
A New Conquest

Ezra knew that sound, he had heard that many times on earth when he worked for the military for a two-year period.

"Rycharde, Evered, you know that sound. To arms," Ezra commanded for his guards to hasten.

"Up," Ezra gestured that they move through the rooftops.

Ezra and his retinue hastened upward as they kicked the walls to gain altitude, they landed on the roofs and dashed toward the sound.

They ran through the rooftops as quick as they could.

'I wonder who it is? Is it Caspian or is it Hearth? I hope we arrive in time, that thing is both a weapon and a call for help. I only gave, mother, father the other two colts. It's unlikely those two were the ones who used it.'

They dashed even forward even faster with Ezra leading the way.

When they arrived, a few knights donning black armor were already at the scene.

They overheard the captain asking Caspian a few questions. He was breathing heavily and his shirt had a hole in the stomach area.

"You're one of Lord Ezra's guard, what happened here?"

"Well, uhh I was attacked by those two."

Ezra and his guard landed 10 meters away from the knights. All of which stood at attention when they saw Ezra.

"I'll take it from here captain," Ezra's voice echoed with authority.

"But milord we just wanted to know what actually happened in the area."

"I shall ask him and I shall tell you, that shall be the end of it, understand?" Ezra replied.

"Yes milord," the captain could only concede, ever since the little lord was 5 he was given full authority by Reitz, only Aerwyna could supersede Ezra's commands, which was bewildering however they saw that Ezra was no ordinary lordling.

"You are now all dismissed, however remain in the area and identify the assailants there may be some more enemies lurking,"

"As you command," the guard spoke in unison as they walked away to the periphery.

"What happened Caspian?"

"Lord Ezra I was attacked by assasins," Caspian sat as he panted.

"Why? Were they trying to get through you to me?" Ezra thought that somehow Catalyna's organization returned to kidnap him again, he still didn't figure out who she was although the project was in the backburner, his main priority was the subtle industrialization, but for that he needed to create the educational infrastructure for Bren.

"Well no, milord, they directly targeted me apparently I'm actually a pureblood," Caspian answered shyly.

"Oh? Do tell,"

Caspian then proceeded to recount the whole story until the attack by the assassins.

"I don't know why those people actually tried to kill me though, it still puzzling."

"It's simple, they were probably killing off the competition. They were either hired by other Destans or a rival lord, someone who can challenge for the marquisate."

Rycharde and Evered nodded at this remark.

"It's okay that I used the weapon milord?"

"Of course, you were in a dire situation. It was a good thing that you used that or else you would have died, I never expected that you would use it inside Bren though."

"Ho-how did it feel wielding such force?" asked Rycharde he was burning with curiosity, "That body over there is a viscount right?" Rycharde stopped his question after he saw a guard coming.

"Milord, we have identified the bodies, they seem to belong to the mercenary group Chaos Wellspring, a force south of our borders,"

"South? So not within Fulmen?"

"Well no, there are few mercenary groups here especially near Bren. Fulmen is relatively peaceful and there is plenty of food," answered the Blackfyre Guard.

"I see, would that group happen to inhabit a marquisate near the area?" asked Ezra.

"Well, the marquisate of Colrault is located there,"

"Let me guess Destans rule over Corault?"

"Yes sire,"

"Okay thanks for the information. Please give a thorough report and send it over to the castle so my father can know. I'll talk about to him about it."

The grouped became hushed again as the guard went away.

"So how did it feel to wield such a weapon?" Rycharde still couldn't get over the gun. Ezra wanted to ask a question, but he was thoroughly amused at Rycharde's curiosity so he let Caspian answer before he asked his own.

"It was exhilarating. To think I could hold such power in between my two hands. It was like an earl ranked spell in the palm of my fingers, but I panicked slightly so I shot three. You could feel the power pulse through your hands as it forced you back from the recoil."

"Yes it is an equalizer, it is truly a terrifying force. If we could equip this to the peasants we might get replaced," Evered added his thoughts.

"Don't be too sure, those three bullets cost 100 gold each that's 300 gold down the drain," Ezra spoke and everyone else shuddered, they had forgotten how much the weapon had cost. A thousand gold was already a veteran knight's a savings over a life time.

"Well of course your lives are way more precious, but someday in the future we can probably lower the cost to a few copper coins per bullet, and a few silver coins per gun, but that is still way into the future, we must find a way to lower the cost of mining and making steel. Precision tools aren't actually too much of a problem," continued Ezra. With AMP he could actually measure to the thousandth of a millimeter real time and that was already a wonderingly useful skill paired with his precise control of his body, his body was the only actual machine tool that he would ever need.

They were so grateful to have such a Lord like Ezra other nobles saw their knights as tools, he prized them like treasured friends. Their loyalty was won a long time ago and they would gladly take their lives for him if he required it of them.

"Anyway, what are your plans now? Do you want to become a marquis, Caspian?"

"Uhh, I want to serve you milord, I want to understand more about the world."

"Hold your horses, " Rycharde spoke, "I think you should consider the benefit to Lord Ezra in this matter,"

"What do you mean?" asked Caspian.

"Now, now Rycharde, Caspian can do whatever he likes," added Ezra.

"I think it would be beneficial for Lord Ezra for you to become the marquis of Corault. You see you have sworn allegiance to Lord Ezra, becoming marquis means your state becomes a vasal state of Lord Ezra."

"Wait, let Caspian decide for himself. You can do whatever you want, you are free to choose you know," Ezra told Caspian reassuringly. While it did benefit him he didn't want to force people to do his bidding.

"Yes, if it is for lord Ezra then sure I'm willing." Caspian said with a determined voice. "I don't exactly know how that will benefit lord Ezra."

"When will, the duels begin then?" asked Evered.

"Well I am not sure, I was told to meet agents of Destan at a tavern."

"Maybe they'll brief you. Couralt is strategic. Its near Duke Terros' fiefdom. We could use that place to propel attacks if need be," Rycharde added.

"Well then it is decided we will acquire the domain for Lord Ezra,"

Ezra just scratched his head. 'There they go and decided things for themselves, well, at least I know they are loyal.'

"Lord Ezra I need to put flowers in the altar today."

"Sure, but we'll accompany you, you might get attacked again, if that happens then at least we are here," Ezra said nonchalantly.

Caspian walked to the flower shop smiling, he really was lucky, there wasn't a noble in the entire empire who would escort his guard.
