
Make It to the Top 5

The Elders all stared at Chu Fan. Who was this child to try and bargain with the elders? What bargaining chips did he hold in his possession? Was he just bluffing?

"Hahaha! Very interesting. Let's see how you plan to amuse us elders here. State your proposal." bellowed Su Chow. He was very curious about Chu Fan's ability now, considering how he was able to argue with the elders of the sect with little to no fear of what would happen to him.

Chu Fan began to walk about while elaborating.

"It's a rather simple wager. Tell me, our sect is hosting the inter-sect tournament next year, am I correct?"

The elders nodded and immediately understood Chu Fan's intention. An elder pointed her hand at Chu Fan.

"You underestimate the inter-sect tournament. How will this get you out of your punishment? What do you plan to accomplish?"

Chu Fan smiled and continued with his pacing.

"I am willing to wager that I can enter the top 10 lists for three categories. If I can do this, can we forget the matter of my punishment?"

Su Chow then began chuckling.

"As long as one of those categories is the Solo Battles category, we have no issue. And make it to the top 5 of the categories you participate in. If you have the gall to make a wager with us elders of Skyward Sword Sect, you had better impress us while you're at it."

Chu Fan cupped his hands and bowed.

"Disciple Chu Fan understands and agrees to the set conditions. Shall I fail, I will be duly punished as the elders see fit."

The elders all nodded in satisfaction and smiled to one another. If this brat failed in becoming one of the top five in any category including the Solo Battles, he could only blame himself. And they were all happy with getting to determine his punishment, if he failed.

Chu Fan turned to walk off the platform on which he stood when he remembered something. He stopped mid-step and turned his head around.

"I also have a matter that needs the sect's help." he cupped his hands together and bowed again towards the elders.

"Speak, what do you need now?" said an elder.

Chu Fan brought forth his Heaven Cleaver and brandished for the elders to see.

"If I may be so bold as to ask; could the sect spread rumors of the God of Cookery's inheritance being found?"

The elders were all puzzled, they all looked at each other. They then, began to inspect the knife in Chu Fan's hands. These elders were too young to really know what the Heaven Cleaver looked like. Vault Keeper Wang was an exception as he fully utilized his access to prohibited records, whereas the others only accessed secret cultivation arts.

"Who is this God of Cookery? Is he connected to that knife of yours?"

Su Chow knew this blade very well; he had only seen it once in his life and it was imprinted in his memory. He interrupted, waving his hand; which blew a strong gust of wind that force the giant doors to the hall open. Many disciples with their faces and ears pressed against the giant doors were flung about, landing on others and falling unconscious; but still, many disciples rushed to the entrance to get a peak of what was going on inside.

"Very well! Heed my order disciples of Skyward Sword Sect! News of the God of Cookery's inheritance in the sect shall be spread wherever any disciple goes."

"Who is this 'God of Cookery' person? Why would we need to spread news of his inheritance being found?" asked many disciples. Only an exclusive few knew of who Su Chow spoke of, as it was not particularly hard to perceive.

Chu Fan turned around, transforming his Heaven Cleaver back into a bracelet, and left the platform he was standing on. He had escaped his punishment only temporarily, but a temporary win for him was still a win. Su Chow continued in his words.

"And I have high expectations for the results of next years inter-sect tournament. Be sure to cultivate and get good results, or else."

In fear, all the disciples took a step back and bowed. This was their queue to get back to cultivating.

"Yes, Former Sect Chief!"

Chu Fan exited the Hall of Elders where he was swarmed by many disciples. Yao Lingyan and the others were mixed in with this giant sea of disciples.

"What did you do? Is it true that your planning a massacre with the Divine Demon Butcher?"

"How come you are unscathed? How did you do it?"

"Talk, tell us something. Stop it with that delirious smiling."

Chu Fan was currently in a euphoric state, his adrenaline had run dry and his mind was currently releasing endorphins. He dropped to his knees and his four closest friends ran over to pick him up.

"I could have died. One wrong word, and they could have killed me effortlessly. You would have saved me right? Ling'er? A'Bao? Han'er? A'Lian?"

They all walked him over to the steps where they seated him down.

"Back off! Give the man some air." stated Da Bao.

"Yeah, make way. He's short of breath. Stop hogging the air." said Tian Han.

