
Quartzen Info *Spoilers?*

Quartzen Evolution: Every Quartzen have their path of evolution and they are limited to 5 Evolution.

Paths - Strength Path | Agility Path | Magic Path | Defense Path | Support Path.

Evolution Tiers - First Order -> Second Order -> Third Order -> Fourth Order -> Fifth Order


Quartzen Stats: G -> F -> E -> D -> C -> B -> A -> AA -> S -> SS -> SSS -> EX

Power Tier - G -> EX

Defense Tier - G -> EX

Magic Tier - G -> EX



Appearance - Humaniod Quartzens with blasters on their palms, cannons on their shoulder blades and their body looked like it's armored with plate pieces on their body. It's head is similar to a helmet with a mask and it's face doesn't appear except for their eyes.



Appearance - Fantasy Type Knights with their full body Armor, and it being Humanoid Quartzens. They hold a weapons according to their elements and It's appearance is almost like Ghost Knights.

Inferno - Dual Axes

Aqua - Spear

Wind - Dual Swords

Earth - Warhammer

Light - Shield and Sword

Darkness - Dual Handed Sword



Appearance - A Bird who has massive wings and blades, along with their claws that looks incredibly sharp and razor like. Combination between Hawk and Phoenix.


Grim Ripper:

Appearance - A evil looking Quartzen who has hands and claws, almost like a scythe blade.



Appearance - Cheetah like creature whose body has various blades attached to it.


Juggernautilus -

Appearance - Incredibly armored looking Turtle with 8 cannons pointing at 8 different direction, and a Motor Cannon on the top.



Appearance - combination between an Ogre and Cyclop. The Weapons it uses also varies from what element it is.

Inferno - Greataxe

Aqua - Gauntlets

Wind - Staff

Earth - Crudge

Light - Warhamer

Darkness - Greatsword



Appearance - Scorpion with a humanoid top/head. Human half has this Egyptian look/appearance. They hold in humanoid hands are Two Khopeshs



Appearance - A Lamia, Beautiful Human Female Top, and Long snake bottom. In their Humanoid Hands are a Long Bow with a Quiver on their back. Their Bows, Arrows and Quiver appearance changes according to the element they are.



Appearance - almost like in it's name, a Harpy, but less creepy and more beauty, and they got that spartan or Amazonian appearance.



Appearance - Gotta has those beautiful mermaids for those in half human creatures in the waters. They hold tridents and armored up with pieces of armor. Like Soldiers of Atlantis.



Appearance - Centaurs, but their body is almost like armor like knight armors and horse armor. They wield Glaives and they appearance differs to what elements they are.



Appearance - Demonic Alien Creature, evil and cool looking and hardly ugly, it's appearance could change according to the elements, it could look more Sharper or Smoother, differs to what element.



Appearance - Golems made out of certain elements, Inferno Gordrems could look like they are made out of Fire, Aqua Gordrems look like it's made out of water, etc. But there appearance have 1 or 2 similarities, they're made out of rocks and body shape. The rocks could look different from each other, and they could have corals or any sea plants for Aqua Gordrems.



Appearance - A large sized Dragon, western dragon, and it's appearance is more deeper in details as a dragon, but in the same time more smooth and sharp.



Appearance - Humanoid and probably Mecha Rhino, it's horns are large and it's body is pretty strength looking, in physical strength.



Appearance - Of course a bee, but bigger.


I’ll be spending some of my time adding a lot of things into this, so it’ll might be updated couple of time. This info is almost the foundation or info of every Quartzen I have thought of.

ZeroNemezizcreators' thoughts