
[DC x Overlord] Bloodbound

Daily life weighs heavy on her shoulders, this burnout yearns for an early retirement. Seeking solace in a diversion, she immerses herself in a DMMO-RPG, unaware of its true nature. 12 years later she's in a strange world. Now, she stands beyond the edge of power that will forever alter the perception of what is possible. "I'll show you true magic," she declares. Additional Tags: Major Character Death, Minor Canon Divergence (Overlord), Mild Gore, No Harem

Zerviil · 漫画同人
24 Chs


The sun cast its golden glow upon the lush green mountainside, painting the scene in hues of emerald and gold. 

From this vantage point, one could behold the picturesque valley below, where rivers snaked through the heart of the land. 

Atop the hill, a horse stood patiently, its reins tethered to a makeshift fence.

A few meters away, a luxurious tent stood proudly. Its fabric, adorned with intricate designs, fluttered in the gentle breeze. 

It was a place-able area-effect item that players use to rest and regenerate health and mana.

Inside this tent, silk couches adorned with richly embroidered rags encircled a central table. On the table lay a sumptuous display of assorted fruits and chocolates, pulled from the depths of Valaine's personal inventory.

Laid upon one of the plush couches was Valaine. 

She reclined with comfort, her loose satin dress boasted a silver hue. The dress, daring in its design, halted mid-thigh, and an open-back that revealed the curve of her spine.

She is embodying relaxation in its purest form, and on her chest was a silk pillow. 

This newfound luxury was a marvel, an experience that she had never experienced until now, and she savored every moment of it.

Valaine's guard was as low as ever. Confidence exuded from her every pore, she believed herself capable of fending off any intruder who dared disturb her peace.

Valaine considered her ability to reach the next village in mere minutes.  But she rendered such concerns as trivial.

She has a newfound appreciation within her, a desire to experience nature. The allure of the natural world amazed her, it was something that was extinct in her past life. She found herself captivated by nature. 

Each breath, though not vital due to her undead race, was an indulgence.

The air enveloped her like, crisp and invigorating, a sensory experience that she never experienced due to the toxic air in her past life.

With each inhalation, she marveled at the purity of the air, relishing in its freshness. In this moment, she discovered a facet of herself she had never known existed.

"Nature," she murmured to herself, her voice barely audible, "is truly amazing."

Valaine, possess the Blood-Mother race, the pinnacle of vampire racial class. She has a powerful mental endurance. While most vampires would descend into a feral madness after mere days of not drinking blood, Valaine's mind was a fortress.

A few days without feeding did not break her sanity, nor did it transform her into a feral creature by base instincts. She could withstand the hunger, the pull of blood temptation. 

She pondered the limits of her endurance, a theory taking root within her mind.

"I wonder," she mused, her voice barely a whisper, "how long can I endure this hunger? A week? A month?" The prospect intrigued her.

Her ruby eyes, flickered tentatively over the pages of the book she held that she pulled from her inventory.

It was a large heavy leather book adorned with silver engravings, it is a basic class promotion item that gives the player the Elementalist Mage class. 

Now, free with the confines of Yggdrasill, the book she is currently reading is a real book that she can interact with freely.

Frustration marred her otherwise serene expression as she struggled, akin to a high schooler studying the pages of a physics book.

With a swift motion, she brushed a stray platinum strand of hair away from her face, her irritation manifesting more than ever.

Valaine's hand reached for a vibrant red apple among the fruits displayed on the table. She brought the fruit to her lips, and as her teeth sank into its flesh.

Currently, her focus was fixed on the pursuit of knowledge. 

Magic, a force she could manipulate with finesse in this world.. 

To her, it was a matter of uttering a word, and the world bent to her will. But she desired to comprehend the very essence of magic, to know its fundamentals.

Valaine's eyes burned curiosity, she scanned the pages of the beginner level spell book. To those of her caliber, this book would seem almost beneath her.

Her supernatural abilities were akin to a footballer blessed with superhuman strength. On the field, the footballer excels without training, relying on raw talent alone. That is what Valaine is.

She was not content with blessings or proficiency, she wants mastery.

The words on the pages began to form a coherent picture in her mind. Magic, it seemed, was a fusion of two distinct properties: 

External and Internal.

The External, as described in the text, was akin to a bow, an instrument through which the magical energies were channeled.

It encompassed tools like engravings, runes, wands, and various artifacts, each a conduit for the mystical forces that coursed through the world.

"And then there's the Internal," she mused aloud, her voice a soft murmur. "The arrow that flies forth, guided by intent and belief."

Her gaze lingered on the words, and she continued her ramblings.

"External tools serve as the language of magic, symbols that bridge the gap between our minds and the arcane forces that shape reality. Without them, it's like a bow without an bowstring."

She shifted on the silk-covered couch, her mind delving deeper into the essence of the text.

"Internal is the true heartbeat of magic," she whispered, her tone reverent. 

"It's the belief that breathes life into the incantations, the intent that transforms words into reality. Without belief, all the engravings and wands in the world are nothing more than trinkets."

