
Main Move!

A connoisseur of food might love food the most. Still, even he could get tired if the same ingredient was served to him again and again, despite being prepared as a different dish every time.

Kiba wasn't a foodie, but he was a connoisseur of pussy. 

He could never get tired of them.

And, how could he? 

They were all unique. They each had their distinct taste, smell, shape, and texture!

That's why they were his biggest motivation as the greatest doctor out there!

One can say he lived for pussies! The more, the merrier!

But today, he was so tired of them that he said, "Get me out of here!" 

Kiba shot destructive beams inside the kaleidoscope full of pussies. But, alas, the pussies only multiplied, and he hurtled through them like a streak of light. 

This only infuriated him further. Finally, he had enough of pussies!

"There's a paper-thin wall separating a dream and a nightmare."
