
She Introduces Flavors and Jasmine Redirects Christian

Robin splashed her face with cold water. Then she shoved her pain and homesickness back under the thick skinned mask she had developed over six years.

'Perhaps I should be grateful that I was able to see Big Brother's face here, if only in a dream.' Robin tried to look at the bright side. She quickly dressed and used a lifestyle magic she had learned earlier.


It was a basic magic that all nobles knew. This was how they were able to keep up their appearance, even while on the road. It felt odd to suddenly become clean like that. But Robin decided it wasn't a bad thing for when you were in a hurry.

She still preferred hot baths, though, since cleanse also neutralized all scents, whether good or bad. Robin was still partial to the scent of soap.

Making sure she didn't leave anything behind, Robin emerged from her room. She promptly returned the key to the innkeeper. Then, she looked around for her party.

"Over here, Robin!" Gerard called out from a table near a window. There, the party was busy eating breakfast. Breakfast today was oatmeal, boiled eggs, dried fruit, and cinnamon tea.

As Robin sat down and ordered the same, her party members watched as she tried the oatmeal. Robin noticed this, as well as the nearly full bowls around the table. Then she lowered her head to hide her amusement. Now that she had shown her cards the other night, her companions felt that she had more cards to show. Well, in this case, she actually did. So, she decided to put on a show for them.

Robin scooped a small spoonful. It had a nice mild flavor with just a bit of sweetness. They had probably added a spoonful of honey to help it go down easier. But the oatmeal was so thick that putting her spoon into it, Robin felt she might be able to lift the whole glob of oatmeal.

"Hmm..." Robin turned her eyes to the fruit and tea. There was even a small pot of honey nearby to sweeten the tea.

"Well?" Gerard asked.

"Well, what?" Robin innocently asked Gerard.

"Aren't you gonna get any ideas on how to make this oatmeal taste way better?" Gerard asked, eagerly.

"What? You don't like how it tastes?" Robin asked.

"Mmmm, it's not that I don't like it..." Gerard struggled to explain. "But, it looked like you felt there was something... perhaps... missing from it?"

"Oh?" Robin examined Gerard closely, making him blush in embarassment over his bluff. Then Robin grinned, and ruffled Gerard's head.

"How observant you are! You are precisely right." Robin nodded. "I did have an idea for some improvements to this simple porridge. In fact, I have two ideas. But, don't tell the inkeeper, or I'll have to delay our departure in order to haggle with him all over again, okay?"

"It's a deal!" Gerard nodded.

Robin grabbed an apple, a handful of strawberries, and a banana from the fruit bowl. Then she drew out a dagger and quickly diced up the three fruits into chunks smaller that her pinky nail. Lastly, she separated the fruit into two sides. bananna and strawberry on one side, and apple on the other.

"Pick a side." Robin told Gerard.

"Why are the strawberries and bananas on one side, but only the apple is on the other?" Gerard asked, scrutinizing the two sides.

"Because the strawberries and banana bits can be added to the porridge as they are, and that will already improve the state of the porridge." Robin replied, then added. "But the side with the apple requires one more step."

Gerard's eyes twinkled as he instantly decided. "I choose apple!" He said.

"Very well." Robin divided the apple in between her and Gerard's bowls of porridge. Then she picked up the cinnamon stick left over from the cinnamon tea. the hot water had already evaporated from the stick, leaving it dry.

Robin ran her knife up and down the dried bark, scratching miniscule particles of cinnamon dust off it onto the porridge. When there was half a teaspoon's worth in both bowls, she stopped.

Then she mixed everything in the bowl thoroughly. The apple softened inside the hot porridge after about a minute, and Robin tasted the results and smiled. Then she added some of the tea and some cream to soften the already congealing glob of oatmeal. The cream was originally intended to soften the bite of the cinnamon tea. But no one was paying attention to that. Altogether, it didn't take Robin even five minutes to finish her improvements.

Jasmine chose the strawberry and banana blend instead, since she got hungry watching Robin work. Christian copied Robin's creation by cutting himself some apple, and using the rest of the cinnamon stick. But he ended up putting too much cinnamon in, so he added much more cream to his porridge than Robin did.

Ponzu experimented with other fruits like pears and peaches, and ended up liking the second choice. The knights who accompanied them, had already finished their portions, and were regretting letting their stomach get the better of them.

They quickly finished up their porridge and left after that.


Once they had left the town behind, Robin suddenly remembered.

"Oh drat!" She placed her head in her hand, exasperated. "Due to all of that darned hullabaloo yesterday, I forgot to visit the adventurer's guild!!"

At this, Jasmine and Gerard looked at each other, then burst out laughing.

"I'm glad SOMEBODY is amused at my plight!" Robin rolled her eyes, which only made the two laugh all the more.

Jasmine, when she finally managed to calm down, suddenly remembered the conversation she had had with Prince Christian, and began laughing all the more.


Upon their return, Robin had headed straight to bed, while Christian had gone to see Jasmine, a strange expression on his face.

"Cousin, can you check to see if I've been placed under a spell again? I've been feeling rather strange these past few days."

Jasmine glanced at him, and raised her eyebrow in surprise. This was the first time in a long time that Christian had addressed her as 'cousin' instead of 'you'.

"The spell detector isn't working?" she asked.

"I'm not sure if it is a spell or a potion, but I've been feeling really strange." Christian could only repeat what he'd said before.

What seem to be the symptoms?" Jasmine asked.

At this, Christian's face rurned red. How could he admit to his cousin that he was starting to notice romantic thoughts about the hero? Wasn't this just asking to be teased mercilessly? He let out a turbid breath. But, even so, he had to say it. If it was a potion, then allowing it to affect him long term was not a good idea.

"....I....have been thinking strange thoughts about the hero." Christian finally admitted, his ears almost glowing bright red from embarrassment.

"I'm afraid you'll have to be a bit more specific, cousin." Jasmine replied, hiding her amusement behind her large sleeve. "What kind of thoughts?"

"Things like, 'he's cute' or 'he's adorable' or 'it's a shame he's not a woman'." Christian muttered in a voice that could only be heard if you were right next to him.

'Oh my....Oh my! It looks like he's completely fallen head over heels for her.' Jasmine immediately realized what was happening.

Her next thought was 'I need to make sure that he never realises this. Ho ho! He is never going to be able to live this down!'

Under her calm facade, Jasmine was laughing maniacally. She took a sip of tea.

"Well, I don't see what the problem is. Isn't that normal? Even I find him adorable, after all." Jasmine sighed. "It's a shame he isn't a woman. Otherwise, we two would probably be the inseparable best of friends!"

Then she glanced at Christian.

"If you're still worried over what happened three days ago, I wouldn't be too bothered about it. Unless, Christian you actually are into m-"

"Nope! I am completely straight, I tell you!!" Christian replied his face becoming red with more than just embarrassment.

'So it was because Robin actually looked that way to everyone, hmm? Then I can feel relieved.'

"But still, thinking of Robin as the opposite gender? cousin, are you sure you aren't-" Jasmine began her teasing. But Christian fled the room before she could get much further.

"Ho ho! This is going to be fun~!" Jasmine looked out the nearby window and chuckled under the light of the full moon.


"Okay, I may admit that it was funny, but seriously, it isn't that funny!" Robin looked at Jasmine wirh concern. "Are you sure you're all right?"

"I-I'm fine. I am perfectly-pfft! Fine!" Jasmine wiped the tears of laughter from her eyes.
