
She Joins The Guild

'Okay, calm down, me! Deep breaths!' The girl was successfully able to prevent herself from fainting as she leaned against a wall for support.

'First: I am in an unknown land which resembles the Middle Ages of Europe. Second, no-one here knows anything about America. Third, there is Magic-honest to goodness real MAGIC about. Conclusion: I am in another world? Highly likely.'

It was a good thing that she had covered that genre thoroughly in her webnovels.

'So, let's run through the list of things I need to accomplish. First, I need to find, food, shelter, and money-preferably money first, because that makes finding food and shelter that much easier. Second...I probably need to get a change of clothes, one that fits the general style of clothing. Third, I need to find a way to make more money, such as being a handyman of some sort. Fourth, I need to find a way to go home. Fifth, Perhaps I can learn some magic on the way. Okay! Itinerary is all set!"


The girl looked down at her rumbling stomach. 'For now, let's grab something to eat' Sitting down on a nearby bench, she took her shoulderbag off, and opened it to have a look.

"Yep! I knew it."

She grabbed her lunch box and opened it. It was the other half of her sandwich that she hadn't been able to finish that day due to a call coming in mid-lunch. Even though she was technically off the clock, the receptionist had ruthlessly sent the man to her, causing her to almost choke on her lunch.

While earlier, she was feeling sort of miffed at the receptionist, now she was feeling quite thankful. It would do her no good to start her venture off with an empty stomach. She bit into the -now somewhat soggy- BLT half-sandwich with apparent great relish.

Anyone else in her circumstances might have gone through several rounds of hysterical crying accompanied by outbursts of anger and shouting, but not this girl. As a rather practical person, she found that such actions were mostly useless. The only thing they did do was to show other people how childish they were.

She looked up at the sky. From how high it was, she could assume that it was close to noon.

'That's going to mess with my internal sense of time' She noted as she thought of ways to get money before sundown. She could sell something to a merchant.

But, what should she sell? Clothing...was a bad idea to sell unless she intended to stay there forever: rejected!

Her bag? That might be alright. She had no real attachments to it. As long as she kept her wallet and ID, that might be possible.

Things in her bag? Aside from pens, pencils, and a few empty sketchbooks, there wasn't much she could sell...her umbrella? But what would she do if it should suddenly start to rain? ...she'd put that on hold for the time being.

"Ah." Now that she thought of it, selling off things from her world might be a one way flag to destruction by greedy merchants. For the time being, it would be best to remain low key. Okay then! Plan 'Pawnshop' was placed on the backburner.

But, if she couldn't sell her things, then what could she do? From her experience in reading the Isekai genre, there should be some sort of adventurer's guild, right? Perhaps she could get some sort of job there.

'Okay! Let's go take a look.'

And, just as she had thought, after asking for directions a few times, she was able to find the adventurer's guild. The interior was completely made of wood, with several tables and chairs to the right of the front desk. At this time of day, the place seemed exceedingly empty. Perhaps it was because the adventurers were all outside, adventuring.

She smiled and walked straight up to the receptionist.

"Excuse me, I'd like to apply to be an adventurer, please." She asked politely.

The receptionist--a bespectacled, bored-looking elf-- looked at her with a cursory glance and then nodded, grabbing an application sheet. Dipping a quill pen inside a small bottle of ink, she began filling in the sheet.




"Seventeen." The reception filled in the age group, and then circled the M for Male. After all, the figure before her was clearly a male, so there was no need to ask for gender. Little did she know that her mistake would be stuck with Robin for the rest of her adventurer's career.


Here, Robin paused. "Umm, what do you mean? Are you talking about what I do for a job?"

The receptionist glanced at Robin to check that she was serious. Fortunately, she was.

"What I mean by occupation is what kind of weapons are you good at. Sword? Axe? Spear? Attack Magic? Healing? It's more something to note down what your specialties are."

"Oh...Then, put me down for sword fighting." Robin replied. Fencing, Kendo, Rennaissance re-enactments: her older brother had been a huge pursuer of the arts of cold weapons. As her legal guardian, he had long since dragged her along with him to actively participate in such lessons. So, she was more familiar with swords than any other weapon.

The receptionist eyed Robin's sword-less figure, and raised an eyebrow. "Now that your application is finished, I can give you a guild card. This also doubles as an ID for entering and leaving towns and cities, so don't lose it." She handed over the card.

"Thank you!" Robin politely said as she examined her card. Everything seemed to be in order.

'Huhu! This is just like how it was in the Isekai books I read!' She chuckled inwardly. What Robin didn't know was that the lining around her card was red. Guild cards for females had a blue lining around them, instead. Thus began Robin's life as a male(?) adventurer.

"You're welcome." The receptionist replied before she continued.

"Also, you will be required to show that you are in possession of a proper weapon within seven days, or else your membership will be put on hold due to the weapon's unconfirmed status. This makes sure that people don't use rusted or fragile equipment. Please read all rules and regulations in our provided handbook." The receptionist pointed at a chained book to her left.

"In short, follow all laws and regulations within the kingdom, and try not to murder your fellow adventurers."

Robin was impressed at how professionally the elf lady was able to give such a polite and thorough presentation all the while looking completely and utterly bored.

"So, I can officially accept local requests now?" Robin confirmed.

"Those which can be accomplished within town, yes. Until your weapon is confirmed, you cannot take requests which lead outside of the town." The receptionist nodded. "The requests are on the Request Board on the left wall over there. Please take note that the in-town quests are all marked with a green star."

Robin nodded and walked over to the request board, eager to begin.
