

After a large meal and a wonderful bubble bath, I crawl into bed and pass out. My sleep is deep and without a single dream but when I start stirring, I roll over to find myself still in the oversized fluffy bed. It wasn't a dream... 

To be honest, I was disappointed it wasn't all just a dream. Sure, having your own space like this inside some ancient rune was awesome but... When I think about all the other problems, it doesn't really outweigh it. 

The guy in black was actually terrifying... he was entirely too strong. I get up and walk to the large walk-in closet with a thoughtful expression. It seems that anything I wish or desire ends up in the house. Wanting to test my theory, I think of a red dress before opening the door. 

When I swing the door open, a beautiful red dress was waiting for me! This is awesome! But wait... wouldn't I stand out even more with red? When I think back to all the other dresses I saw the women wearing, they had red accents but none of them were solid red like this. 

I bite my lips with a frown before closing the door back and thinking of another white dress. When I open the door again, I can't keep the smile off my face. Sure, I could use my own magic to change the color of the dress but this was so much more fun! 

I get dressed and find Mango snacking on food in the kitchen with a happy twitch to his little tail. I smirk at him and ask "Are you ready? Even though this place is awesome, we can't go back to our world through it." 

Mango shoves the last of the crackers into his cheeks before nodding his head and running over. I check on the little tree but since it seems to be doing fine, I decide to leave. I pump myself up, knowing I'll probably have to run as soon as I leave this space but before I leave, I suddenly think of something. 

When I think back to the silver pieces the girl tried to buy Mango with, I decide to see if the rune could give me that as well. I walk over to a drawer and pull it open. The entire thing is filled with silver pieces!! Hah! This is awesome!! 

After collecting enough, Mango hops up on my shoulder and says "Ready!" I nod and close my eyes. Willing myself back into the other world. When I feel the change, I quickly open my eyes to find myself back in the courtyard! 

Without staying for a moment longer, I turn and run for the only opening in the courtyard. Well, the only one not going to the house anyway. As soon as I can see far enough ahead of me, I shift and make the jump without stopping. 

I run past several others, not caring if they think I'm insane or not but when I see woods further up ahead, I shift straight for them and keep running. When my feet hit the ground in the woods, I use my magic and call forth the plants. 

My speed increases without me even trying and when I finally find the tree I'm looking for, I turn and head for that direction. As soon as I see the large, old tree, I head straight for it! As soon as I'm close enough, I call on its energy and come to a stop at its trunk. 

Panting, I place both hands against the tree and place my forehead against it. The old tree is slow to respond but when it does, I feel its surprise and then delight. It instantly shields me, making me somewhat invisible to the world around me. 

I slowly catch my breath and say "Thank you, Old One." The tree sends me a burst of happiness and warmth, making me smile with joy. Even in another world, the trees are still the same. After stabilizing my heartbeat and energy, I start looking around to see if I had been followed. 

I use the energy of the woods and at first, I don't find anything strange but then I feel it! Someone was following me but it wasn't the man in black. No, it was one of his men! I close my eyes, using my magic to see him through the woods and start to smile. 

He was searching... He lost me. My smile grows when I see him frantically searching. I should count myself lucky it was him and not his leader! I keep both hands on the large tree and use my magic to spy on the guy until he eventually turns and leaves. No doubt, running off to tell his leader. 

Once I know he's gone for good, I hug the old tree and thank him before moving on. Clearly, the capital isn't safe. I need to go somewhere else but I feel like I'll stick out no matter where I go especially with my eyes. 

Mango pokes his head out from under my hair and asks "Is the coast clear?" I chuckle at the little guy before saying "Yes, it's clear. We need to find a place to stay until I can find a way to make it back home. Somewhere we'll be safe."

Mango grows quiet as we walk, probably trying to think of a solution or what he wants to eat for our next meal but when my eyes land on the little white mushrooms popping up before us, I come to a stop. The little white mushrooms continue to pop up and start to get further and further away. 

Were they... leading the way? I slowly smile and start following the small white mushroom trail. After following them for a while, I come across an old, slightly broken down house in the middle of the woods. 

My surprise slowly bleeds into delight when I think about how well this house suits us. Staying out here in the woods would be perfect! I could focus on finding a way back to our world while using the woods to hide us from any unwelcoming guests. It's perfect!
