
'Moonlight Serenade' A bite

"As the king's words hung in the air, his bride-to-be seethed with discontent. 'You want me to surrender my freedom, my autonomy, my very self to you?' she spat, her silver hair flashing in the sunlight like a blade. Her green eyes blazed with defiance, the same eyes that had captivated him from the moment they met. He was taken aback by her ferocity, but his gaze never wavered. He was too consumed by his obsession, his need to claim her as his own. 'You are mine, now and forever,' he declared, his voice low and husky. 'Do not think of escaping, or worse, taking your own life. Death is no freedom from me, my love. I will follow you into the afterlife and claim you there, too.' Her eyes widened in horror, but he could see the spark of fascination, the thrill of being possessed by a power greater than herself. He knew she was torn, her desire for independence warring with her desire for him. And he knew he would win, in the end. For he was the king, and he always got what he wanted."

Lollita19pie · 奇幻言情
4 Chs

_ "The Weight of the Crown"_

_Chapter 5: "The Weight of the Crown"_

King Aiden Ryder sat on his throne, his eyes surveying the crowded ballroom with a mix of disdain and boredom. His trusted friend and right-hand man, Eryon, leaned in close.

"Aiden, it's time to greet the high priests and nobles," Eryon whispered. "You must play the game, at least for tonight."

Aiden scowled, his mind still reeling from the struggles of the past two years. "Must I? They didn't lift a finger to help me secure the throne from my uncle. Why should I pretend to care about their empty words?"

Eryon's expression turned pleading. "Aiden, you know the drill. They came to pay their respects, and you must acknowledge them. It's politics, my friend."

With a sigh, Aiden rose from his throne and began to make his way through the crowds. Councilman Ryker, a portly man with a greasy smile, approached him with his wife and daughter in tow.

"Your Majesty, congratulations on your coronation," Ryker said, his voice dripping with false sincerity. "May I introduce my family? My wife, Lady Ryker, and our daughter, Sophia?"

Aiden nodded curtly, his eyes flicking to Sophia, a beautiful young woman with a calculating gaze.

"It's an honor, Your Majesty," Sophia said, her voice sweet as honey. "I must say, you look even more handsome than I imagined."

Aiden raised an eyebrow, aware of their true intentions. "The pleasure is mine, Sophia. But I fear I'm not quite... available... for such frivolities."

Sophia's eyes sparkled with determination. "Oh, but I think we could be great friends, Your Majesty. I'm sure we have much in common."

Aiden's smile was polite but firm. "I appreciate the offer, Sophia, but I fear my duties as king will keep me quite occupied."

Councilman Ryker's face fell, but he recovered quickly. "Ah, well, perhaps another time, then. We'll leave you to your... duties."

As they moved on, Aiden's eyes met Eryon's, who raised a sympathetic eyebrow. They continued through the crowds, exchanging greetings and pleasantries, until they reached the high priests.

"Your Majesty," the lead priest said, his voice low and soothing, "we offer our blessings and wisdom. Do not follow in your uncle's footsteps. Be like your father, a just and fair ruler."

Aiden nodded, his mind elsewhere. "Thank you, Your Holiness. I will strive to do what is right."

As he made his way back to his throne, the ladies of the court pursued him, requesting dances he had no desire to fulfill. Eryon intervened, charming them with his flirtatious nature.

"King Aiden is unavailable, ladies. But I am at your service... for the night, at least."

Aiden rolled his eyes, escaping to a secluded balcony. The fresh air and silence were a balm to his frazzled nerves. But his peace was short-lived, as Councilman Griffin appeared, his voice dripping with false sincerity.

"Your Majesty, congratulations on your coronation. I see you're still holding onto grudges."

Aiden's eyes narrowed. "You didn't exactly help me secure the throne, Councilman. Why should I forget that?"

Griffin chuckled, his eyes glinting with cunning. "Ah, but I'm willing to make amends. I have information, resources... and influence. Be good on the throne, Your Majesty... and watch your back."

Aiden's eyes locked onto Griffin's, his voice cold. "Is that a threat?"

Griffin laughed, his smile dripping with malice. "Merely advice, Your Majesty. Heed it well. You never know when you might need... friends."

Aiden's eyes never left Griffin's face, his jaw clenched in anger. "I think I'll manage, Councilman. Goodnight."

Griffin bowed, his smile never wavering. "Goodnight, Your Majesty. May your reign be... long and prosperous."

As Griffin disappeared into the crowds, Aiden's mind reeled with the weight of the crown. He returned to his room, Eryon meeting him in the passage.

