
Afternoon Tea (2)

"How was it?" the farmer asked further.

Darryl turned his head to the old farmer who was already sitting comfortably on the other side of the sofa. Darryl noticed he had had already drank almost half of his tea and concluded the trip probably exhausted the old man and made him real thirsty for some warm cup.

"I don't know Farmer Su, it made no sense to me at all" He responded as his face hardened.

The formula got Darryl thinking for quite a while since he received it. He was not so dumb after all to have not noticed that the chemicals and ingredients the doctor used was nothing special. Also, when compared to the specimen they found on the blood sample—they seemed to be unfit, in Darryl's opinion.

"What are you trying to mean?" Farmer Su asked, feeling worried about the Young Master's answer.

The manager who had been suffering from impair judgment due to his hunger just let the conversation between the two slipped in his ears as he was busy filling himself with the colorful doughnuts the servants served.

"I'm suspecting it was not the right formula" Just a hunch, but it was a good hunch if one were to asked Darryl.

"But Young master, Doctor Piper will never ever give you a fake formula" Manager Song swore instantly just right after he made one huge gulp of food. Although he had his doubts, the Manager don't want to stress out Darryl further. Besides, doctor Piper had already proven her worth when she healed a good number of horses that no one ever did.

"Maybe she wanted a fair price for it… which is reasonable of course" Farmer Su hinted out. Of course, creating a formula is one's intellectual property and to have it be shared to the world must cost a great price.

"I also thought of that… that maybe Dr. Piper wanted a big price for it. I understand that something like that is not for free." Darryl replied still not getting the intention of Doctor Piper Xu. "However, I had the lawyers draft a good deal and if she wasn't satisfied with it, she knew she is free to demand. But she didn't"

Truth of the matter was that Darryl just didn't have time for the doctor's petty game. If not because of the horses that will be used in the annual equestrian competition, he won't give a damn care about that doctor. But she was his hope as the time being and even if it confused him why she was playing this hard to get game, he was determined to give the female doctor some patience.

"That's kind of odd" the farmer murmured with a dubious look in his eye.

"But Young master, aren't we just underestimating Dr. Piper's capabilities, she had proved herself already" Manager Song insisted, suddenly the topic made him forget his stomach's call.

If they were to doubt Dr. Piper, then to whom should they rely on further? Also, if Dr. Piper's formula fails, does it mean they had to go searching again for the person who can make the cure? Will he end up spending his days on the road again with the young heir?

"But wouldn't it be too risky to cast all our aces on Dr. Piper Xu?" Farmer Su asked and stopped to look at the young heir expectantly. He had nothing but respect for the female doctor and her job but the first time he saw her, she knew something unexplainable was going on with her.

"I know" Darryl answered quietly before he withdrew his back on the softness of the sofa and took his cup of tea to get a taste "I guess I'll just have to wait and see"

Darryl had always been thankful of Farmer Su's company and although he knew the old man wasn't used to his lifestyle and to meeting quite several important people, he could tell he was very determined to help him. Also, the farmer's ways and wisdom had proven useful to him the few days he was with him. Inviting him to accompany him for a while was a wise move after all.

Manager Song did not say a word after that. He just shoveled continuously on his plate before getting up with a resigned sigh. What was wrong with Dr. Piper's formula and what's with the young heir's intense suspicion over the helpless doctor? If Dr. Piper Xu will not get everything right, then they are all doomed to hell.

The thought stresses the manager out and knowing that the two—Farmer Su and Darryl—will have nothing for the afternoon but some wisdomly chitchats, then he thought of excusing himself. He wanted to spare himself from their boresome conversations. However, before he could even push himself out of the sofa he was sitting on, there was a loud knock on the door that draw everyone's attention to it.

"Come in" The manager curiously instructed.

A valet appeared from the door, all in sweat and his face display a good deal of helplessness.

"Manager Song!" He shouted as he run to the insides of the room. He quickly noticed Darryl's presence and acknowledged him with a load moan "Young Master!"

"What is it?" Darryl asked.

The valet made a bow and without lifting his head he spoke in panicky "Young master...the horses that arrived yesterday…"

"What happened?" Farmer Su who almost spilled the last of his tea because of the valet's abrupt entrance asked impatiently.

"Most of them died!"
