

Ahh, Laura.

I'm sorry, ladies and gentlemen, I know the report I am giving you right now is not funny, but I just can't stop myself from laughing. Oh, Laura! That dumb bitch was easy; she's probably his most natural target! The word kidnap is too big of a word to describe what he did to her. There was no need for the man to paralyze her or to hurt her or to beg her. None of those are necessary to kidnap someone as stupid as Laura.

All the man ever needed to do was to ask Laura politely with that godforsaken charming smile of his. Instantly, like a thunderbolt hitting the lower half of her body, she agreed without a second thought.

The man combed his greasy hair with his fingers, massaging every strand he could catch gently on his fingertips, but in doing so, he made his already messy hairstyle turn even messier than ever before. "May I take you to my van?" He said while licking his lips, twice.

Laura looked at the man. When the man asked those words to her, she was watering the plants in her front yard. "Why would I do such a thing?"

"Because you're v-very beauty-ti-tiful, and I want to t-touch you-ou." The man said as he scraped his hand on his neck while he wiped his other palm on the surface of his dirt-filled jogging pants.

Laura looked at the man's bulging eyes. Both of them did not move. Perhaps the thick layers of blackness underneath his eyes bothered her? The man, however, believed that an awkward atmosphere loomed around them because of his neon violet sweatshirt and floral jogging pants. He couldn't retain locking his gaze on Laura and diverted his eyes to his worn-out, black rubber shoes.

As I said, the man only asked. He did so most uneasily and abnormally! And what do you know!? Two weeks later, Laura was already found dead, flowing like a log in the river. Nobody talked about her much, though, when they found out about Laura, of course, the gossip spread! However, after her funeral, it was as if it never happened at all! The people talked about Mary, the village whore, again like Laura's death did not exist after shedding a few tears for her. It was funny, so laughable that the man talked about it religiously in the online forum he frequently visited.

Well, at least people talked about Laura for a little bit. Compared to her, nobody noticed that Chris disappeared. Heck, nobody even talked about him when his parents reported him as missing. Then again, even the boy's parents did not feel any worries about his whereabouts because they thought he's just somewhere out there in the wilderness or in nature's embrace where he belongs. Well, to be fair, they're not wrong.

Anyway, let's go back to the topic at hand.

Laura was nice. She's petite, she has pale skin, she has alluring feminine features, she's short, and most importantly of all, she's unused! A virgin, alas! With a thin neck that she's not afraid to show.

Still, she's very dumb; she's stupid, she didn't even realize that the man had kept her captive because he told her that they're already married! Laura's intellect is nothing compared to her beauty. However, the man doesn't want to have just a dumber version of Mary! He craved someone else... He doesn't know what he wants, but it's not Laura. He doesn't know what it is about her that irked him so much. Subject 1 simply doesn't think that Laura is the perfect person that he's seeking. In fact, a few parts in the man's head even debated on the thought that maybe the boy he had just recently killed would be a better company, but he would never know the truthness of this statement. 

Nevertheless, he clung to her. He goes to bed with her. He prohibits her from leaving the house, but since Laura is too dense to understand the gravity of her situation, she did so without question. He even read the bible with her, and for two months, he was confident that he was having the best time of his life with her. He genuinely treats her as his wife, and Laura did so to him. She treated him like his husband, both in the house, most notably in bed. Laura is a pure and kind-hearted saint that Subject 1 was looking for, unlike Mary! She's not that cock-hungry whore. Laura is the woman a man thinks about when they ask themselves who their dream girl is. Such a shame. If only she knew how to answer two times two, or any question an elementary-school student could answer, for that matter.

