
Alfi At the Gates

A full-on and massive tactical retreat began ensuing in conquest. Players, NPCs, and even hordes of animals have been guided and were marching in long lines toward the Dark threading dungeon. The masses of NPCs only grew to army size when they gathered together from every city, village, and excluded area. Players have been told to inform the NPCs that a great change was coming to this world, and staying here would mean their doom.

The majority followed, but a great deal still couldn't move out of their homes and houses, they decided that they would stay. The players couldn't change their minds, and they were strictly ordered not to use force on NPCs.

In less than one game-day, all the major cities of conquest of all the four corners were empty of all life. Bar the few birds and small wild animals that were scurrying away, there was nothing left but old people of which the pilgrim to the Dark Treading was too far away from them and would exhaust them.
