
Finally My True Self(3)

While Lu Fang Xiu practice, she soon notices that she has to eat supper and go to sleep. It was school tomorrow after all.

«Shun'er, Ju'er.» The two of them step forward and bow. «Yes, princess?» Lu Fang Xiu stop with practice and look at them.

«I'm hungry.» Lu Fang Xiu didn't need to say more before Fu Shun and Kun Ju began to help her up the stairs.

Kun Ju used her element to "blow" the torches. Soon they walked out and into Lu Fang Xiu's room.

Fu Shun walked out the door and went to the kitchen to get food, while Kun Ju took Lu Fang Xiu to the dining room.

Li Yin sat on the chair next to Lu Fang Xiu's with his own food. It didn't take long before her food came. It was basically just fruits and tea.

Lu Fang Xiu's weak body needed special attention in all sorts of ways. Especially her food.

To breakfast, she gets fruit salad or bread. To lunch, she gets tea and small snacks. To dinner, she gets more food, but not too much or too less. And for supper is tea and sliced fruit.

Li Yin ate his food in delight, while Lu Fang Xiu picked her fruit up with the wind element. For a while, she just stared at it.

Kun Ju just stared not knowing what to do. She was not sure what she was supposed to do around the new Lu Fang Xiu.

Usually, Kun Ju would know exactly what Lu Fang Xiu was thinking, but now. She felt like this Lu Fang Xiu were a totally different person.

Soon Fu Shun walked in with a messenger following behind him. «Princess, you got a message from the emperor.»

Lu Fang Xiu stopped playing with her food and looked up. Luckily she still had her veil on, but that didn't stop the messager to stare.

Half her face was still visible and that was enough to make one understand that there was a beautiful face behind it.

Kun Ju saw that Lu Fang Xiu's mouth seemed to twitch a little. Almost unnoticed, but both Kun Ju and Fu Shun saw it.

Kun Ju was the first to react by glaring at the messenger. The messenger didn't notice before Fu Shun coughed.

The messenger got out of his daze only to be welcomed by three deadly glares(Li Yin too). He swallowed before he took out the scroll from his sleeve and began to read.

«Your highness princess Yating Xiulan, his majesty the emperor has given the order to give you the title as the crown princess on your birthday.»

«Hăo.» Lu Fang Xiu wasn't exactly surprised. She's the only child of the Empress. Who else could be the crown princess?

*Hăo means ok

While Lu Fang Xiu was in her own world. The messenger gulped. Both Fu Shun and Kun Ju were giving icy glares.

«Shun'er give me paper and brush. Ju'er please get the ink.» They both nod and get the things. Soon they both come back.

Lu Fang Xiu take the brush and gracefully begin to write. It surprised them greatly to see her write so gracefully.

Usually, Lu Fang Xiu would ask one of them to write. Her handwriting was terrible, but this was far from terrible.

When Lu Fang Xiu gave Kun Ju the scroll/letter(doesn't exactly know what they use), she almost drops her jaw.

It was the most beautiful handwriting Kun Ju had ever seen. She gave it to Fu Shun(who also got shocked), who gave it to the messenger.

The messenger did drop his mouth. He gaped and Lu Fang Xiu swore she saw a fly, fly in and out of his mouth.

Li Yin could only sigh in silence at the situation. Lu Fang Xiu's handwriting was beautiful only because of Bai Fang Xiu.

Bai Fang Xiu wrote all the time when she came back from missions and assignments. She was after all the leader of the most dangerous squad.

Bai Fang Xiu had to write often, so of course, her writing was beautiful. Lu Fang Xiu had Bai Fang Xiu's soul. It is granted that she still writes beautifully.


After the messenger left, Lu Fang Xiu went back to her food. She still didn't eat much, but it was better than nothing.

Lu Fang Xiu began to yawn. Kun Ju and Fu Shun knew it was time for bed. They ordered the other servants to clean up.

While they help Lu Fang Xiu to bed. Li Yin went to his own little bed. He looked once more at his mistress before going to sleep.

Lu Fang Xiu hated to be tired. She always slept enough. Sleep was an important thing and she knew it better than anyone else.

In her past life. Bai Fang Xiu always made sure everyone had slept well before going on a mission and during a mission.


The next day, Lu Fang Xiu woke up early and decided to put the poisonous needles in her hair this time, instead of her sleeves. Or she could put it in both.

