
Simultaneously with the disappearance of the mark, the tree-bark-like thing on her hand also vanished.

When she saw the bark on the skin of her hand disappear she stretched out her left foot and kicked. Sure enough, she had also regained her strength and sense. Feng Jiu couldn't help but chuckle. "Old man, do you think I can't solve this problem? You underestimate me."

She stood up and started practising a set of Tai Chi moves in her room. She felt revitalised after working out her entire body, but when she looked at the dress on her body, she frowned. "I can't believe I can't get this dress off," she mumbled. 

She didn't use any other methods, instead asking people outside to prepare the bath water and then approaching the bath bucket to stimulate the body's innate flame.

It didn't take long for the flames on her body to start burning through her clothes, revealing her creamy white skin.
