

James, obeying the command of his master, had to fasten the carriage. The coachman is growing concern of the speed they are going. They are heading toward the Xiou's holiday villa. Due to his relationship with May, the Xiou was able to purchase a few hectares of land just a few miles away from the Danvers' mansion. This is something The Phantom is really grateful for. Being able to reach his beloved in a short time when he himself is running out of time and energy, today seems to be going as he had planned.

The Phantom crossed his arms together as he leans back to against the carriage's wall. His eyes are closed. Even with the wind hitting the side of the carriage so loudly due to their speed, his eyes still feel heavy.

He had been awake for more than a day and Kara is still trying to come out. The Phantom sigh.

"James, how long?", he shouted to the coachman.

Rising his eyes brows, the coachman clear his throat before shouting back,

"T-ten inches, Sir. Why did you ask?"

Facepalm himself, The Phantom rolled his eyes at the absurd answer.

"Not that, idiot! How long until we arrived?"

Making an 'O' shape with his mouth, a shade of crimson red appear on the coachman's face. He never assumed such a question about 'long' when he is with Kara. The Phantom has this aura around him that makes him feel okay share such information. Like when guys hanging out with guys, it feels like they can just share anything.

Which doesn't make sense cause both Kara and The Phantom are the same people?

"In a few more minutes. ", answered James.

The coachman glance at the glimpse of Xiao vacation house a few miles in front of him. Why did The Phantom wake him so early in the morning to come to this place when he knew to come unannounced like this is impolite? James could never understand The Phantom.

Inside the carriage, The Phantom starts to straighten his clothes. The plain white shirt and grey vest suddenly felt so thin under his long black coat. He has never been afraid, confidence is power. That is what he been telling himself... But right now, no matter how hard he tried to deny it, The Phantom is scared.

Kara loves Lena and The Phantom loves May. Someone can't love two people at the same time.

May might understand, perhaps even Lena would understand the condition Kara and The Phantom shared.

' One of us must go.'

Whisper The Phantom to himself.

"Sir, we have arrived.", declared James.

He didn't even wait before opening the carriage's door. Instantly, he can see two men wearing Zhiduo already prepared to attack him.

They, of course, stopped the moment they recognise his face.

"Master Phantom, welcome!", the two man bow with their back straighten and their hand at their sides as a sign of respect to the young Duke.

The Phantom merely smile at them. He didn't need to ask where May is, that brat is definitely still asleep right now. The Phantom wordlessly walk around the villa, the two guards followed closely behind him.

He stopped right below the fifth window on the second stair.

"Help me look around for some rocks.",  demand The Phantom.

The guards look at each other. They have heard about this. It is a classic romantic gesture where a gentleman would throw pebbles to the window so the lady would open it up and they could talk. Knowing this fact, the two guards quickly search for the smallest pebbles they can find and hand it to the young Duke.

He glances at the pebbles and frown.

"The sleeping beauty inside that room won't even flick if I throw this pebbles up there.", he complains. Grabbing a rock as big as his fist, The Phantom gently blow at the rock.

It was so fast. Too fast for the two guards to understand what had happened. The Phantom throw the rock to the window, breaking the window's glass.

Almost immediately, the one and only Xiou May appeared. Her hair looks a mess. There are still some of her mud masks on her face. Tho one of the cucumber slices that supposed to be on her eyes is now on her cheek. The other cucumber slice must have been   She harshly pushes the window of her bedroom open.

"WHO WISH TO DIE THIS EAR-!", she stopped. Her eyes locked with her beloved. She freeze. It took her less than a second for her face to return to her usual calm look.

The Phantom chuckled.

"Sorry, miss. I should have known ugly ghost wake up late.", he teased.

May rolled her eyes, "Or maybe you are just too early? ", she said. 

The lady glared at the two guards beside her beloved. No word needed, the two guards quickly leave the love birds alone.

A clean towel was handed to May by her maid. The lady grabbed the towel and gently wiped her mask off. Once there was no more mask on her face, the lady makes soft taps on her face using her fingertips. Her fair and smooth face is worth the hustle and bustle of applying the mask every night.

Stealing a glance at her beloved, May can't help but smirk. The annoyed look on his face was clear. He didn't even try to hide it. A little weird indeed but May love to make her man wait. She the type of girl who will intentionally wait a few days before replying to his letter. A lady should make her man wait because if the man really loves you, he will wait for you. You worth every second. Her mother taught her so and that is what she wishes you to know.

The Phantom is not oblivious of this side of May. He never said a word even when he, himself, is running out of time because it is true.  She worth every second.

Once the lady was done with her business, May finally give her full attention to The Phantom.

"Are you trying to redo our awful first date? This is the second time you broke my window, love.", she said.

Her hand carefully trace the frame of her window.

Shaking his head slowly, The Phantom can't imagine her reaction would be if he told her it would be a redo of their first date as well as their last date.


Hehehe, I know that is not the best chapter for the prank I just did but... I have something that would cheer you all up.

I promise under my pen name. You will have 3 if not 5 chapters tomorrow.

Believe in me cuz you don't have a choice.