
A Sudden End

My wide opened eyes scanned the surroundings. My 200 daggers were still spread over the entire field, penetrating the scorched ground.

The nearest dagger was directly between me and him. It would be a matter of speed: Will I be faster at the dagger or will he be faster.

'This is my only chance,' I concluded.

Pushing all my strength into my foot, my veins bulged, my muscles tightened, and I shot forward with great speed.

Wind sizzled by my ear and left a ringing tone in it. I focused my squinted eyes at the dagger, wishing I could grasp it with a look alone.

The vampire flapped his eerie wings and shot with greater speed than me forward, pointing his sword at me.

He held the sword in a raised position, ready to hack down at me. His eyebrows were knitted and his eyes radiated with hatred.

I reached my hand out for the nearest dagger, desiring it more than anything at this moment.

The vampire came closer and closer, nearly being in front of me.

Finally, my fingertips touched the handle of the dagger, giving me a feeling of bliss and security. In the next moment, my hand gripped around the dagger, tightly holding onto it as if it was my treasure.

But my blissfulness didn't hold long. The vampire's sword came crushing down at me, cutting the wind apart.

Swiftly I rolled towards the side, evaded his blood-seeking sword, and stabilized my position like a tiger. With hands and feet on the ground, I pushed with all my strength against my feet again.

My veins bulged again and my muscles tightened as I shot forward. But this time a snapping sound came with it accompanied with a tearing pain in my calf.

My muscles tore at my right foot's calf, sending a whipping pain through my body.

With gritted teeth and focus, I slit my blade through the vampire's knee. It was cleanly cut off and bats gushed out from the opened part, making room for new bats.

Having lost his balance and falling backwards onto his wings, he was left unprotected and was wide open now.

Without losing this opportunity, I stepped onto his sword, fixing it in place, and sent my dagger towards his chest.

"STOP! TIME'S UP!!" a clear but deafening voice pounded against my ears.

I stopped my dagger with its tip on the vampire's chest; not moving a millimeter. I turned my head around and looked towards the source of the voice.

The topless, fat prince stood up from his throne; his rolls of fat jiggled like jelly. He smacked his wet lips and clapped his inflated hands together.

*clap* *clap*

Sparks came from his claps and incinerated the bats from the sky in a split second. Dead bodies rained like torches down upon me, hitting my body – pounding it.

Dead bats littered the ground with my daggers. The flames on the bats crackled and raged; it scorched their skins and burnt them down.

With the bodies dropping, the once bat-filled sky cleared up and the blazing sun came into view. Light brightened the surroundings and tore the darkness away.

I moved my foot from the sword and stood aside, glaring at the pig of a prince.

The fat on his cheeks jumped up and down while he spoke, "The match is a draw! No price! And you – you mortal – are now a gladiator for this arena too."

'WHAT?! NO!' My rage flared up and I glared with gritted teeth at him.

Why should I stay here?! I still have other things to do. I still have a place to be at. I can't stay here!

The vampire beside me stood up emotionlessly and patted his clothes. His wings squirmed and turned into a black cape; his armour wiggled and changed into the one from before. He now looked totally normal again; and not in the least like a vicious being or a vampire.

He put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes, silently waiting for something to come.

I couldn't stand being here anymore and sprinted towards the exit. A sudden weakness and pain assaulted me when I stepped too heavy on my foot. The muscles in my calf were still torn apart.

I gnashed and grounded my teeth and shot a glance towards the prince again, despising him with every fibre in my being.

If I would have had the strength, I would fight him personally to death; but I hadn't.

The amused prince raised an eyebrow and happily continued gorging down the nuts, cracking open one after another.

He turned his head and looked at one of the female servants, commanding her, "Do your part."

She lifted her bare foot and began walking towards me. A silver bell tied to her ankle ringed at every step. The melodious and high ringing of the bell tore at my heart strings and sent a shudder down my spine.

I rumpled myself back up again and stood on one foot. I held my dagger ready and got into my fighting stance.

Slowly she drew nearer towards me, and when she was within my range, I shot forward towards her.

Meanwhile, she lifted her palm, holding some powder in it, and blew it towards my face.

A biting pain nagged at my eyes and left them tearing up, blurring my vision. My brain was getting drowsy and my feet and arms were getting weak.

I collapsed.

My body didn't obey me anymore. Only my senses were still present and nothing else.

I continued to struggle, but my body didn't move, not a millimeter. I could only helplessly watch as the beautiful servant took my weapon away and tied me up.

My vision went dark.

Now I could only hear and not see any more. With my strengthened hearing-sense, I could understand a short conversation.

"Just put him into an empty cell."

"Yes, master."

"His next fight will be next week at the same time against the same opponent."

"Yes, master."

My ears went deaf.

Nothing remained with me and everything was taken away: the control over my body, my vision, my hearing. Not even my pride got spared. My heart was filled with rage and my brain with revenge.

Mass-releases on the next 3 days.

NineNetherBirdcreators' thoughts