
Torturing Justin

Let's all admit it, ladies and gentlemen, we do not like our customers. At all. They all sing the same melodies, and they roar the same speech. It's all too tiring to see miserable people flocking our doorsteps every goddamn time. However, what if we can find a meticulous person with Patience, Energy, Neatness, Integrity, and Skills? What if I tell you that there is a person out there who rejoices when they see these negative people? Would you believe me if I say that someone is out there who would happily face our sad, sad customers here in the Organization?

That's right, people. All of these qualities. You can see it on the screen. Subject 1 not only finds solace in the idea of meeting people with a lot of baggage, but he also has the quality that we strive to find among our leaders.

Patience, Energy, Neatness, Integrity, and Skills.

We need a leader who has PENIS.

It's just a joke! It's just a joke, okay? We like having fun here in the Organization! It's just a joke!

Anyway yeah, PENIS, amirite? Haha! Boy, let me tell ya what, this guy right here has a never-ending supply of those! Especially after what he did with Justin after refusing to kill him voluntarily. Now, allow this actual demonstration to prove to you that Subject 1 knows well how to deal with people with some level of self-loathing with them. Not only that, but he also finds joy in meeting with them, talking with them, and interacting with them. Let's go on and play the video clip of what happened during the, quote and quote, "torture" that the man did to Justin.

"You have a beautiful body, Justin."

Now hold that quote for a moment before we move on to the nitty-gritty of this part. It is a fact that Justin is hot. That is the fact that we cannot even if you're not interested in men. He has a smooth skin, he has a toned body, his face is soft, and his ass is well... of a considerable size. Now, I'm not here to discuss how much of an eye-candy Justin is, I'm here to talk about what Subject 1 said.

"You have a beautiful body, Justin."

We will dwell more on that quote, but we will not do so by analyzing the man's preference in his partner's body. Him having a fetish or body type that he likes is beside the point. What I'm trying to get here is the fact that the man lied.

Subject 1 absolutely does not believe that Justin has a beautiful body.

However, he indeed wanted to have sex with him regardless of that fact.

This is all because of an unconscious side in the man that made him wish to fuck the ever-living shit out of Justin just because the man likes the absolutely pathetic state his prey is in right now.

"I want you to teach me how to use all these toys properly. We will be using you as educational material."

And for the most part, Justin complied; he allowed the man to use his body happily and submissively to aid him in his educational ventures. This is a turning point in the life of Subject 1 because it awakened a deep-seethed desire within his heart that screams about how much he wanted to use sex toys.

Whenever Subject 1 said, "Tell me how to use this." or "Tell me what this does."

Justin would willingly comply by saying, "Yes, Sir."

Subject 1 would leave the room to get more toys and whatnot that shop sells to use it on Justin along with a detailed explanation from the willing cashier personnel as he bathed in pleasure in the hands of the man. Quite literally.

Subject 1 frowned while looking at a small bottle in his hands. "So you're saying if you sniff this, then you would get hornier?"

"Yes, Sir! Just put the hole directly beside your nostrils, and you would feel dizzier but also hornier." Justin smiled as he felt Subject 1 thrusting an 8-inch dildo in his hole. "You should try it too for the firsthand experience!" Justin continued amid a series of moans.

"... I will do it later." The man whispered as he put the poppers on the side.

This kind of lecture-based sex that's happening between them would go on without them knowing that time was quickly creeping towards them.

Subject 1 raised his eyebrow. "So, you're telling me that you can make someone feel good by choking them?"

"Yes, Sir!" Justin drooled as he exclaimed with excitement, getting hornier each time he said the word 'Sir,' especially knowing that he's willingly submitting himself to a man of his dreams. "If you choke me here right now by pressing my Adam's apple, then you would definitely suffocate me in a way that it would hurt..."

"Uh-huh?" The man responded after seeing that Justin drowned in pleasure so much that the cashier personnel had stopped thinking for a moment.

Justin gasped as he tried to keep his composure while a new set of a bead-like dildo is now penetrating through his opening. "But if you choke me on the sides of my Adam's apple by cupping your hands into the shape of a parabola, then you would only suffocate me enough to keep some of the oxygen in my body away from my brain."

The man grunted upon hearing this. "I don't quite get it."

Justin saw that the man had stopped moving his hands and seemed to be radiating some kind of wrathful aura around him. This alarmed Justin but not because it might incur the man's murderous side but because this might mean that the man would not be pleased with him anymore and stop 'using' him. Justin delighted in the thought that Subject 1 is 'using' his body. In fact, he even thought that Subject 1 is 'superior' to him in more ways than one. In fact, this rope bound guy relished on reminding everyone about how much he believed in this philosophy. For Justin, he is nothing but a hole for a real man like Subject 1 to use. A real negative and pathetic mindset suited for a disgusting person like this pig named Justin.

"Um... I'm so sorry, Sir. An inferior trash like me is not smart enough to teach a real man like you, Sir. I wish I could demonstrate it properly instead..."

Make no mistake, Subject 1 intended to kill Justin from the very beginning. In fact, the only reason why Subject 1 is enjoying the fact that he kept him alive is because of how fucking miserable Justin sounds like every time he opens his god damn mouth, like oink, oink, fuck me, oink, oink. It's so... Iieegh! Disgusteeeeng!