The two girls checked on his vitals, wiping his sweat and giving him water.

"You'll be fine Chu Fan. You've faced death many times by now. What's another few encounters going to hurt, right?" Yao Lingyan said as she tried to console Chu Fan.

Hun Lian was holding a pouch of water and pouting.

"Father and Grandpa didn't have to be so rough. I'll teach them a lesson later."

The five Hallmasters alongside Sect Chief Hun Xiao and Su Yin exited the Hall of Elders.

"All you disciples present, have you too much free time? So much that you have forgotten the Former Sect Chief's words. He has high expectations for each and every one of you as representatives of the sect. So go back to your cultivating, I don't want to repeat myself."

The disciples stood still for a second as they all visualized the harsh punishment they would receive for disobeying the Sect Chief's orders. In a flash, many of the disciples vanished as if they were mere shadows. The Hallmasters of Scorching Peak, Boulder Peak, Iron Peak, and River-Flowing Peak soon departed as well. All those left were Chu Fan's party, Hallmaster Chen Si, Sect Chief Hun Xiao, and Su Yin.

"Father, I'll never forgive you and grandfather for hurting Chu Fan!"

Hun Xiao was furious.

"Hmph! A month ago, you said that you regretted your friendship with Chu Fan. Now you don't acknowledge me or your grandfather? I thought that blood was thicker than water, but I can see now that this water is very sweet and unforgettable: so much so that my blood and tears over the years are wasted."

"Aiya! Quit being such a romantic Hun Xiao. Your daughter is grown up now. You need to respect her right to choose who she likes. Only time will tell if this child is worthy."

Su Yin dragged Sect Chief Hun Xiao away, he was sobbing like a child; a truly demeaning action for a sect chief. To save his reputation, she quickly opened a portal to their residence and dragged him in before others could see.

Hallmaster Chen Si picked up Chu Fan and pet him on the head.

"You did great in there. Better than most of us would have fared against such prominent members of the sect. Work hard in the future and live up to your part of the bargain. I'll be off now also."

The only ones left were Chu Fan and his friends left. Seeing Chu Fan act like so, they pitied their happy-go-lucky friend as they saw for the first time that he was susceptible to the thing they called fear.

"Chu Fan, no matter how tough things get from now on, we will stand beside you."

"I wouldn't mind becoming your sworn brother, either."

Chu Fan was touched, he lifted his head to look at the two boys next to him.

"Alright, brothers it is then. I shall never abandon you, no matter how dire the situation may be."

Da Bao and Tian Han grabbed Chu Fan by the shoulders and helped him up.They knelt to the heavens as witness upon the steps leading to the Hall of Elders; these three swore their loyalty to one another, to share in each others happiness and suffering.

They got up, laughing as they pat each other on the shoulders.

"Okay! Big Brothers, what say we go and celebrate at the cafeteria. I'll be personally cooking."

"Alright, let's go to the cafeteria then!"

The boys began walking when they were interrupted by a shout.

"How long are you going to ignore us? Did you forget about us two also?" stated Hun Lian

Chu Fan turned around and folded his arms together.

"And I thought you weren't talking to me? Have you missed me in the past month?"

Hun Lian pouted her face and approached Chu Fan slowly with her head lowered.

*mumble* *mumble*

He moved his face closer to hear her words.

"What was that?"

She raised her head, slamming into Chu Fan's face and knocking him back a couple of steps.

"Ah! I' sorry all right. I wanted to say sorry. It was wrong of me to judge you like I did."

Chu Fan pet her on the head while rubbing his sore nose.

"It's fine. I have no say in your family affairs.....yet anyways."

His two sworn brothers put him in a headlock and dragged him away. They left Hun Lian where she stood, blushing. Yao Lingyan rolled her eyes and grabbed Hun Lian, following the group of boys.

"A mighty bold statement coming from you, Chu Fan. Come on, we're getting hungry!"

When they arrived at the cafeteria, they were greeted by Nian Gao and Chun Juan who were delighted to see their master's safe return.

"Hahaha! Did you behave while I was gone?"

His friends began scratching their heads as he asked that question.

"Uh, about that. The other day, Nian Gao bit someone."

Chu Fan's face froze for a second.


"Ye Qing, he was bitten just yesterday and vowed to return today."
