
You’re Thinking Too Much

Back in the mortal world, the Zhongs needed four days to get out of the mountains and the forest. After that, the journey got smoother: With the horses, they could cover more than double the distance of what they could tackle on foot. In only one week, they reached the gates of the capital city.

Jing Yi's eyes went wide, when he could see the high walls in the distance. He looked at Qiu Ling, waiting for him to explain.

Qiu Ling smiled. There wasn't much he could say. It had been ages since he had last set foot into the mortal realm. How would he know, what was going on there? Thinking about that … he had once proposed to visit the mortal realm with Jing He. Not as part of the crown prince's trial, but just for them to spend a little time together and have fun without people watching every step of theirs.

"That in front is the capital city. I haven't been here before, so I can't tell you more. Part of your family is living there. You should ask them, when you get there."

"Mn. I'll do that, grandfather." Jing Yi smiled sweetly again.

Mn, this smile … Qiu Ling gazed at him, lost in his thoughts again. The more time he spent here in the mortal realm with him, the more often he thought of Jing He. Seeing him would be nice. Even though I know, that his soul resides here in Zhong Jing Yi's body, this isn't the person I fell in love with, regardless. I'd love to look into Jing He's eyes again. Even if it's just for the length of a heartbeat.

Madam Zhong shifted a little uncomfortable in the saddle. She had noticed Qiu Ling's gaze and not for the first time. With each passing day, she grew a little more restless. Really, what was the reason for this man, to help them so much? It certainly wasn't as easy as having passed by that night. No, more likely, this man had known about her son's birth even before he came. His help had been given, because it was Jing Yi.

Qiu Ling pulled himself out of his thoughts and motioned to the gates. "I'll come with you into town. It would look a little strange, to bring five horses with only two people and a child. Like this, they'll just assume, we were taking a spare horse with us." He looked at Mister Zhong, to see if his future father-in-law was satisfied with this arrangement.

Mister Zhong scratched his head. "Will that be alright? Those aren't really our horses …"

Qiu Ling lifted his head. "You're too nice. These horses were probably also not the bandit's horses. They certainly just robbed them somewhere. So there's no need to think about it too deeply. Look at it this way: If you sell three or four of them, you'll be able to support your wife and child even without your cousin's support. Wouldn't that be great?"

"Yes, but —"

"You're thinking too much", piped Madam Zhong up, too. She might be curious and a little wary of Qiu Ling's motives, but she still felt like he was helping them. She trusted him.

Mister Zhong nodded. "Then we'll do it like that."

Qiu Ling didn't say anything more and the four of them made their way to the gates, where a queue had already formed. Qiu Ling dismounted. The Zhong husband and wife couple had also learned how to get onto the horse and back down again, so they didn't need his help anymore.

Soon, they reached in front of the gate. Soldiers stood on both sides, inspecting the people and their luggage, but there wasn't much to look at with the Zhongs. They had a slightly longer look at Qiu Ling, but since he looked like an old man and even one, that was immaculately dressed, they didn't want or rather didn't dare to act rashly and just let them in.

What Mister Pi had said about the capital back in the village, hadn't been completely wrong: There were a lot of influential people there, that could make life for ordinary citizens difficult with just the wave of a hand and some casual words. Of course, some of the guests were of equally high status, so someone guarding the gates wouldn't dare to rashly offend anyone. Even more so, if that someone clearly displayed the bearing of a noble.

Qiu Ling and the Zhongs went down the main road together. At one of the intersections, Qiu Ling stopped and turned around to them. "We should part ways here. Your family might already be waiting. Do you know how to find them?"

Mister and Madam Zhong exchanged a glance. They had never been to the capital before, how should they know where Mister Zhong's cousin lived? Mister Zhong looked down the street. His cousin's family seemed to have done good in the last couple of years, but it certainly wouldn't be good enough for anything more than a food stall in one of the smaller streets. How difficult could it be to find them?

And disregarding that … Mister Zhong stole a glance at Qiu Ling. He didn't feel comfortable around him. Qiu Ling might have saved him, but appearing out of thin air, looking like a young man one moment and like an old man the next, being able to summon the wind and defeating five men in a mere instant … Mister Zhong didn't like any of that. It wasn't what humans did. Not normal ones, at least. Even though his wife had said, that this daoist master wasn't a heretic practitioner and also meant them no harm, he wasn't that sure about it. He still felt, that it would be better, if they split up.

"It should be alright", he said and nodded at Qiu Ling. "Thank you again for saving us and escorting us all the way to the capital. We're really grateful."

"No need to thank me." Qiu Ling smiled and turned around to Jing Yi, patting his head again. "If something happens, just call for me. I'll be there right away. If I'm a little late, I probably had something to do. Just wait a while longer then, alright? There's no need to be afraid."

"Mn!" The boy smiled and gripped his hand. "I'll do that, grandfather!"

"Good boy." Qiu Ling squeezed his hand and turned around with a last look, disappearing between the crowd. Of course, he searched for a place out of sight, hid his figure from the eyes of the mortals and hurried back to where the Zhongs stood.

His sight landed on the relieved-looking Mister Zhong and he smiled. "Sooner or later, you're going to get used to me. After all, some day in the future, you'll be my father-in-law."

Regarding this, Qiu Ling didn't even consider for the blink of an eye, that something could prevent this outcome.