A spark of understanding flickered in her ruby eyes, mingling with the flames of her eternal curiosity.

"It's a delicate balance," she continued, her voice carrying the weight of newfound wisdom.

"Like a skilled archer who knows precisely when to release the arrow, one must synchronize External and Internal."

Her hand absentmindedly reached for a piece of chocolate from the table.

"I've always manipulated magic instinctively," she admitted, her voice tinged with introspection. "But understanding its fundamentals... that's a different art altogether. It's like I discovered a new mathematical formula by myself."

Valaine's fingers traced the words in the book, lost in the depths of magical theory. 

She wanted to try what she'd learned soon, but not now. Mastering the basics was essential, and she wouldn't rush her journey into the arcane.

After all, she have eternity, she's immortal now.

Leaving the tent behind, she stepped out into the mountain's cool air, greeted by the sight of her devoted servant, Victoria. 

Victoria's short, messy champagne-colored hair danced in the breeze, framing her features.

"Master!" Her tone casual yet laced with reverence.

Valaine watched as Victoria tended to the horse, her expression curious. "Has our horse rested enough yet?" Valaine inquired, concern for the horse's well-being evident in her words.

Victoria paused in her ministrations, her fingers caressing the horse's sleek flank. "Not for a few hours. He has been riding through the night without stop."

"I see," Valaine replied, her response unhurried. 

She was not in a hurry. She wants to savor the fresh mountain air and the tranquil ambiance of the place.

As she stepped further away from the tent, a sudden gust of wind swept through the mountainside, causing her long platinum hair to cascade around her.

"Where's the kid?" 

In response to Valaine's inquiry, a soft, happy noise reached Valaine's ears. 

Her eyes followed the sound, and there he was, the kid, nestled on a purple rag atop the dirt floor. The child played merrily with two wooden toy knights, a creation molded by Valaine's telekinetic prowess from a nearby tree.

Valaine couldn't help but smile as she observed the baby's innocent delight.

Valaine watched as the child's eyes lit up with delight when she telekinetically moved the second toy knight, his tiny hands reaching out to grasp it. 

It was unexpected, he stood up and took his first unsteady steps to grab the toy.

"How... How is this possible?" Valaine whispered, her voice laden with disbelief.

"Master, this is incredible!" Victoria exclaimed, her voice filled with a mixture of awe and excitement. 

Her champagne hair, usually in disarray, now seemed to dance with an energy of its own, mirroring her heightened emotions. And the the sudden transformation left Valaine puzzled, her gaze fixed on the now-toddling child. 

"Victoria," she began, her voice tinged with confusion, "how long has it been since we arrived in this world?"

Victoria, still tending to the horse, looked thoughtful for a moment. "Three days and one night, Master" she replied, glancing at Valaine.

Valaine's brow furrowed. "And how long have we been caring for this child?" she asked.

Victoria answered, "Two days and one night, Master."

Valaine observed the child closely, realization dawning upon her. 

The infant, once so small and vulnerable, had undergone a remarkable transformation. In two days, the child had grown the equivalent of six months.

Then, Valaine's memory flashed back to a decision she had made.

Without access to breast milk, she had decided to offer the child a Feathered-Dragon Milk. The milk was known for its powerful strength buffs, but it seemed that the milk's potency had unintentionally spurred the baby's rapid development.

The child's innocent play took a sudden turn as his tiny fists clenched, inadvertently shattering the wooden knights into pieces.

He cried. Loudly.

The child's cries intensified, escalating into a furious tantrum. 

In his frustration, he struck the ground with a force that seemed impossible for such a small being. The impact echoed like thunder, resonating through the mountainside. 

Valaine and Victoria, felt the ground beneath them tremble. The ground quivered beneath his tiny fists, sending tremors that shook the very foundations of the camp.

His cries pierced the air, resonating with a force that seemed impossible for a human baby. 

Valaine and Victoria, their ears sensitive to even the slightest sound, had to cover their ears, momentarily stunned by the child's unexpected display of strength.

Valaine, quick to respond, delved into her inventory. 

With ease, she retrieved a plushie. A green triceratops with vibrant orange horns and hooves. She was a collector of plushies back in the game, though its mostly for decoration only.

Holding it gently, she approached the child, her voice a soothing melody amidst the storm of emotions.

"There, there, little one," Valaine murmured, her tone soft and comforting.

"Look! I've got a friend for you!" She dangled the plushie in front of the child, its vibrant colors catching the kid's attention.

"See? This is your new friend. His name is Kagurabachi, he's strong and gentle, just like you!" Valaine continued, her words laced with warmth and reassurance.

The child's cries, once sharp and deafening, began to wane.

His curious eyes fixed on the plushie, captivated by its colors. He reached out, his tiny fingers wrapping around the plushie's soft form.

A moment of calm settled over the mountainside as the child clutched the triceratops plushie, finding solace in its comforting presence.

A realization settled heavily upon Valaine. The consequences of giving a divine-tier consumable to a human baby were now glaringly evident.

