
Getting Log Pose

The couple walked into the town, not aware that they were already on the radar of the marines. Entering the town Yue looked around, she looked for a specific place. She was looking for a place where she could possibly get a log pose. She didn't look at the people so she didn't notice that people were staring at her, they were staring at her and talking.

"Is that a south bird?" One man asked.

"Ye," The woman answered while blankly staring.

Seeing a south bird on a shoulder of a girl, was not something they ever expected to see. The girl turned her gaze in every direction looking for a shop that would have the item she needed.

She didn't even notice how she passed marines, but the marines didn't even think that the pirates they were looking for were the bird and the girl, so they passed her without doing anything. The boy marine that reported the pirates didn't see the people that came from the ship, he only saw the ship.

She finally found a small shop, on the shop's billboard was written, <Maps and Sailing equipment>

Opening the door, she didn't see any people, she was the only customer. The old man that was sitting at the counter looked up, and when he saw the girl he inquired politely, "How could I help you miss?" He only noticed the bird after politely greeting the girl.

She looked at the man and asked, "Do you sell log poses here?"

"Why do you need a log pose girl?" He asked ignoring the south bird, as he didn't think much about the bird.

"We are sailing to the grand line, djuu."

The man didn't see the girl move her lips but he still tilted his head in confusion, "djuu?"

"Are you mocking me? djuu"

This time again the man didn't see the girl move her lips, and the sound was really similar to the south bird call, he subconsciously turned his head towards the bird."

Metting the man's eyes the south bird spoke again. "We need a log pose here, djuu"

The man fell on his buttocks as he stared dumbfounded at the bird, "You can speak?"

Yue sighed when she saw the man's reaction she said to the south bird, "Let me do the talking, people don't expect a talking south bird"

Djuu, the bird was saddened by her statement.

She looked at the man and inquired once more, "So about the log pose do you have it?"

The man gulped, "You still haven't told me the reason?"

"The girl looked at the man and stated proudly, "I am a captain, of .."

But before she could finish her words, the man nodded his head, "So that is the case, but, girl. The grand line is a very dangerous place, you should not sail there. it is littered with pirate scum."

Yue looked at the man and spoke calmly, "I am also a pirate, so can you give me a log pose?"

Man's eyes widened in shock as he looked at the girl he gulped again and laughed to himself, he slowly got up from the ground and he backed away slowly.

Yue saw him doing that and she inquired, "What are you doing?"

But with her words, the man rushed to the back room, where his snail phone was located. He grabbed the phone and yelled at it, "Pirates are in my shop, HELP!"

Yue opened her mouth to speak, but she closed it and turned around to leave, but the south bird jumped from her shoulder and flew to the shop. Yue looked at the bird that flew away and spoke, "What are you doing Naju?"

The bird flew around, while it was doing so the old man and Yue watched the bird. She looked at the man and spoke, "Don't worry, we will leave, I have no desire to hurt you."

The man's eyes met with her eyes but he still roared at her, "You are a pirate scum, and all pirates are evil."

Hearing the man Yue just laughed lightly, then she looked at Naju and inquired, "What are you doing Naju let's go."

The bird didn't listen to his captain, as he just flew until he found something he flew toward's this item and emitted its sound, Djuu!

Yue looked at the place bird stopped and looking closer she saw the log pose. She looked at the man and sighed, coming closer she took the item and said clearly, "Since I am a big bad pirate I am going to take this," The pose that she found was a normal one with only one log on it.

She grabbed the log pose and departed from the building, the bird followed after, main seeing them depart sighed and spoke in a low voice, "Hurry marines, the pirate will leave if you don't, I will never forgive pirate scum. If not for you, my son..."

When she left the shop, outside marines were already waiting, a man came out from grouped up marines and announced, "I am captain Jordon, miss have you seen any pirates in this shop? We just got a report."

She laughed and announced proudly, my name is Ju D. Yue and I am going to be the queen of pirates" These words she said with her head up high, she was proud to say these words.

The marine captain was shocked he couldn't believe that such a beautiful girl would claim such words, but his eyes changed he roared, "Men, bring her in!"

Five marine men that were gathered there took their gun's and prepared in a firing position, seeing them like this she moved before they could even fire. She punched at a marine sending him flying, with her punches she took out the marines that were pointing their guns at her.

She looked at Jordon and spoke, "Out of my way marine."

Jordon narrowed his eyes, he spoke, "I won't let a pirate scum leave."

He went at her, but he didn't expect what happened next, the south bird that was flying when she was fighting dived at the captain and started pecking. The bird pecked the man, and the man was trying to drive the bird away, Yue just shook her head and slowly approached the marine that was having trouble. She clasped her punch and punched him in the gut. The marine fell down, she looked at Naju and said, "Well done, Naju," She smiled at the bird, Naju let out a happy cry, Djuu!

She looked at the log pose in her hand and she sighed, "We have a pose, but we have no navigator, and I don't think we will find one on this island, let's leave."

"Are you sure? djuu"

"Yes, let's go back to our ship."

The bird landed on her shoulder and she walked back to her ship, but she soon was dumbfounded, when she returned the ship was sailing away, She looked at Naju and commanded, "Slow down that ship, I will follow with this marine ship."


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