerland. I Push open the doors to the balcony and walk up to the microphone, I pull out a list of questions the press and people have to send beforehand.

'cough' ' Cough' I coughed to get the crowds attention, the crowd went silent and all attention is directed to me, ''Citizens of Switzerland, people from around the world, I come before you today to answer your questions on what has transpired the last few days. As you know our Foreign minister has disappeared and investigation shows it is a kidnapping, now our nations DO NOT tolerate this, we have started an international investigation headed by the Council of Nations and as off next month at our first meeting, we shall address this issue together with Italian Aggression.

Second I have gotten questions on how we are going to defend our country now that we have ended our neutrality, although the Battle zeppelin is indeed convincing, it cannot cover the entire country in one go. Now. Our military is being increased, forts are being built and of course, we have the alliance! So I assure my Citizens that Switzerland is capable of handling any situation.

Another question was the role the Council of Nations will take as we already have the league of nations, my answer is Simple, the league of Nations is nothing but a failure, we shall replace it with a more assertive International Organisation... I continued for another 30 minutes answering my nation's doubts and questions.

I will end my speech with a quote from a friend: When the bombs fall. the enemy flag waves. Their planes fill the sky while the ground is painted red. Their soldiers march through the cities, what do you do? I have only one answer:

''Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts. No matter our ended neutrality! We shall protect that what we have no matter the failure, we the Swiss people shall have the courage to continue UNTIL THE LAST MAN!''

I stepped back, the crowd was cheering the press was writing stuff down, ''LONG LIVE the NF!'' The people cheered having their worries resolved, I walk through the doors again, 'Now it Is time to head towards Kiev, Zero prepared my train and should be ready at the trains-station in Blatten.' I remembered My schedule.

I arrive at the station, there were only military personnel and a massive armoured train, decked out with anti-air and anti-personnel weaponry, 'it does have a sleek design' I remarked, ''Sir! all personnel for the Diplomatic Mission has been assembled and have already boarded.'' An Oberst reported. ''Good, tell them we can leave immediately,'' I ordered before stepping on the armoured train, which was very luxurious inside.

'Maybe they wasted a bit on the train' i complained at the extravagance. I walk into the room where the men I hand-picked for the job were seated, I coughed to get their attention before continuing ''Men In exactly 48 Hours we will meet the man of the Soviet Union, we must do EVERYTHING we can to get him to our cause, compromises have to be made hence Only 2 of you may come with me, so in the next 48 the top 2 in the selection test will join me, you have all been handpicked by me don't let me down!'' And with that said I sat down in a leather armrest chair, with a glass of brandy 'God I am tired lately' I complain.


Time: 12 hours after Kyle's Departure

Location: Kiev

POV: Unknown

''Sir the target has left Switzerland and is now heading our way'' A man with the bright Soviet Star reported, ''Good, we are in a dire situation, our trust in the Liberator is gone after that 'accident' as he calls it, we must gain support of the Wanderer, but only if he is capable.'' A man with a Soviet cap and military clothing said, 'Do not let us down at the negotiations wanderer' I thought and A smirk was plastered on my face.

Sorry for the late release, took me 3 days to write in this state

Chaos_Overseercreators' thoughts