
The Battle Part 2

Her teeth ripped into his forehead as her body slung over him landing on the side of her neck, claws gripping for purchase. Deep gouges  in the side of the General's neck poured blood as she tore her way onto his back. Her claws mercilessly ripping hair and flesh. Teeth sunk deep enough to scrape the bone above his eye. Alexi watched in shock and horror as the beast clawed at her, trying to knock Kyera off of him, bit due to his bulk couldn't quite reach her. 

Damar thrust his blade into the beasts exposed rib cage, sinking it deep to the hit as the beast roared in pain and swiped at him, but lost its balance. Cries of shock filled the area as Damar and Alexi jumped out of the way, just as the beast fell. The blade now lost in his body. Kyera released, blood staining her white fur. She glanced around and leaped at another Dark one tearing into the Hyena without hesitation. The battle was not won. 

The brothers began again, the shifter guard assigned to protect them staying close as they fought their way through the first wave. Some feld, down the path across the River where Kyera had been caught in the net. 

"We have taken back the Bazaar." Race reported as Kyera stood, heaving air into her lungs. She nodded to show her acknowledgement. 

"Talis?" Kyera asked and before Race could respond the tiger appeared beside her. 

"Verone escaped. He and that witch ran toward the palace. I tried to give chase but…" he trailed off the anger and hatred in his voice matched the trembling of his body. 

"You did well to report back. I needed to know Prim was alive and that saves us time of rooting through the bodies. How many were wasted?" Kyera asked raising her head to look at Race

"We killed about 60. Around 40 escaped. We lost 15 soldiers, just under 80 wounded." Oslo rattled off, as he came up, his own shoulder bandaged from a bleeding wound. Kyera turned concern in her eyes. 

"The four healers?" She asked looking over his arm. These bleeding wounds would be important to heal, or the men would weaken. Luckily the healers were creating a triage, healing the ones they could, making comfortable the ones they couldn't save, and preparing the ones who could rejoin the battle to rejoin. She had a part to play as well.


"Already tending the worst wounded and getting them back on their feet." He replied. She nodded taking her gloves off. 

"Anyone who just has a mid to minor bleeding wound circle up." Kyera called out and the warriors and they obeyed. She began healing them, mending flesh to flesh so the bleeding would not weaken them. Her power fed through her hand, pulling healing magic from the earth and from the veil. Soon, many more warriors were prime for battle. 

"You will weaken yourself." Talis warned her and Kyera turned to him, her hand placed firmly to his chest wound healing it as the last wound she could manage. 

"Talis, today is not the day to worry about my power. We have a job to do, with or without my life hanging in the balance." Kyera replied smoothly as she let go, his wound gone but a light sheen of sweat on her forehead.

"Fine Princess, but did you notice anything odd about how they retreated?" He asked meeting her eyes as she looked at his arm. She nodded. 

"The fact they all retreated in the same direction, and in squads? Yes. It was planned." Kyera replied patiently her own heart tight. "I knew it was a trap the moment he tossed the sock at my feet. This was only the first battle of the war." 

"And I think I know where it's going to end." Damar spoke as he pointed at the sky. Kyera raised her eyes and gasped. 

"Those Bastards…." She cursed under her breath. There, above the trees she saw smoke swirling into the sky. Fire, black from burning more than just trees and thick like plumes of night in the day. Hatred tore at her heart begging to be released but Kyera silenced it. "We move now. To the villiage." She called and without hesitation the Armies moved again, following their leader at a faster pace than before. 
