
Lyla's Thoughts

[Lyla's POV]

Ever since I was taken in as Master's slave, my life became better. Everything is provided by Master and I could continue living like this as long as I wanted. However, Master started his training.

I did not care at first as I believe all nobles are the same. They are despicable human beings that use other people for their benefits. They use their power and wealth to bully everyone with a lower status. I looked on with indifference as he continued to suffer every day.

I was sure he will stop his arduous training sooner or later. A pampered child like him will surely give up and cry at his mother's feet asking for an easier way. He does not know the ways of the world and how harsh it can be, that is why he is arrogantly saying that we can change ourselves. It was all wishful thinking.

However, he did not give up. Days turn into weeks, then months and years.

He was still full of determination as he trained in the mornings, studied in the evenings, and still took the time to talk with his family, and me.

It was what I looked forward to each day. The time master spends with me before we sleep and talk about our day.

He did not have any reason to be concerned with my needs, a slave, but he still treated me with kindness. He gave me a name, a home and a place where I experienced the feeling of having a family.

He gave me a stone as a gift for my so called birthday. It was a simple stone but this was the first time that someone gave me something out of consideration. This was the first time, since coming here that I that I felt I truly belong. I felt something within me changing day by day as I looked on my master. His face would always have the same gentle smile filled with kindness.

Because of this, I decided to learn swordsmanship as well. I asked his sister, Alicia, to teach me the basics. Alicia is a good person as well, as she did not decline my requests to learn. We have developed a close relationship due to our continuous training. Our way of training might be different from master but I did not mind as long as I can be useful to him.

I did not want to be a burden to my master, or worse, leave me behind as I was useless. It scared me knowing that each and every day, he was growing, he was leaving me behind, one step at a time, as he became further and further away from me.

I did not want that.

I do not want the only person who acknowledges my existence to leave me behind, all alone.

I had started to have a possessive feeling towards my master and it grew day by day.

I know it was not right to do so, I am but a mere slave, I could not deny my feelings.

I learned how to read, to write, to cook, to sew. Everything that might be necessary for the outside world, I wanted to learn it, so that I can help master in the future. Even with simple things I wanted to be of help. He's way of thinking was different, he wants to go on an adventure once he grows up. He wanted to discover the world, see everything and to experience everything. Most nobles would prefer to stay in their territories and lord over their subjects. However, he felt that the world is big and wondrous, that books are not enough to cover everything about our world.

But this was what I love about him.

I saw him grow up and change, as I too change. My body developed but my feelings only grew stronger.

My love continued to blossom each day.

My master who has become a young adult wanted me to have a different room for myself. He told me that it was not proper for a young lady to be staying in the same room with him. For the first time, in a long while, I cried. I could not hide my emotions, I felt that I was being thrown away because he was tired of me. I held onto master while crying my eyes out while telling him not to throw me away.

Master, seeing my reaction gave in. He told me that people might misunderstand our relationship if this continues.

I do not care if the people misunderstood, it was better.

I wanted him all to myself.

I do not want to part with master.

I wanted to be the closest to him.

It continued this way as we grow up together.

But it all changed one day. I, who thought everything will be fine, fell into despair.

It was when I was about 15 years old when my body started to have changes. This was a sign that my lineage as a succubus has started to appear. A succubus will have to pass through adulthood by devouring a man. Every night when I am near master, the urge became stronger and stronger as it affected my mind.

Since then I stayed inside the room, I was afraid to leave and encounter males outside of this room and devour them. I was torn by the fact that my existence as a half-breed will soon be known by master.

Should I flee?

Will he accept me if he knew I deceived him?

My body started to feel hot, my breathing haggard and my heartbeat was pulsing madly.

I slumped into the floor while shivering and hugging my body that desired warmth.
