
Zombie World Raid Instance -Part 3

When they emerged from the subway station, it took them a little orienting to understand that they were currently at a penthouse. The subway exit eventually disappears as if to indicate that they are not going back unless the time is up. 

Then again, the rules did indicate clearly that they were going to be respawned in the 'checkpoint' or hideout when they were killed. To some people who were smart in terms of gaming knowledge, they shamelessly asked whether this could be used to their advantage such as killing themselves so that they would return to the initial hideout.

Jin was quick with his reply and stated that yes, such a function could be abused but he did state that there was a penalty in terms of Zombie World Raid Points. As long as they were willing to take the penalty, they could die and return to the hideout. Of course, he did not make such a harsh penalty for dying or else, it would be somewhat unfair. 