But still, Subject 1...

... Intends...

... To kill...

... Justin. 

And for the most part, Justin is aware of this, but he still allowed himself to be used as an object by Subject 1 willingly and unconditionally without asking for a reward. In fact, being of use to Subject 1 is the only reward that Justin could ever ask for now that he is very much aware that he's facing the last few pages of the book of his story. That is precisely because Justin didn't care about his life anymore, that's how low he is right now; the only thing he ever wanted now is to serve the man with what little story he had left.

However, Subject 1 still didn't kill Justin. In fact, he should have done that from the very beginning before tying him up, but that really is the biggest enigma in this part of this story. The man has a hundred percent certainty of killing Justin if he just did it at that time, but he didn't. He could have easily killed Justin and disposed of his body quickly while he was still unconscious, but he didn't.

And frankly, I don't fucking know too. None of us understands Subject 1's logic behind this particular choice. Fuck if I know! 

There is absolutely no reason for Justin to live.

And yet here we are.

"Would you be able to demonstrate it properly if I let your hands free?" Subject 1 asked as he took his trusted small knife in his pocket. I know, it's such an absurd thing to say; it's definitely out of character for him to do this.

"S-sir?" Justin was just as surprised as all of us when we heard this.

"I say I'm going to cut the rope. Would that help you teach me how to choke properly."

"Uh... I..." Justin was confused and dumbfounded for a moment, but he suddenly thought that this is not the time for him to think. Heck, he even felt that it's not his place to think; the man is already doing it for him. The only thing he needs to do now is to obey.

And obey, he did.

"Y-yes, Sir! Absolutely, Sir! I can serve you and do so much more for you if you give a useless boy like me such a great opportunity, Sir!" Justin said with the biggest smile on his face as he flushed red, thinking about all the things he could do together with his new Owner.

Thus, the man cut the ropes and unbound Justin. Subject 1 didn't even consider the possibility of his prey fighting back or revolting against him, and he was right for judging that way. After all, once unstrained, the first thing  Justin did was to kneel before his captor while choking himself using both his hands.

Gleefully, he demonstrated his point and showed the man the proper way of choking which delighted Subject 1 as if he was shut from Earth to the heavens above.

Until it happened... Subject 1 moved his head towards the direction of the door upon hearing it.

"Justin?" A woman's voice resounded outside of the room, and they heard the silent footsteps of someone, heading towards the middle of the store after closing the front door. "What the fuck happened here? Justin! Justin, are you here! Hello?"

Subject 1 quickly diverted his gaze towards Justin, who was now trembling as he knelt on the floor.

"My... My coworker..." Justin whispered as he looked at the wall clock above the door of the storage room. 3:13 pm. His shift is done.

The man tried to think of ways he could leave this place, but he soon realized that there was nowhere for him to escape because the back door of the store is located on the other side of the counter. Such a stupid design.

He took a deep breath as he looked at the now crying and trembling Justin. Subject 1 knows that his prey is not shaking this way because he was afraid to die or to be caught in the act; Justin is scared of ending whatever sort of relationship they had made. However, that's not the main problem at hand now. Subject 1 pulled his own hair hard as he looked around the room, scouring for ways to deal with this development as he heard the woman's footsteps drawing nearer towards the storage room. He had no choice but to face whoever this woman is.

"Stay there." Subject 1 whispered as he heard the clanking sounds of keys directly outside of the door.

And then, BAM! It opened! The door swung open, revealing a dark-skinned, African-American woman who was shocked and disgusted upon seeing Justin kneeling on the ground with all sorts of bodily fluids covering his body. She took a few steps forward as a repulsed expression covered her face.

"What the..." Before the woman could say whatever he had in mind, it had already hit her.

The dark-skinned woman didn't realize that Subject 1 was prowling at the corner of the storage room right beside the door, waiting for her arrival. She would have managed to see him if she wasn't so surprised upon seeing the horrendous state of Justin right after opening the door.

With this, Subject 1 managed to hit the back of her head with a foldable metal chair hanging around the corner of the storage room. And for the record, this is not our doing. The shop really just has a folding chair lying around the corner for no fucking reason, fuck if I know. The point is that the man kept hitting the lady's head until she stopped moving, but it wasn't enough to kill her.

And this is precisely what the man wanted to do.

"Justin..." The man said while panting as he wiped his face with his T-shirt.

Justin's heart skipped a beat upon hearing the man saying his name for the first time. He didn't ask himself as to why the man knew who he was and just replied, "Y-yes, Sir?"

"Is this Patricia?" The man said while pointing at the unconscious lady on the floor.

"How..." Justin was about to ask the man how he knew about their names, but he thought that it was none of his business to pry on his Owner's knowledge. "Yes, Sir!" He happily replied even after knowing that his coworker was lying, almost lifeless, on the ground.

"Okay... alright... Okay. Whoo!" The man said while trying to calm himself down. "Justin, I want you to take that rope over there and tie Patricia on the table."

"Yes, Sir!" Without a hint of hesitation, Justin obeyed his Owner's command.

"This woman is going to be our quiz today." Subject 1 chuckled before throwing the foldable chair from whence he took it, making Justin flinch in response. "Let's see how much I learned, eh?"