The child, once fragile and vulnerable, now possessed a power that defied the norms of humanity. It was a unique situation, no human parents could possibly care for a child with such extraordinary strength.

Even a minor tantrum from him could prove fatal to human parents.

Valaine met Victoria's starry-eyed gaze, understanding the unspoken question in her eyes.

The gravity of their situation weighed on them both. Victoria hesitated for a moment, her voice a whisper in the face of the daunting decision that loomed before them.

"C-can we... can we keep him now?" Victoria asked, her voice filled with both hope and uncertainty.

Valaine sighed, her shoulders slumping under the weight of responsibility. She met Victoria's gaze, her eyes softening with a mixture of compassion and resolve.

The weight of her decision evident in the heaviness of her breath. With a heavy heart, she nodded.

"Fine," she said, her voice tinged with resignation. "We have no choice," Valaine replied, her voice steady.

Victoria's eyes lit up with unbridled joy at Valaine's acceptance.

Without a second thought, she surged forward, enveloping Valaine in a tight, heartfelt hug. Her grip was fierce enough to crush a boulder, as though she could convey her gratitude and excitement through the strength of her embrace.

"Thank you Master! Thank you!" Victoria exclaimed, her voice filled with genuine happiness.

Valaine, surprised but deeply moved by her servant's sincerity, returned the hug, albeit more gently.

Soon after the horse rested enough, they continued on their journey. 

Victoria, sat atop her horse, her fingers lightly gripping the reins. Behind her, Valaine, her clutched the human baby in her arms.

The child sat upright on Valaine's arm, nestled securely against her chest. A tiny thumb was firmly ensconced in the baby's mouth. In the other hand, the child clutched a soft, plush triceratops. 

The child's wide, curious eyes darted around, taking in the nature that surrounded them.

They followed a paved path that cut through the landscape. The very existence of the paved path hinted at a nearby human settlement.

They continued along the path, a rocky outcrop caught their attention. 

A cave, Valaine, with her eyes, detected a subtle glint, like the shimmer of metal, deep within the cave's recesses. 

Her curiosity piqued, she turned to Victoria, who sat poised on her horse.

"Victoria, stop," she said, "We should explore that cave."

Victoria met Valaine's gaze, she nodded in agreement. With a gentle nudge of her horse's reins, they approached the maw of the cave. 

They tied the horse outside and they entered the darkness, Victoria conjured a radiant ball of light. The soft glow illuminated the cave's walls, casting shifting shadows at her every step.

The baby, lulled by the soft radiance, let out a contented gurgle, and Valaine cradled the child closer to her chest. 

Valaine is always confident at her abilities. The child is safest in her care, according to her.

The cave, up until this point, had seemed unremarkable, just like any other, adorned with stalagmites and occasional patches of moss, where insects scuttled away from the intruders' footsteps. 

However, their journey took a sudden turn when they found themselves at a dead end, the path forward seemingly blocked.

In the dim glow of the light ball conjured by Victoria, the truth of their confinement became clear. 

Before them stretched a vast clearing, an awe-inspiring sight.  Mountains of artifacts, gold, and trinkets glimmered from the conjured light, nearly blinding even. Victoria's eyes widened.

"Look Master! It's a treasure trove, like a kingdom's ransom all in one place!" she exclaimed, her voice dancing with childlike wonder.

But it was not just the treasure. 

At the top of the mountainous heap, there lay something even more magnificent, a colossal skeleton, the remains of a dragon. 

Its skeletal form boasted four legs and a pair of wings, forever immortalized in bone.

Valaine, though sensed something far more profound. 

Her intuition tugged at her senses. Despite the lifeless appearance of the dragon's remains, she couldn't shake the feeling that there was something inherently alive about this skeletal dragon.

"This corpse... it's alive in a way." Valaine revealed.

Valaine's mind, raced through the fundamentals of magic she read a while ago. 

Magic, was like a bow, a connection between the External and the Internal properties. 

With a gamble, Valaine bent down and plucked a single coin from the dragon's vast pile.

The External, the medium, was represented by the coin, the very essence of the dragon's hoard, something the creature relished. The Internal, the belief, was akin to the arrow, the intent and power she infused into the spell.

She imbued it with the highest revivify spell she could muster.

The coin glowed with a brilliant golden aura.

With a swift motion, she flipped the coin towards the skeletal remains, leaving a trail of golden light in its wake.

The coin struck the dragon's bones with a melodious *tink* sound, and in an instant, the golden aura enveloped the corpse.

Flesh began to materialize out of thin air, red scales emerging like the petals of a blooming flower. Glowing golden eyes blinked open.

With a roar that shook the very foundations of the cave, the dragon sprang to life once more, its wings stretching wide.

In a voice that rumbled like a volcanic eruption, the newly revived dragon roared.

"Who dare disturbs Drakul Karfang?!"

DYK: Drakul Karfang, Wonder Woman's enemy. Is capable of destroying a door enchanted by Gods and Angels with it's breath alone.

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