
7 Days.

The room was big, 10x10 meters and 3 meters of height. The door was on the left corner and in front of the door, there were many armor stands and weapons racks completely full, there were even some on the ground. However what caught their attention was something shining in the right side of the room. There lay a huge mountain, there were many coins and bars of different sizes made of gold and silver. Within the mountain they were also able to see some jewels and a big variety.

"WE ARE RICH" Shouted Kano.

"Yes and no. Even if you bring this money back you won't be able to use it in this form. The jewels and gems you might be able to sell, if they are not that expensive. However if you sell something really expensive, a coin or a bar of unknown origin, you might get some unwanted attention. Unless you have the channels to sell it, you will only bring trouble to yourself." Warned Wolf.

"Even so, we might be able to use it on earth, with some caution, or even in another world if we end up needing it." Suggested Fox.

Since they had limited space, besides Fox, they decided to divide the gems, and get coins and bars to occupy the rest.

After everyone got what they could carry. Fox placed the rest in his bag of holding. There was around 1 Ton of gold and half a ton of silver. Half of the space in his "bag" was now occupied with money. If he sold everything in exchange for dollars, he would get around 50 millions, however the problem was where to sell. For this amount even the government might intervene and ask questions.

After placing all the coins, bars and jewels, Fox decided to also take the armor sets, since he might be able to use then in his undead. He obtained 20 mail armor sets and 30 mail + plate armor sets. He also got 20 bows, 20 crossbows, 30 one-handed swords, 20 two handed swords and more than 1000 arrows and bolts.

After making sure there was nothing left, they decided to leave the place. When they were leaving they notice the closed door from before. they never opened it. Since they had already cleared the rest of the area, Fox commanded Axe to break the door.

"Crash" The old door collapsed in the first hit. Almost instantaneously, the smelled something strange.



"It's a bathroom, come let's get out of here, the smell is horrible." No one knows who said it first, but they just left.

After going back to the cave, they started to decide what to do. Kano was afraid that they might receive visitors from the dungeon, since they couldn't close the passage.

Fox proposed that, since the dungeon was a prepared mission, and the system said that it was finished, there wasn't anything left, probably.

Since the sun was still up, they decided to divide the rest of the work of the day.

Wolf left to hunt some meat for them to eat. Kano and iris were looking for water and wood to make a fire. Fox said that he would make a ritual to make a new undead out of the noble.

He left John before the room to make sure no one got in. He didn't want his friends to see what he would do with the bodies. After making sure everything was ok, he proceeded with the ritual. since the corpse was mostly intact, he mostly had to write the runes around it.

After 15 minutes he was looking at the new ghoul making sure that everything was ok. His name was Arthur and he was the son of Uther king of Breton. His kingdom was destroyed in a war against people of another world. They were forced to fights a "God's" war or perish. After the death of his father, and the defeat of his army, the kingdom fell in the hands of the invaders. Without a choice he got what was left of his people, and escaped to this underground base. However since he failed to accomplish "God's" demand, "God" sent his minions to finish him and his people.

So the reason they were in this "game" was probably because they were been trained for this war. A war that was just a pastime for the "Gods". Since he could do nothing for now. Fox left with Arthur.

When he came back, Kano and iris were preparing the fire, but Wolf was not back yet. Since it was still early they decided to wait. Around 1 hour later, Wolf and Troy appeared carrying a deer.

While approaching Wolf asked "Do any of you guys know how to remove the skin?"

"Actually, I have a way" Fox answered while everyone else looked at him surprised.

Wolf placed the deer down, inside the cave over some big leaves Iris collected. With the deer down, Fox cast "Prepare game" over the deer. As if alive, the skin removed itself from the body, the thorax opened and the visceras left by themselves pilling at the side of the body.

The spell was really handy when it came to prepare animals, it was clean, fast and easy. Its magic after all. Looking at the now prepared deer, no one, including Fox, could believe it. It was too fast in less than 15 seconds, the animal was prepared, and they had the complete skin without any damage.

"It's even better than I thought." Said Fox looking at the products in the leaves.

"What do you guys want to eat? Soup? Roasted?" Asked Iris.

"Barbecue!!" Answered Wolf and Fox at the same time.

Fox was a fodder, he loved to it, so when he was walking around the forest he used his new knowledge to collect many different herbs. Most of them for cooking, so he gave iris some, and explained what they did. Iris proceed to temper and cook the meat.

Since they had knowledge about survival and abilities, it was easy for them to survive in the wild. The week passed fast, they used their time to train and study, since they had nothing better to do, and they needed to test their new abilities. Sometimes they would go down the mountain to hunt animals and undeads to get more points for later use.


"Hmm? Where am I?" Asked Kano as he got up.

He looked around and he was in a beach. This time there was no white room, he simple woke here. Felling a itch in his army, he looked at it. and right down his hand there was a black gem encrusted in his skin. He scratched around it, but the strange itch sensation was still there. When he was thinking what that was, a light appeared from it and a menu appeared in front of him.

[Congratulations on arriving at the extra mission for those that completed all the bonus objectives.

As a reward for arriving here, you now have access to a friends menu, where you can think of someone you know and if that person also thinks of you as a friend, and you both are in the same plane of existence, you will be able to see his general location from your position. If you have a map of the area, the system will copy the map and display his position on it.

However this is not the only reward, in this plane there are 4 bosses. If you can kill all of them, you will get another reward and leave this place. The other way to leave here is dying at least once.]

When he was still processing what he had ready, the ground started to tremble and soon he found what was making it...
