the story follows a boy named Han Takakuri as he gets hit by a truck and dies getting reborn into another world called "Tinaola" This world is full of monsters, slaves, elf's, dragons, worms, etc etc. follow the journey of Takakuri Han as he goes on his journey
Reborn In A Fantasy World
Yoru Tsukihiko
(I am) - thoughts
"Very Happy" - speech
[You're Here!] - Narrator/me
-YAY!- - this means item name or tool name etc etc
~ chapter 1: The Truck ~
We zoom into a city, then into a small country. And we see a guy, his hair is nappy and unkept, and his hair color is a dark purple. his eyes look tired, and he scratches his stomach,
The built up dead skin cells, dust and oils Appearing on his dark brown skin, and he turns around as he sighs.
"What day is it...?"
He said as he yawned, his voice is a monotone dark grimy sound when he speaks, it's obvious he's fed up with life.
(Man I'm tired, I just wish I can go in a new world and forget everything...)
He thought to himself as he gets dressed up for work, and he puts on his MiDinalds shirt, and his tag says. -Miyamira Tayiniru- and he puts on his pants, as he walks out he is hunch backed, and he sighs.
(Let's get this over with.)
He thought to himself as he walked across the street, but then everything stops and the horns on a truck start honking, and then Miyamira looks at the truck surprised. as the truck makes a screech sound, and it crashes into him making him explode his organs flying into the poles, and a squelch is the sound his body makes, everything goes dark, and slowly turns white as he slowly opens his eyes.
"...where am I?"
Miyamira said confused and emotionlessly as he sits up, and he looks to his left he sees a guy staring at him, his eyes are staring right into Miyamira's eyes.
"YOHOHOHO, you're a interesting kid!"
The man laughed as he said his words, and he teleports back to his table. and Miyamira turns towards the guy.
"Who are you?"
Miyamira said confused and boringly, and the man twists around and appears Infront of Miyamira.
"I am.... God! Or should I say. the god of Tinaola!"
The man said with excitement, and he giggles as he goes back to his spot.
"I said name, not title."
Miyamira said as he glares at GOT[god of Tinaola], and he slams the table but then GOT was mad.
"Calm down boy, I didn't get to the good part. YOHOHOHO!"
The man said as he laughed, and he sipped his tea. Miyamira look confused as he sighs.
"Why bother, you're too old to hear anyway."
Miyamira said bored as he rested his elbow in his knee, and the man glares at Miyamira.
"Just go."
The man creates a forcefield around Miyamira, and crushed him with force, not making him a meatball though.
"You are now known as the child of Abbriel and Kon, and you are the younger sister of Teny. you won't remember anything but your new name is, Takakuri Han."
The man said as he threw Miyamira down into the new world, and the old Miyamira smiles.
(I finally got my wish.)
He thought as he faded away, with a tear and smile.
"Thank you."
Miyamira said with his final words.