
A Familiar Scent

Jayde stiffened as she heard the sound of claws scraping against the stone floor of the cave, drawing her sword she motioned for Reiko to move right, while she moved to the left. She was hoping to trap the creature between them.

Stealthily Jayde approached the area where the sound was coming from, in front of her she could just make out the rear cave wall narrowed into a walkway — the sound was coming from somewhere in the tunnel.

Although Jayde barely had any Fire Magic left, she managed to conjure a small fireball in her left hand, holding her sword tightly in her right hand, she entered the walkway.

The walkway was just wide enough for both Jayde and Reiko to walk side by side. With the fireball lighting up the way, Jayde and Reiko proceeded down the tunnel alert for any dangers. Just up ahead Jayde could see that the walkway curved to the left. Thinking that this would be a perfect place for an ambush, Jayde indicated to Reiko to stop.

Both of them stood there listening, hearing a small shuffling noise, Jayde raised her sword, then she lunged around the bend.

A high pitched yelp echoed through the tunnel.

[NO! STOP JAYDE!] Reiko screamed in Jayde's mind.

Jayde froze where she stood, her sword raised, ready to deliver the death blow.

Confused she looked at Reiko, then at the creature that was crying in front of her. It looked similar to a lizard — a weird lizard Jayde thought, but then none of the creatures on Doha were the same as the animals that she was familiar with from the Federation.

[Please tell me you didn't hurt it] Reiko begged.

"What the hell is going on Reiko?" Jayde had never seen Reiko is such a state.

Ignoring her Reiko made soft purring sounds, as he lowered himself down and belly crawled slowly to the lizard creature.

[You scared her] Reiko said accusingly.

Lifting her hand to scratch her head, Jayde noticed that she still had her sword in her hand, realizing that there was no threat, she quickly sheathed her sword, but she was bewildered about Reiko behavior.

The lizard creature had stopped crying when Reiko had started purring, cocking her head she looked at Reiko fearfully. Reiko carried on with his purring, to Jayde it looked as though he was trying to comfort the small thing.

Leaning against the wall, Jayde watched the odd scene in front of her.

After Reiko reached the small lizard, he nuzzled the little lizards head, and then he did the weirdest thing that Jayde had ever seen him do, he began to softly croon.

Reiko's song was strangely beautiful, Jayde could have sworn that as he hummed she could smell the scent of the forest, hear the birds chirping, the insects buzzing and feel the sun shining down on her, a wonderful sense of well-being filled her.

Reiko sang to the little lizard for a couple of minutes and when he finished the little lizard was cuddled in between his paws, her whole body leaning against his chest. Turning his head Reiko looked at Jayde.

[She's an Argentate Draco.] Reiko said his voice filled with awe.

[A what?] Jayde had never heard of an Argentate Draco.

[A Silver Dragon, they have been extinct on Doha for over a million years.]

[Dragon! Are you sure?]

Looking at the tiny creature snuggled up to Reiko's chest, Jayde was flabbergasted.

[Yes, definitely that was the strange scent that I was smelling, no wonder I kept on thinking I should know this scent.]

Jayde was really confused.

[Reiko, if Silver Dragon went extinct over a million years ago, why would you find her scent familiar?]

[Every Shadowbeast mother passes on their memories to their unborn children, our memories stretch back millions of years, but memories from so long ago are hard to access, which is why I couldn't recall the scent, it just smelled familiar to me, as though I should know it.]

[Oh] Jayde really didn't know what else to say, she was amazed at the Shadowbeasts ability to pass on racial memories.

[Mother gave you some of her memories just before she died] Reiko reminded her.

Jayde still hadn't had time to go through all the information that Kameko had given her, during the magical training she had accessed the information of Fire Magic, but she hadn't had the time to assimilate the rest of the information.


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