
Trump Card

When Kaz left the room Mako and Lako were both seething in anger.

Lako didn't say anything instead just walked over to his briefcase and pulling out something wrapped in paper.

"Let's go"

Not waiting for his brother Lako walked out of the door and went for the area where they housed the competitors.

Every time an employee would pass they would nod slightly or tell them hello but Lako's mouth reminded shut with his brow creased.

They had gone down a few flights of stair before they got to a guarded area.

"Halt! What business do you have down here?!"

All the guards in the area had taken out their weapons waiting to attract if they were given the order.

"My make is Lako, this is my brother Mako and these are my guards"

Hearing their names the captain of the guards stepped forward with a paper in his hand comparing Lako and Mako to what's on the paper.

"I see, what do you want?"

"We're here to drop off something to one of my competitors"

The leader of the guards looked a glance at what was in Lako's hand before turning around and going inside.

The other guards still hadn't lowered their weapons and the moment their leader walking through the door he once again stepped in front of it.

For the few minutes that the guard leader was gone the area was completely silent.


When he walked through the door he started nodding his head.

"Unfortunately both the competitors you brought are still asleep"

When Lako heard this he flashed a forced smile, taking out a small container and popping the top.

Not even a second later the entire place had an unbearable sense.

"Fine Fine Cover that up"

Walking up to Lako he took a look at what was wrapped inside as well as a permission slip before handing it back.

"You two can go in everyone else stays, he's all the way at the back"

Walking inside Lako and Mako couldn't help staring at the other beast that were participating in the competition and the more they saw the more solemn their faces became.

At first, they thought Kaz's beast was the only thing they had to worry about but now seeing all these beast they couldn't help but having less and less faith in Azreal even making it to the first round.

Golden Frog.




Half the participants didn't even live in the Sow territory.

It got to the where they just decided to hold their head straight instead of paying attention to what's in the cages.

Arriving in front of Azreal's cage Lako didn't waste any time pulling the lid off the bottle.



Taking two sniffs of the order and Azreal was awake.

"Ugghhh what the fuck is that!"

Seeing him awake Lako covered the bottle, with all visitors they would get a time limit.

So after covering the bottle, he tossed the sword inside the cage.

"That's yours since your human everyone agreed that it would be unfair if you don't use a weapon, so make the best of it"

Azreal didn't immediately reply, he was trying to figure out where he was, the last thing he remembered was before back in the cell and smelling a strange odor.

"Where am I?"

At first, Mako looked at him with a strange expression before remembering that they had drugged him.

"Oh that's right you wouldn't remember any, you're currently in the arena in Sow City! So be sure to fight hard and win"

Mako's face had a big encouraging smile on it.

When Azreal heard that and saw the stupid smile on Mako's face, his anger felt like it was about to overflow.


Azreal rushed forward grabbing after Mako but he was a millisecond too slow.

Seeing this Lako smiled.

"Wow! No guards around so all of a sudden you've grown some balls"

Hearing this Azreal became even angrier to the point where he felt like steam was coming off his skin.


Looking at his outstretched arm and seeing actually steam faintly rising from it and his anger turned into a deranged smile.

"You better pray I don't survive your little arena piggies because if I do I'm gonna rip your porky little throats out and barbecue the both of you I swear it"

Hearing the threat Lako wanted to rush forward but was pulled back by Mako.

Not saying anything more both of them left.

When they both left Azreal stared at his and with a hopeful look in his face.

Staring at it for a few seconds.


From his wrist to his fingertips was covered in a purple flame.


Mako and Lako could hear the deranged laugh all the way from the other end of the room.


Azreal only played with the flame for a few seconds because he could feel what little Divine Energy his body had gathered being used and he couldn't afford to use it up.

What he was really looking forward to was the sword, ripped out of it wrapping Azreal's face showed nothing but pure lust.

Taking a deep breath a small line of divine energy appeared on his fingertips.

"Please work…"

Slowly Azreal pointed his finger at the blade…

When the Divine Energy came in contact with the blade Azreal smiled.

'Yes! Yes!'



Looking at the blade a spider web of cracks started to appear from when the Divine Energy first made contact with the sword.

Looking at the blade Azreal was stunned speechless.

"What kind of cheap shit is this?!"

Once his excitement wore off, Azreal took a deep breath and remembered what happened the last first time [1].

'Maybe it's for the best, right now my body doesn't have enough energy for any corrections'

[1] Chapter 28

BurningSkiescreators' thoughts