"How was it, Your Majesty?" Eryon asked, concern etched on his face.

Aiden chuckled dryly. "Tolerable. And you? Done charming the ladies?"

Eryon grinned. "Only trying to help, my king. But I think I'll leave the politics to you from now on."

Aiden waved a hand, dismissing him. "Send everyone home, Eryon. I've had enough for one night."

Eryon protested, but Aiden shut the door, seeking solace in the silence of his chambers.

Aiden entered his chambers, exhausted from the coronation festivities. As he reached for the candelabra, the room suddenly brightened, and a voice echoed behind him.

"Greetings, Your Majesty."

Aiden recognized the voice without turning. "Caila."

She emerged from the shadows, her curves accentuated by the flickering candlelight. With a sly smile, she wrapped her arms around him from behind, pressing her swollen chest against his back.

"Aiden, congratulations on your coronation," she whispered, her breath hot against his ear.

He spun around, her embrace still lingering. "Is this a new method of seduction, Caila?"

Her eyes sparkled with mischief. "I merely wanted to hug you, my king."

Aiden pushed her aside, his gaze cold. "We need to talk."

Caila's face fell, but she followed him to his cabinet. "What's wrong, Aiden? You seem... distant."

He turned to her, his voice firm. "This thing you want between us, Caila... it can't work."

Her eyes narrowed, determination etched on her face. "Why not? We're perfect for each other. We're both... different."

Aiden raised an eyebrow. "Different?"

Caila's voice took on a romantic tone. "Yes, we're not like the others. We're special, Aiden. And our kinds... they need each other."

He cut her off, his patience wearing thin. "Forget it, Caila. You're a year older than me, and—"

"Age is just a number," she interrupted, her smile coy.

Aiden's expression darkened. "Respect your father, Caila. He was once my father's friend, Lord Arin."

Caila's face twisted in defiance. "I won't be denied, Aiden. You need me."

As she reached for his robes, Aiden's anger snapped. He grabbed her hand, his dragon tattoo visible on his bare chest. "Get out! Never show your face again!"

He flung her onto the bed, her eyes flashing with anger. "You're no human, Aiden, and neither am I. Our kinds are different. Why can't you accept me now, when in the future I'll be your only option?"

Aiden's laughter was dark and menacing. He gripped her throat, his eyes blazing. "Don't compare yourself to me, Caila. Respect boundaries, or I'll snap your neck, no matter what your father meant to me."

He released her, and she stumbled out of the room, coughing and breathless. "I swear, Aiden... I'll be yours, no matter what it takes."

Aiden poured himself a goblet of wine, his mind still reeling from the encounter with Caila. He had undressed and donned a bed robe, seeking solace in the silence of his chambers. The wine was a deep red, its aroma enticing. He took a sip, feeling the liquid warm his throat.

As he drank, a numbness crept over him, his thoughts growing hazy. He tried to stand, but his legs buckled, and he crashed to the floor. Panic set in as he realized his drink had been poisoned.

"Eryon!" he croaked, his voice barely audible.

Eryon burst into the room, his face etched with concern. "Aiden! Oh, gods... what's happened?"

Aiden's vision blurred, his words slurring. "Poison... in the wine..."

Eryon's eyes widened as he rushed to his side. "Guards! Secure the Palace! No one moves in or out until further notice!"

Aiden's world darkened, his body limp on the cold floor. Eryon cradled his head, fear gripping his heart. "Hold on, Aiden. I'll get the antidote. You'll be okay..."

But Aiden's eyes had already closed, his consciousness fading into the darkness.

Here's the scene:

Aiden poured himself a goblet of wine, his mind still reeling from the encounter with Caila. He had undressed and donned a bed robe, seeking solace in the silence of his chambers. The wine was a deep red, its aroma enticing. He took a sip, feeling the liquid warm his throat.

As he drank, a numbness crept over him, his thoughts growing hazy. He tried to stand, but his legs buckled, and he crashed to the floor. Panic set in as he realized his drink had been poisoned.

"Eryon!" he croaked, his voice barely audible.

Eryon burst into the room, his face etched with concern. "Aiden! Oh, gods... what's happened?"

Aiden's vision blurred, his words slurring. "Poison... in the wine..."

Eryon's eyes widened as he rushed to his side. "Guards! Secure the Palace! No one moves in or out until further notice!"

Aiden's world darkened, his body limp on the cold floor. Eryon cradled his head, fear gripping his heart. "Hold on, Aiden. I'll get the antidote. You'll be okay..."

But Aiden's eyes had already closed, his consciousness fading into the darkness.