
Every Peak Has A Fall

When the times are at their peak, they call it the golden age. This is, however, a mere warning for the wise, and a reminder that this peak will always follow a fall.

Qiu Yue had always believed this.

The last few weeks that were filled with bliss were gone in a blink. The promotions of her new game went swimmingly, skyrocketing the expectations of the public.

After New Years, some news about the problems Wang Xi had created at the Lang family estate had reached her. Wang Xi had threatened to use Qiu Yue's recording from when she had mocked Bao FeiYin to discredit her, thereby showing her 'true colors'. He'd also made use of those who followed him in the family and actively revolted against Lang Zhou.

Wang Xi's true aim was the seat of the family head and the helm of the Lang conglomerate.

Of course, he had no way of knowing that Yao Yan had remotely deleted the recording, instead, adding a fabricated recording of him talking to Bao FeiYin, explicitly telling her to bomb the office and targeting Qiu Yue.

This was a tiny bit of revenge that Yao Yan had taken arbitrarily. After he had unknowingly played this recording, thinking it to be proof of Qiu Yue's ineligibility to inherit the family head. Even without saying anything, what was to be Wang Xi's highway to success ended up being a road to his own grave.

His parents had no choice but to face their son and what their spoiling ways had done to him. One could say that no matter what, he'd end up a twisted person, but Qiu Yue felt that his parents weren't free of guilt either.

Wang Xi was officially kicked out of the family, even when he had 'righteously' been accusing Qiu Yue, the Lang parents had wanted to kick him out, now with sufficient evidence that he had been trying to harm her... his sentence had pretty much been set.

Lang Zhou and Lang XiaoFei couldn't just leave it at that, who was to say he wouldn't come back and bite them? In fact, they could guarantee he would. So from the shadows, they sent people to take care of him.

However, disturbingly, Wang Xi has disappeared.

Hearing the news, they were only able to look grimly at each other. Just like they had thought, he still had a final move to play in the chessboard. They remained vigilant for a few weeks, Qiu Yue was with Huo Zi Feng, who had already been prepared to protect her at all costs. And although unaware, Qiu Yue and Yao Yan were very alert themselves.

Two months went by and the game was launched with a bang causing an electrifying uproar in women and men.

Comments filled weibo and every other site possible, people were talking about it everywhere. Inadvertently the bombing had also proved to be a major source of advertisement.

"H-He's talking to me!~ ahh Long Heng's cold persona is so cute! I can't wait to melt this iceberg!"

"No! the best is the doting domineering CEO Lu TingXiao and the baby bun route! My heart is about to burst!!"

"The super cute younger artist route is the best! When he turns from a timid rabbit to a hungry wolf...!"

Qiu Yue chuckled while looking at the comments. They had spent time customizing the game for men too, how could she not? Her inner fujoshi would cry otherwise!

For the people who wanted to pursue the girls, she had already planned to release another game if this one turned out to be a success. Not knowing this, there was already a petition for the making of another game being signed by thousands!

Feeling very happy Qiu Yue leisurely walked towards Huo Zi Feng's cabin. She sneakily opened the door and jumped to hug him from the back, kissing his cheek in the process. Although Zi Feng didn't look away from the screen as he was typing, his lips curved up. Whenever Qiu Yue felt happy she would come and hug him or kiss him.

He also felt very satisfied with their life right now. Qiu Yue was happy, and if she was happy he was happy. He didn't think there was anything else he needed.

Only... all good things come to an end at some point or another.

One day, Qiu Yue received a text from an unknown number, but it didn't take long to figure out who it was.

'Please come to meet me at the Jin Clan's auction house. I would like to right my wrongs.'

Was all it said. It was more than obvious that it was Bao FeiYin, but saying that she wanted to right her wrongs? That was strange. Despite this, Qiu Yue actually didn't feel any hostility from Bao FeiYin after that incident. She and Yao Yan had been monitoring her, but they hadn't done anything to push her further into despair and while it seemed like she would avoid talking about Qiu Yue, she didn't hold any hatred towards her.

Did she really want to apologize?

Qiu Yue left a note for Yao Yan and Huo Zi Feng in their offices before setting off to the auction house.

There were many private rooms at the auction for high-level private auctions. From the book Qiu Yue knew that there was one always reserved for Bao FeiYin, she could go straight inside... thankfully she had bumped into Chiang Jin in the lobby.

He seemed surprised to see her. The person his sister is meeting was Miss Lang? He sighed lightly, even he knew who was in the wrong, but even then he still hoped to help Bao FeiYin. After all, no matter what, she was the one he held feelings for and these were as heavy as familial bonds, sometimes even more. He couldn't ask Qiu Yue to forgive her, but he couldn't stop helping Bao FeiYin either, of course, he wouldn't help her out of legal punishment either.

He directed her to the specific floor and walked back to the lobby, going through the prospective of the items they could auction the next time when suddenly he saw... Bao FeiYin leaving?

She seemed to be in a hurry, while a nervous and grim expression was plastered on her face. Before he realized something was amiss, and when he was just about to call out to her, she had already entered a car and left swiftly.

So like, your editor is in Wales right now! Or else you'd have two or three chapters posted today. But fear not, she's coming back soon.

Ahhh arc will end soon.

I think I'll do an author Q&A at the end of this arc over at discord? Maybe over voice chat lolol.




SORRY FOR THE DELAY. (I was sick and then I had college I just. DED.)

Right, I'm opening a tattoo counter tomorrow, for an assignment hahahahahahaha....


Qiu_Yuecreators' thoughts