
Τeras: the deadly game of cards

In a world where the essence of life itself lies within the power of cards and mana, survival becomes a perilous game. Amidst adventurers, knights and kings who dictate the rules, a young boy awakens with a shattered memory, devoid of weapons, allies, and even the ability to use the power of cards Lost and vulnerable, he questions the purpose of his existence in a desolate reality where hope seems fake. Stripped of everything he once held dear, he faces the daunting task of uncovering his past, piecing together the fragments of his identity, and finding a reason to carry on. For any type of support go to my insta @illo16 and my twitter @illoo_chillo You can also find the story on Royal Road on https://www.royalroad.com/profile/343854

Illo · 奇幻
71 Chs

Adventurers' exams (part 4)

After the battle Teras had with Recka he fainted, he had stressed his body, the mana overflow is something that shouldn't be used in combat or any type of practice, mana overflow is a defense mechanism that the human body uses to increase the user's overall combat ability, it is normally used in a do or die situation against a monster, despite its great use at battle most people tend to avoid the usage of it, mostly for safety reasons, meaning what Teras did was very dull, his body was heavily damaged and his limbs were shattered in result

"Quickly help me move him!!!"

Recka told the others, and they quickly came to help, all of Teras's friends were petrified they were shocked to the bone, it was their first time seeing someone getting this hurt over a fight, they just stood there watching Teras getting moved to Recka's building, her building was a basic house with a lot of equipment for fighting healing and much more, Recka dismissed the others and placed Teras on her bed, she then quickly found a healing crystal and attached it to Teras, the crystal was a big green crystal that could be attached to a person with a mana string, the crystal then could heal the person that is attached to

"Why didn't you stop? you idiot!"

Recka said with nervousness written all over her face, she then proceeded to heal Teras so he could regain consciousness

She healed him for minutes, Teras slowly started to moan in his sleep, he was repeating a word over and over, Recka could neither understand nor hear the word, she then got closer to his mouth, and placed her ear on top of his mouth


Teras was still apologizing for the damages he caused to Recka, Recka felt guilty for forcing him to fight her, and she then healed Teras even more, once she ran out of mana she decided to leave the crystal to do its job, she then exited her house and gathered the other students

"Teras is safe for those who are worried, he will take a break for a week or fewer, it depends on how fast he will heal, tomorrow we will gather to the field again to train your mana flow, all of you have a good sleep"

Recka told to them, she then went inside her house

"What's wrong with her? she forced Teras to fight her, and now she acts like she is sad, it's all her fault!"

Cara said

"It's not her fault, she didn't know that Teras was this determined to win, I mean he didn't even need to win"

Har told to her

"Oh, so you think she did the right thing? Teras is your friend, how can you be so ugh..."

Cara was annoyed, the fact that Har didn't think that Recka was in the wrong triggered her, so she quickly went to her dorm, she didn't want to get mad at Har because she knew he was a good guy

"Seems like I have to go too"

Lia told to them, she then followed Cara back to the dorm

"Whatever, I don't intend to argue with Cara, I guess I might be in the wrong but opinions are opinions, I can't do anything about my way of thinking"

Har told to Ronie, and he then quickly left too, Ronie remained awfully silent, and he then decide to go for a walk since he was left alone, when he arrived at the back of the building he broke out laughing

"Serves you right you bastard, acting all cool, you are a sack of shit, you don't deserve the power you have, now that you are a week out of my game I will get stronger and kill you, you mother fucker, you will regret raising your hand at me"

Ronie said out loud, he was building up all this rage against Teras since the start of the exam every night he wanted to kill him in his sleep, but the one time he actually tried it Cromi started to make a loud sound that almost woke up everyone, Cromi was always sleeping in the day because she was protecting Teras all night

"Now that your little bunny isn't with you I will kill you and frame our teacher, the funny thing is that most of the people will actually believe that she did it!"

Ronie was laughing like a madman

"I like your way of thinking"

said an unknown voice coming from the woods

"Who are you? show yourself!"

Ronie said as he was pointing his blade in the voice's direction

"Calm down kid, you can't harm me"

said the tall man

"What are you?!!! Why do you look like that?"

