
Headed Home

"Kyera, come here." Alexi called and she looked up to see a dark stallion standing at his side, the prince holding its halter.

"Yes, Prince Alexi?" Kyera asked and he frowned slightly. When she was battle worn and breathless he was just 'Alexi'. He was surprised to find how much sweeter it sounded without the title.

"You can't walk back like this, I can't allow it." Prince Alexi offered her the reins of his stallion. "He's a wild one, but calm enough and a smooth ride." he described the horse, but Kyera paid very little attention. Her eyes were already assessing the horse for herself.

It was a normal beast for sure, calmer than she would have expected of a war horse. His eyes were dark and cold like a animal who has seen plenty of blood. With a toss of his mane and a tired glance, the stallion conveyed all it needed to.

"He is a very tired soul." Kyera remarked her heart meeting the beast as she reached out to pet his neck. Alexi raised a brow looking the older horse over.

"Nonsense he is only 8 years old." he tried to reply but Kyera's expression made him take a second look. For a moment, he thought he saw a sad glint in his mount's eyes.

"Your body can be that of a babe and your soul could still be tired." Kyera replied as she laid her forehead go the horse. He shifted a bit but Kyera did not hold him still. She let go, moving to his side she started to lift herself into the saddle. However, Clovis' hands reached for her grabbing her hips he tried go lift her and set her in the saddle. However his side screamed in pain and he nearly dropped Kyera. Instead as he lost control she tossed her arms around his neck and braced her good leg to take the impact, but he held up.

"Sorry about this…" Clovis whispered meekly, coughing into his hand. Her body was pressed close to his, her warmth spreading through him. The pair separated, a blush on her cheeks. Kyera coughed awkwardly as well.

"No problem, you shouldn't underestimate the damage that staff did to your ribs." Kyera suggested as she turned back to the horse. Alexi leaned down and cupped his hands for her to step in. She raised an eyebrow, but allowed him to give her a boost into the saddle while Clovis kicked himself mentally. If he had just done that this wouldn't have happened.

"Shall we go to the gates and transfer both ladies into the carriage? The ride will be easier that way." Clovis offered, having already climbed onto his own borrowed steed. Raina walked to her father's horse expecting to be lifted up. However, she cried out in alarm as she was picked up from behind and swept onto a horse against someone else's chest. She looked up to see her uncle sitting behind her. He smiled down at her.

"Princess, your father is wounded and will need to focus on his balance. Ride with Uncle for now." He explained patting her head before taking the reins. His eyes darted to Kyera who was watching a bit curiously. There was a hint of emotion in her eyes… he almost thought her impressed. A grin cracked across his lips as the three horses picked their way through the streets.

"How's he walking for you, Kyera?" Clovis asked watching as her body stiffly settled into the horse's rhythm. Though indeed he was smooth, there was only so much a horse's gate could change and none of them completely removed the rocking. The muscles and bruises ached but she had endured much worse before. She smiled at him and sat straighter in the saddle.

"Quite comfortable. This old boy and I agree quite well." Kyera replied smiling as she caressed his neck. The horse tossed his mane again seeming to nearly prance in place. Kyera chuckled at the increase in liveliness in the horse's spirit. "I wish I could run him, but unfortunately that would probably not be the best option." Kyera sighed a bit regretfully. She could feel him drawing energy from her as he continued along.

"Good. Though I must agree you don't need to be running yet." Alexi replied as they continued down the path.

Hello everyone,

I must applogize but we will only have one chapter tonight. I got stung by a scorpion and had to take a epi pen stab and am now a bit loopy. I will make up for it as soon as i am able to write.



Valinteenacreators' thoughts