
Jace's Tragic Past 1

Although he had assimilated the memories of many monsters before, assimilating the memories of a human was far more intense than he had expected. Monsters by their very nature are creatures of a few pure raw emotions and rarely experience a state of ambivalence. However humans with their higher cognitive abilities and countless shifting thoughts regularly experience a myriad of emotions simultaneously.

As Jace's first memory was assimilated, a wave of subtle intrinsic emotions washed over him as he lived thru Jace's birth and beheld the first thing he saw with his newborn eyes, his parents. Year's flashed by as he lived thru Jace's pleasant youth, the birth of his sister, and the many wonderful times he spent with her and his parents.

All the way until the moment tragedy struck, thrusting him into a cold cruel world, whilst the only world he knew was shattered into a million ephemeral pieces, as though it were only a transient paradisiacal dream.

The next part of his life was cold and dark. He could feel the overwhelming sorrow Jace felt as he discovered the cold dead bodies of his parents in a pool of their own blood, the way his body had gone cold as his mind went blank, the sound of the rain and the high pitch scream of his sister louder than the angry rumble of the thunder in the dark stormy sky.

After the city lord was finished pilfering what little wealth his parents had possessed they were both eventually placed in the Darkened Sun Orphanage, a sizable estate filled with hundreds of orphans from the area.

After 6 peaceful months the dark men came with their large covered wagons, picking and choosing like they were harvesting ripe fruit, they selected a small group numbering roughly a hundred from the many orphans, including him and his sister. After a long and bumpy ride they were brought to a strange placed were the space around them wobbled and rolled causing him and the other children to blackout.

When he awoke he discovered he and the rest of the children were in a dark cave and a bald stern faced man dressed in black was staring at them. After closely examining each one of the children the man would gesture at a child and then point in a certain direction causing a dark masked person in black to appear from the darkness and take away the child. Some of them screamed out in fear, while most simply remained frozen, and a few even gazed at their surrounding with dead eyes, impassively resigned to their fate.

As he saw the man point at his sister his blood ran cold before he heard her scream for him causing his heart to turn to ice as his eyes were filled with flames of rage. Leaping towards the dark masked man who held his screaming sister, with a roar he attempted to punch him but was easily dodged while another masked man suddenly appeared before him and quickly launched his large fist deep into his gut knocking the wind out of him. As he breathlessly collapsed on the cold hard ground the bald stern faced man approached him and smiled coldly, then gave an approving nod before gesturing towards a different direction.

The dark masked man who had punched him hauled him off the ground with one hand and effortlessly carried him into the darkness without making a sound.

After traveling thru the dark for an indeterminable amount of time he was suddenly tossed into a deep dank pit that reeked of a strange yet familiar scent. As he laid prone on the pits hard humid stone floor, his eyes incessantly leaked warm tears of regret while his mind kept replaying his sister face as she screamed for him to help her, and how powerless he had felt as the dark masked man had buried his fist in his stomach. Suddenly his dark thoughts were interrupted by a low gravelly voice.

"Get up corpse."

Raising his red tear streaked face towards the voice he struggled to his feet, moving his head around as he searched the darkness for the source of the voice before shouted aloud angrily, "I am not a corpse!"

A low chuckle rang out before the gravelly voices simple reply was heard.

"We will see."

Then the pit was suddenly illuminated by a bright shining orb which hovered in the air above him. Blinded by the sudden bright light Jace closed his eyes before opening them a crack as he accustomed them to the light. Opening his eyes he felt a chill run down his back as he realized why the pit had a strange yet familiar scent.

The entire pit was encrusted with dried blood. The dark red liquid covered every surface and the floor around him was covered with countless blood soaked bones and pools of blood. Based on the small size of the human shaped bones, especially the skulls, Jace felt his body grow cold as he realized these were the bones of children.

"Welcome to the Blood Pit Corpse. The only thing the Blood Pit holds is the dead. Only the living have the strength to leave while the dead have no say. Prove you are one of the living by showing your strength. Let the test begin."


A blade suddenly was thrown next to his feet as the voice faded away. Then black smoke began to pour into the Blood Pit oddly flowing down the pits blood encrusted walls like gelatinous fluid. Seeing the approaching smoke Jace quickly reached for the shiny blade and held it firmly in the manner his father had shown him tight to his body while he assumed a slightly crouched yet solid stance.

As the black smoke filled the pit it slowly surrounded him before strangely stopping within 25 feet of him leaving him in the center of a 50 foot ring of black smoke. Suddenly he heard a low growl from within the smoke as a pair of menacing red eyes, like two glowing hot coals appeared within the depths of the wall of shifting black smoke directly in front of him.
