
Amadeus Clae Molien

When Ves and Gloriana returned to the Austen Estate, they were more than ready to crash into their beds and catch up on the sleep they missed.

Before they left to their own bedrooms, Gloriana held her boyfriend's arm.

"There is one more issue I want to address before we retire for the night. Our masterwork mech deserves its own name."

"That sounds like a good idea."

He agreed with her, though he failed to come up with a suggestion so far. He was still preoccupied with everything that took place today to think of a good name.

"How about the Quint?" She suggested. "It's a short and succinct name. While it doesn't sound as impressive as some of the other names attached to masterwork mechs, it will give our mech the opportunity to define its own identity."

Though Ves initially thought her suggestion sounded too plain and simple, he became swayed by her argument.
