

Manny had always known he was different. He was a mutant with the power of incredible speed, and he'd spent his life trying to figure out how to use it to his advantage. But one day, something strange happened. He started to gain the memories of his alternate self. He realized that he was not just a mutant, but a character in a comic book. At first, Manny was horrified. He had always thought that he was in control of his own destiny, but now he realized that his fate was in the hands of the writers and readers of the comic. He began to feel trapped and helpless. But as the memories continued to flood in, Manny began to feel a sense of excitement. He realized that he had the power to change his own story, to break free of the constraints of the comic and make his own way in the world. He set out on a new purpose, one that would push him into the spotlight and make him stand out from the other heroes and villains. Manny was determined to find his own path, no matter the cost. If he had to become a villain to do it, so be it. He would do whatever it took to make his mark on the world, to be the hero of his own story. And with his incredible speed and determination, he knew that he could do it.

StoryCraft · 漫画同人
6 Chs


Hey everyone, it's forcespeed4 here, and I wanted to address something about the story I've been posting. I've been reading through the reviews and feedback, and I've come to realize that there are some inconsistencies and confusion in the plot. I want to apologize for any inconvenience this may have caused, and I want to thank you all for your honest reviews and support.

As a result, I've decided to rewrite the story to ensure that the plot is more consistent and clear. I'm committed to making this story the best it can be, and I hope you'll continue to follow along on this journey with me.

Once again, I'm sorry for any confusion, and I appreciate your patience and understanding. Thank you all, and I'll see you soon with the updated story!

Chapter 1 Rewrite is finished- read and comment if you think I missed some inconsistencies.

Chapter 2 Rewrite is finished- read and comment if you think I missed some inconsistencies.