
Perfect Prey

The moon was brightly hanging in the evening sky as the starry night loomed above. The air had thickened and the crickets sang but their songs were drowned to the loud music in a private property near the east camp. Down the hall of a rarely visited vacation house, young people scattered through, dancing, chattering, gambling and of course drinking—some of them were already staggering even though the party had just started for an hour.

"Hey Miguel" Lauren chirped as she spotted her usual circle.

"Hey Lauren," The boy greeted her back and even before he could react, she gave him a peck on his cheek even though she knew how Miguel was not fond of kiss greetings.

Flashing a wide warm smile to him and ignoring the grimaced that contorted in his face she asked flamboyantly "So how do I look?"

"Well, you look great Lauren" Miguel said looking over her poker straight hairr, sprayed with some sort of shimmery hair spray that he couldn't figure the colour out.