Ronie said scared

"Don't fear me, child, we both share the same enemy, so I suggest that we join forces so we can defeat him, that monster of a child"

the tall man said

"How can I trust you? I don't even know you"

Ronie told him

"Do not worry my child, I am no longer alive but I still possess my power, and I can give it to you if you wish to"

the man told him

"Will it make me stronger than him?"

Ronie asked

"Eventually you will be stronger than your teacher, you just have to do what I tell you to"

the tall man told him

"Then what are you waiting for? give me your power"

Ronie said with excitement

"Do not hurry my child, I will give you a part of my powers, and little by little I will give you everything"

the man then placed his hand on Ronie's chest and an orange glow traveled from his body to his arm and then to Ronie, Ronie then fell down on his knees and began to scream, the power of the tall man was a lot to handle for Ronie, some seconds passed, the tall man finished his transition

"Come here tomorrow at the same time you came today and I will tell you what to do next, and whatever you do, don't hurt the cursed child"

the man then vanished, after some time Ronie got up and started to walk back to the dorm

'I can feel the power running through me'

Ronie was feeling great after the transition of power from the tall man, he then arrived at the dorm and slept, another strange day passed, and the morning came, Teras slowly woke up

"Where am I?"

he wondered out loud

"In my house"

Recka replied, Teras was surprised to see her, he quickly tried to stand up, and a huge pain ran through his body

"Don't move kid your whole body has been damaged, and you will need at least a week to heal"

Recka told him

"A week? I can't wait that long"

Teras said as he was trying to stand up

"Lay down or I will make you"

Teras then activated his mana flow, for some reason Recka got afraid, maybe it was the eye contact they had or the fact that she got beat up by him yesterday, she didn't really know why, the real reason that Teras activated it though was so he could enforce his legs, he then stood up, his legs were shaking, Recka was amazed, she didn't think that he could stand up, she then quickly went and grabbed a long stick

"Take this, use it to support your weight since your legs are still very weak"

Teras took the stick and started to walk out

"Are you not coming? you have to start your lesson soon"

Teras told her while he smiling at her, she was flustered

'what's wrong with me today?'

she thought as she was going out, she opened the door for Teras, and she then exited her house too, Recka then told Teras to wait at the field and went to wake up everyone, after some minutes she returned, and the others students followed

"Guys, today is the day that a special guest will arrive, she will teach you how to use your mana flow better and also teach you how to use side skills with mana such as healing"

Recka told them

"Teras are you alright? we were so worried about your health"

Cara told him with tears running down her face

"Why are you crying? I'm ok it wasn't really something that serious"

Teras told her, he wanted to calm her, Cara then hugged him

"Don't ever do something this stupid, you dummy!"

"Cara you are hurting me"

he told her

"Oh I'm sorry, I got carried away"

she said as she was wiping her tears

"You seem alright my friend, I hope you have a swift recovery"

said Har

"Yea I agree, it is nice seeing you doing okay"

Lia added

"Thank you guys, I hope that I get better fast so I can join the training"

Teras told them, after that Teras felt a feeling of uneasiness, it was the feeling he felt back in the forest, and it was coming from Ronie, Teras was curious so he asked

"Ronie did something change about you? you seem... different"

Teras told him

"Me? it's nothing I actually trained because I got jealous of your movements back there"

Ronie replied, before they could exchange more words a carriage arrived along with the sun

"Here it is guys, the person I have been telling you about"

Recka said, the carriage stopped

A familiar short maid came out of it

'you have to be kidding me!'

Teras thought, it was Becka, she arrived with a bag, containing her clothes probably...

"Welcome sister!"

said Recka, everything clicked to Teras as soon as he heard those words

'it all makes sense now, the similarities of their names, they also use the same cards, besides their eye color they look nothing alike, how can those 2 be related?'

Teras was really confused since Becka was short and red-haired and Recka was Tall and brown-haired, this confused Teras but with time he accepted it

"Oh look who it is! my good old friend Teras! how long was it been?"

Becka said

"Are you kidding me? why didn't you tell me that you work here too?"

Teras said angrily

"Why would I? it doesn't have to do anything with you"

Becka replied

'This woman is a headache'

Teras thought

"Wait do you know him, sister?"

Recka asked

"Of course, I know him, he is the kid master Tokkou brought in his house, he had incredible talent at fighting, and he won Potinko without using any mana"

she replied, Recka seemed surprised

"How did he get like that?"

