
Unexpected Guests!

Immersing himself fully in his training his gains rapidly soared and the range of his Ki Sense after 1 month of training had extended to encompass half of Planet Vegeta and he now could observe every Saiyan currently on the planet for despite being the most powerful warrior race in the universe, after losing both their homeworld of Planet Sadala and then undergoing a decade long world war with the original inhabitants of Planet Vegeta the Tuffles, their population had dropped dramatically and they now number barely 33,000 causing them to inhabit less than 1/10 of the entire planet.

Furthermore since they had been annexed by Frieza they had become mercenaries who would invade worlds then conquer or cleanse them of their inhabitants in preparation to be sold, causing them to have a high mortality rate which further compounded their populations issues.

It had now been 3 months since he had been born and his training had been going exceedingly well while he had managed to conceal all traces of his Ki from his fellow Saiyans and especially King Vegeta who despite having a power level of about 10,000 which was only 1/5 his own power level still posed a serious hidden threat to the current him, for unbeknownst to him Frieza had specially instructed his engineer corps to fit every piece of equipment given to the Saiyans with various surveillance devices which could monitor and track every living Saiyan, especially the ones who wore a scouter which was literally transmitting their location in real-time.

Which is why despite knowing he had unlimited potential he was fully aware that currently that was all that it was, potential and he still desperately needed time and a safe place to grow. As long as he could continue to train in peace he would quickly grow.

This is why he remained quietly training in his incubator waiting for Frieza to arrive instead of immediately leaving the planet for despite the planets impending doom, for the next 2 years he was completely assured of his safety.

As he reached the 4 month of his new life Broly continued to train and suddenly realized a tragedy that was currently going to happen on earth, the death of chi-chi's mom, who should be quite near to if not already dead from and unknown illness.

This was a big event in chi-chi's life for she would grow up not having a mother causing her to be shy and cry easily when fighting.

Of course after meeting Goku she started to change until they eventually grew up and got married whereupon she turned into a somewhat tyrannical dictator of their home and became obsessed with Gohan, her first sons academic accomplishments, while having a negative attitude towards his involvement with all things concerning martial arts.

All in all though she was an excellent mother to her 2 sons and regardless of her countless bouts of displeasure with them both for becoming involved with martial arts and her husband Goku's behavior she only wished the best for them.

A few days later near the afternoon he suddenly sensed two people slowly approaching his incubation room and paused his training to listen and observe the 2 individuals who suddenly stopped a few feet away from the door to Incubation room 998 having a rather humorous conversation.

"Wow! How bold Chief!"

"Quiet you jinx!"

"Are you sure about this Chief, what would your wife think if she saw you dragging a beauty like me into this secluded area filled with hints of forbidden romance?"

"She'd ask me to wash my hands before coming home for dinner since she could see I was dealing with a barely Saiyan child oddity that reeks of idiocy, failure and explosives."

"Ouch, you're obviously not pulling your punches Chief! In any case I don't understand what the big deals is, this wasn't even my fault. So several people were badly injured, I did take care of the clean-up as well as submitted a formal apology in triplicate to all party's involved with the explosion just like the Director ordered! Ooh, now what is this interesting place?!"

"Enough! We've all had it up to here with you, your constant deceptive words and most importantly, you're crazy destructive inventions which always, ALWAYS EXPLODE! Now both I and the Director have tried to overlook your many mishaps over the last few years on account of how deeply we both respected your parents who as everybody knows were both incredible first-rate engineers, but this, is, IT! From now on you are assigned to incubation room 998, were your only duty is to make weekly reports as you monitor the incubators for any issues. Stay here and try to avoid causing anymore issues you accursed jinx. One more mistake, just one tiny thing and you'll be on the next ship off-world as a field support engineer, understand you inescapable vortex of disaster?!"

"Yes sir! Oh by the way chief."


Mwah! "Thanks Chief!"

"Wh-Wh-Whatever you inveterate child flirt! Just remember, not one more mistake! NOT! ONE! MORE!!!"
