
The Ogre Tribe

The tail of the Crokolisk sizzled in the fire while the fat dripped into the flame proliferating an indescribable aroma that made everyone that smelled it start salivating. For the poor ogre child that had been eating moss for a couple of days, it was worst than the most terrible Charm spell to ever be casted.

The little ogre was not thinking straight, he approached the camp with the heavenly aroma and when he saw the meat, he accelerated and launched himself towards the meat while extending his chubby hand.


The hand of the little Ogre was grabbed in mid air and then he was pull backwards to a sitting position by a weirdly beautiful white hand that look extremely fragile but that held him in place as if it was a mountain.

The child tried to struggle free but the more he fought, the more painful the experience until he finally looked up and saw a weird creature staring back at him with interest and a serious face, "the meat is not ready yet… Got to wait like everybody else"

Rahz pointed at all the people waiting patiently for the BBQ to finish and this somehow got lost in translation and the child now realized his mistake, He had been Capture!!.

The Ogre struggled even more desperate than before but it was to no avail and the desperation in his eyes caused the least likely person to stand up from her place, cut a piece of meat and presented to the kid.


"No" said Elune

It was a simple misunderstanding, if the same situation happened to a Dark Elf child that happened to stumble into a group of ogres, chances were that he would be the appetizer for the day. It was in the ogre's nature to eat other creatures and they found other humanoids to be extremely tasty.

In a sense, they were extremely similar to beasts in that regard. They acted mostly by instinct until they reached higher levels and they were a little faster in the uptake if they happened to choose classes that promote intelligence such as the Witch Doctor path. They were truly instruments of war created by Fadall himself and their instincts always told them to expand and conquered the area they lived in, they always got an itchy feeling if they remain idle for long periods of time.

The Ogre child grabbed the hot piece of meat and started chewing it with gusto while his creepy Razor teeth ripped the meat before he swallowed it whole. It was definitely a face only a mother would love but the fact that they fed him meant he was not next in line to be place on the stick.

Food always brought people together and there was plenty of food to go around, the ogre was amazed at how the little people around him put down more food that many of the warriors in his tribe and he felt the need to show the puny creatures how it was done, needless to say the child soon felled into a food coma and pass out by a tree.

Elune knew very well what the little kid was but chose to ignore it, in her mind the beef was with the tribe that killed her clan and there was no need to shed the blood of the innocent. Rahz and the others thought that the most sensible thing was to leave more meat for the little guy and leave quietly before it woke up, the task they set out to do was a gory one so no children were allowed.

The team left the area quietly while a sense of dread crept up the little Ogre child forcing him to wake up, it was a sixth sense, a supposedly intuitive faculty giving him awareness not explicable in terms of normal perception. His sixth sense was telling the kid that if he wanted to survive he needed to open his eyes and in doing so he observed the last of the group almost leaving his line of sight.


It was what he wanted to say but in the panic only a single grunt came out, he frantically started chasing after them trying to catch up but it just seem like the harder he ran, the greater the distance between them.

The Ogre child tried to run as far as he could and very soon his body tripped on a root and felt to ground. He looked up and was about to chase after Rahz's group again but what he saw made his hairs stand up, it was a 3 color snake that was in between the roots of a tree probably afraid of Xiao's aura. The fact that it had been hiding from Xiao Bai didn't mean that it would passed up such a succulent meal that came stumbling to her door.


The hissed was followed by a fast bite towards the chubby ogre's face, it was so fast that he couldn't even close his eyes.


The fangs of the serpent hit a transparent screen and bounce back before it started burning in blue chaos fire out of nowhere leaving behind only ashes on the ground.

"Stand up… come on … don't fall behind"

Elune couldn't explain what was going on with her, she kept acting outside her character and taking care of the lost child in a very protective way.

"We should be getting closer, this looks extremely familiar to me". Said Elune looking around the area.

Elune was right after about two days of travel, the team started seeing half destroyed statues of something very similar to a heroic Lady.

"They are statues of The queen of the Dark Elves that reigned during the invasion of the Dragonkin but now thanks to the ogres this is all that is left". Explained Elune through gritted teeth while her anger started to bubble up.

The little Ogre Kid's eyes suddenly lit up and started running further away from the group, he had finally recognized where he was and the position of the village he was raised in.

A few Ogres where already patrolling the area and when they saw Rahz and the others they didn't ask for an explanation and just attacked them fiercely.

"They are mine!" said Elune while casting Icy Winds followed by her Totemic Incarnation of a Val'gun.

The spirit of the Val'gun created a link and using her energy created a body that encased Elune granting her several enhancements to her casting.


Poison particles gathered in the air and enter the two ogres lungs corroding the organ in such a way that they started to breath out black smoke while they desperately gasp for air before dropping to the ground.


Alarms started ringing throughout the village as the familiars of some of the Witch Doctors alerted the tribe of intruders, the little kid manage to make it to the entrance to see all the commotion but he didn't understand what was going, never in a million years he would have guessed that the people that saved his life twice were slaughtering his own clan.


The Baleful Aura around Elune shot to the sky and all the spirit faces started to twist in pain calling forward an Evil Curse that was immediately strengthen by the avatar Item of the Plaguebringer and started moving towards the village.

The Witch Doctors pulled out their hex dolls and also use their own Baleful Auras to fight the curse with a curse of their own.

In the meantime, the earth shook as 100 warriors move forward with the protection of Eidolic Wards from their Witch Doctors towards the dark cloud coming their way in the shape of a giant skull which made their stand up. The Ogre's might be similar to beast but they were not cowards, the sinister aura didn't deterred them from moving forward to engage their enemy.



The defensive skills came out in succession and the ones using shields and swords were the first one to move inside the curse, their goal was the Green Energy Val'gun at the back.

The Martial Art Shield Barrage was used to move forward while battering anything that stood in front and as they gain momentum their speed took also took a boost that propel them forward. The third tiers made it to the other side but any warrior below that threshold had their life drain by the evil spirits and fell dead to the ground with their faces showing painful expressions.

At the entrance of the village the curse was stop in his tracks by the Witch Doctor's Hex dolls that changed to an abyss black color while absorbing the nasty evil spirits that devoured their own curse before continuing towards them.

All the Ogre Witch Doctors had already released their Wraith Totemic Incarnations and were murmuring none stop communicating with the spirits trying to strengthen their powers.

"Somebody is coming for the item, it feels like we are fighting lady Louxx herself"

Good Morning guys/girls

I hope you enjoyed the chapter and that you have a good weekend. Thank you for your support

b2basicscreators' thoughts