Hearing the quiet Laura moan loud in submission while the man used her body is a reason good enough for him to keep her. He would wrap his arms around her neck to feel the sensation of how it would pulse on his palm. Bump, bump, bump, every time he thrust his hip forward, he could feel her pulse hastening. He would want to feel the way it felt when she swallowed her saliva. The way her throat moves in a somewhat downward descent in between the man's thumbs and forefingers made him feel alive. He relished the hotness of her pale, smooth neck more than anything she could offer him. Just the thought of his hands wrapping almost the entirety of her neck was enough to make him drool as if his mouth contained a dam of saliva dripping on his woman's face. She would then accept his spit while he gently choked her feeble neck; sometimes, she would even open her mouth with her tongue out to swallow the man's fluids. He would kiss her neck every time; he would even lick it if given a chance. The sheer feeling of tasting, touching, smelling, and seeing her neck would drive him insane every day until it erupts into a massive orgasm that would burst onto Laura's pale and thin body. Every ticking second that passes without Laura's neck around his immediate vicinity would drive the blood in his body into a never-ending race from out of his fiercely beating heart. If given the opportunity, he would nibble her nape as he wrapped his arms around her waist while she's cooking just to remind her who owns her.

And she would allow all of these advances like a loyal puppy, wagging her tail to receive her master's treat.

She's his bitch. That's what I'm trying to say. 

Subject 1 even bought a ring for her. He remembers how fast his heartbeat was when he saw Laura's expression. Her face was beet red when he slid her finger through the ring for the first time. In the man's head, those days he spent with her was a time filled with ecstasy. He even had those nights where he doesn't want to have sex with Laura. He just wants to kiss her gently on her lips and hug her tightly as the night passes. He felt something he didn't have for a woman like Mary. He felt something different from the happiness he felt when he heard the boy's neck snap with a crack compared to the euphoria he experienced with Laura. He felt joy, he felt loved, and he felt special. For a man like him, only Laura possesses the truest form of innocence that only love could give.

Then again, she's stupid, worse than a middle school kid. I mean, come on, put yourself on the man's shoes, you don't want to associate yourself with someone as dumb as that. He wants to have an actual conversation with someone who has something good to say and not a perfectly-programmed android wife. She's a 1950s man's dream, but for him, she's nothing but a blank slate, a nightmare!

Whelp, can't help it.

Laura needs to go.

"It's so weird for you to ask me to go out suddenly like this, darling. What's gotten into you?" Laura said while packing all of her clothes, the clothes the man bought for her.

"Is it really weird for me to ask my wife to have a date with me?" The man approached Laura and hugged her tightly, kissing her neck. "Is it weird for me to ask the most beautiful woman on Earth to have a picnic with me?"

Laura flushed. She faced the man and kissed him repeatedly, not intending to stop pecking his lips. She didn't even realize that the man is not returning the same affection to her.

She giggled when she saw that the man's lip turned beet red because of her lipstick. "Of course not." She said, feeling the man's face with her hands. "Where are we going anyway, darling? I don't think I fancy the food in Betty's restaurant; her food is not very romantic!"

"We're going near the mountain cliff. I always wanted to have a picnic there with you! I want to show you that not even the beautiful scenery of the river beneath the cliff could beat your beauty." He said while caressing her neck with both his arms.

She went to the picnic with him that day. He was, oh, so cautious, he doesn't want anyone to see them together, but he also doesn't want to alarm Laura with his twitchy behavior. When they were already by themselves, sitting near the cliff alone, at last, it was as if the man threw the weight of the heavens itself on Laura's homemade apple pie. After all, this will be the last time he'll have a taste of her homemade food.

They enjoyed each other's company. They chatted along with the chirping of the distant birds. They laughed as they heard the sound of the rushing wave hitting the stones below the cliff. They told each other how they loved one another as the northern breeze hit the leaves in the forest. There was nothing around them, so their surroundings should be silent, but the rustling of the leaves along with the sharp slaps of the afternoon breeze produced a shrill noise all around them. From the way Laura's eyes twitched and her grin slowly faded into a cautious smile, the man realized that she's not thrilled with the looming daemons of nature's embrace around them. 


The man is feeling confused, does he want to end this beautiful thing he had with Laura? Is he that earnest about disposing of this immaculate icon of a woman? Is he willing to go back to his lonely time with himself and gave up the blissful and innocent life he had with Laura? Does he want another whore knocking on his van's door?


Does he really want to kill Laura?

"Baby?" the man whispered in a shudder.

Is he really willing to end this relationship he had made with her just like in a single day?