Lu Fang Xiu just put in both. While she walks around the room. Li Yin had woken up from the noise and decided to see what his mistress was doing.

«Li Yin.» Li Yin looked up and tilted his head. Lu Fang Xiu bent down to lift him up, which he gladly accepts.

Li Yin hops up into her arms nuzzling against Lu Fang Xiu's cheek. She smiled but went back to normal when the door opened.

«Good morning princess.» Fu Shun and Kun Ju greet and bow. Then they start the normal morning routine.

Kun Ju helped Lu Fang Xiu change, while Fu Shun got the breakfast. Li Yin went to get the hairpin. He gave it to Kun Ju, so she could put it in Lu Fang Xiu's hair.

After that, Lu Fang Xiu only need to eat breakfast and wait for the carriage to arrive.

While Lu Fang Xiu ate. She thought about the former Lu Fang Xiu. If she was so weak. Why does her body harbor so much power?

Lu Fang Xiu still couldn't believe that her health was so weak, while her powers were so strong. She hates it. Hate that the body is weak.

Li Yin could feel his mistress's anger and irritation. He walks over to Lu Fang Xiu and stroke her hand with his tail.

«Mistress. You will find a way to cure your illness, but for now. Just concentrate on becoming stronger and learn more about this world.»

Lu Fang Xiu nod and finish her fruit salad. Fu Shun takes the bowl to the kitchen. Kun Ju follows Lu Fang Xiu and Li Yin to the gate. Fu Shun comes after.

«Shun'er, Ju'er. Please don't lose patience at school and control your anger. I can feel it.» They both nod.

The carriage was already there, waiting for Lu Fang Xiu to get in.

«Meimei Xiu'er, come sit beside me!» Lu Lan Xia pat the spot next to her with a smile. Lu Fang Xiu nod and sit down.

«Good morning Yun gege, Chen gege and Xia jiejie.» Lu Fang Xiu bow her slightly and lift it up. The three siblings smile at their adorable little Xiu'er.

«Good morning xiao Xiu'er.» They all greet in their own way and Lu Fang Xiu pull up the veil from her face.

Lu Fang Xiu sigh in relief now that the veil didn't tickle her chin or made her sight weird and blurry. She smiles at her siblings and asked Lu Lan Xia what she had on her plan today.

Lu Lan Xia thought for a while before answering. «I have qin lesson and literature. I also have politics, poetry, and dance.»

Lu Lan Xia is a qin prodigy and dance prodigy. She also has a lot of knowledge about plants and herbs.

Lu Fang Xiu nod and ask Lu Han Chen the same. He doesn't need to think long and answer almost right away.

«Today I have magic, swordsmanship, magical beasts, and politics.» Lu Han Chen is a swordsmanship prodigy, martial arts prodigy and archery prodigy.

Lu Fang Xiu knew her own plan and she has every class except for one with Lu Xian Yun today. They have history, poetry and martial arts together.

But the last class, Lu Fang Xiu are alone without any of her siblings. It is music. Lu Xian Yun has strength training. None of her siblings had music.

Lu Fang Xiu knew that Fu Shun and Kun Ju would be in the shadows protecting her, but they couldn't hurt the students. Every student here is from important families.

The ride didn't last long. And they were at the academy in no time.

Lu Fang Xiu pulled down the veil and waited till her siblings had gotten off. She got help from Lu Xi Jun(third brother) to get down off the carriage.

They all walked to the pavilion to wait for the classes to start. Li Yin sat on Lu Fang Xiu's shoulder almost invisible. He just stared at the surroundings.

Lu Fang Xiu knew that Li Yin wished to transform, but he couldn't do it. Since they were almost never alone.

Lu Fang Xiu noticed from her memory, that every single one of her siblings were prodigies in something, but none of them were good at music, except for qin and dance.

Lu Fang Xiu didn't get anymore time to think about it, because the first class began soon.

What will happen when Lu Fang Xiu attend the classes? Will she show her true self or continue to act weak? What will happen when she attended a class alone? Will her illness get in the way, will she get friends or will she get enemies? Wait for the next chapter and you will know. Here is a sneak peek:

Lu Fang Xiu couldn't believe she still had her former strength and agility. She smirks and walks up to...

Lu Fang Xiu stand up making her veil flutter. Li Yin disappears to his mistress's space. She walks towards...

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