

   "What happens when a cold-hearted beast turns out to be an Angel in the veil of the night?…      Who could have thought that she was to marry a beast? A man with many scars? And worst of all, " A herald of Hell?!    However, nothing could have possibly prepared her for the beast of a man whom she was suddenly bound to as wife…     His features are enough to bestow fear upon the hearts of anyone who dare to gaze upon him. The Beast of the woods, as he is referred to. He was shocked when a girl with the most beautiful violet eyes he has ever seen, which, however, gaze upon him with trepidation and horror, is given to him to wed…

Celestial_prince · 奇幻言情
7 Chs

Chapter 3: Unprepared

"Marriage?" She blinked in confusion, a cold shiver passing down her spine. "But I'm not a town girl."

William laughed and stared at her wickedly. Behind that wicked glare, however, Hazel could sense the lust that she always saw in his eyes whenever he looked at her.

It was the same look he always had when he and his gang had rounded her up several times as she went to the community garden, sticking out their phalluses, threatening to do all sorts of hideous things to her, whilst laughing and assaulting her.

It was also the same look he had when he, at a particular night, had stumbled to her room drunk and had almost forcefully penetrated her had she not fought and scratched and bit with all she had.

"I know, right? Shocked me too when the mayor announced it, sugar. But perhaps…" He edged dangerous close to her. "Perhaps they've found out that your tight little sheath is not a curse, after all. A pity they didn't realize that earlier, all the things I would have done to you."

Damned mayor. That ugly, obese man had never had a kind look or word for her.

William laughed. "Maybe, I'll be the one to marry you, sugar. If I am, oh baby, I am going to have a lot of fun with you. And even if I am not, that won't stop me from sharing you with whoever is."

Grook, William's right-hand man threw a white gown at her. "Hurry up with that. The ceremony will start at any moment." He growled.

Her heart and mind racing, she picked up the gown.

"May all of you excuse me so that I can change?"

"No, we can't sugar. I'm curious to know what's underneath those hideous gowns you wear."

She stood, staring at them. They sneered back at her.

And without a second thought, she bolted off the window.


Lucian was still in a daze as he cleaned himself and rode into the town on his horse. After saddling the horse to a tree, he walked around the town, staring a bit too intensely at every female he saw. Most, upon meeting his eyes, grimaced, shuddered, and quickly walked out of his view. The rest didn't notice him.

Shortly after his arrival, he began to hear mutterings around him. He was known for only coming out to visit the night market for foodstuff. Why was the beast of the woods suddenly in town, on this fateful day? Surely, he could not possibly be looking for a bride. Golly, he was repulsive. The gods must have been meaning to make a monster and mistakenly created a revolting excuse for a human instead.

Lucian tried his best to block out the mutterings but they soon broke his spirit. His fists immediately clenched and veins popped out of his eyes and every inch of his body. It took a huge amount of restraint for him not to begin a bloodbath.

F..ck them!

How dare they say such things about him in his presence? Did they have an inkling of an idea of what he had been through, how he had gotten his scars? 

His throat suddenly became parched and his eyes sighted a mead and wine seller setting up his shop.

He stormed towards the man.


The man, upon seeing his, fell down in shock and surprise and scrambled to stand up.

"Do not waste my time!"

The man quickly ran inside and came out with a jar of wine. Before Lucian could pay, he scrambled back inside.

He dropped a copper piece on the man's table and left.

Before he could open the jar, someone's body slammed into him, just slightly affecting his balance but causing his jar to shatter to the ground.

His corneas turned blood red in fury as he, after staring at the broken jar, turned to stare at the perpetrator of the mess.

And his eyes locked with a pair of bright, beautiful violet eyes. 


Did such eye color exist? Fascinating.

The owner of the eyes gasped in terror and quickly bolted off.

He turned back and caught a glimpse of the girl with the violet irises. She ran into the market and some men, one holding a white gown, ran after her.

An unwilling to be bride.

Who was she?