Becka asked, Recka then explained to her what happened


Becka screamed at Teras, speaking of others Recka took the others and started the training, Teras and Becka sat in the distance and watched them

"Kid, did you really peep into the girl's dorm?"

Becka asked him

"NO! I just wanted to inform my friends"

Teras replied

"Don't worry I believe you, want me to tell you the reason Recka was angry?"

before Teras could answer she started explaining

"You see Recka is really strict about this kind of thing because she knows how it feels like. When we were younger we were slaves to some terrible people, since Recka was more developed for her age they forced her to strip in front of them, if she didn't do what she was told to they beat her up and then they would beat up the others, that means she had to do it or else she would have been hated from the others, so when we got freed she was very secure about her body, she wouldn't even let me see her changing, she was traumatized, that's the reason she was that mad at you, even if it was an accident she doesn't ignore those things, I'm surprised that she didn't kick you right away, I guess she trusted you"

Teras was surprised, he felt like someone squashed his stomach, he was disgusted by the actions of the past owners of Recka's and Becka's

"That's horrible, I hope that those guys don't find any happiness in their life!"

Teras said, he was very angry

"Oh don't worry about it, Tokkou killed every single one of them when he found us"

Becka replied, Teras was kind of terrified by what he heard, after a moment of silence Teras said

"Now that you mention it, how is Tokkou doing?"

"He is alright, he is just kind of lonely now that you left, it really was something different for him, having someone younger than him, you probably reminded him of his younger brother"

Becka answered

"He has a younger brother?! how is he like?"

Teras wondered

"He had, he is now dead, he never told us how he died"

"I'm sorry to hear that"

he replied


Recka shouted, Becka quickly went to the field and began the teaching, since Teras had nothing left to do he watched the lesson from afar, the lesson was to learn how to walk/run with mana flow activated, and almost everyone was struggling, the only person that could do it was Ronie, that surprised Teras because Ronie was whining yesterday about how hard is to maintain your mana flow but now he is walking perfectly, after some hours the lesson ended, all the students went to the lunch area, Teras began to walk to the lunch area too but he was very slow since he had wounded his legs

"Do you need a hand?"

Recka asked

"If you don't mind"

Teras replied, Recka then lifted up Teras on her back, and she then started walking

"I'm not hurting you am I?"

Recka asked

"No I'm completely fine, thank you for your ride"

Teras told her

"Oh i-it's nothing don't worry about it"

she said stuttering, she seemed anxious


he thought, the 2 of them then arrived at the area, Recka then placed Teras at a table and left to get him some food

"Here you go, make sure you eat it all so you heal up quickly"

she told him, Recka then left and went to her house to eat, she prefers to cook for herself rather than eat something that someone else prepared. Teras was eating peacefully until Becka sat next to him

"Teras what did you do to her?"

she asked him

"What do you mean? I didn't do anything to her"

he replied, cluelessly

"You are lying! she would never do this for somebody, she would probably force someone to do this, she doesn't even do this for me"

Becka told to him with a weird smile on her face

"I don't know why, I assume it's because she feels bad, also stop smiling like this you are creeping me out"

Teras told her

"Well if a woman does this for a man with nothing to gain it must be something right?"

she told him with a stupid smirk

"Shut up you do the same for Tokkou, don't you?"

"But I like Tokkou"

she whispered in Teras's ear, he blushed

"Quit teasing me! it's not like that, I'm her student!"

Teras told her embarrassed

"Like what Teras? I don't know, you have to tell me"

"Shut up! I'm way too young"

Teras said

"Oh! are you assuming my little sister is old? she is barely 19 and I can assure you she is pure"

Teras was fed up with Becka so he took his plate and left as fast as he could, he went up the tall slope, it took him longer than usual to get there but he eventually made it, he sat down and enjoyed his rice with carrots the food was cold but he still ate it all, it was peaceful up there so he decided to train, he then released his mana flow and closed his eye, he meditated for hours, it was extremally hard to train with a so much injured body but he still did it, before he could finish his training, he saw it, the dark figure appeared again in his mind

"How foolish, you got yourself in a very tight spot, a huge danger is among this camp, scout it out before it's too late for you and everyone here"

before Teras could speak to it, it disappeared

'not now! what is this timing? I have to get better soon and figure out what the tall man did'