

Sắp xếp theo

The True Heiress Is The Real Bigshot

Former bigshot, Ying Zijin, woke up one day as the lost daughter of the Ying family, who had been missing for fifteen years. The Ying family promptly adopted another child to replace her. Upon returning to the wealthy family, everyone mocked her for not being as clever, capable, sensible, and elegant as a fake heiress. Her parents considered her a stain on the family and warned her not to harbor any illusions of being a lady of the family. They said she should be grateful for being a foster daughter, or else they would send her away. Ying Zijin: "I'll leave then. No need to see me off." While the Ying family celebrated joyously and others waited to see the real heiress make a fool of herself, influential figures from various fields took action. The top-rated idol with the most influential fans said, "Miss Ying, just let me know if you need anything." The heir to a global economic monopoly said, "Ying family? What's that? Boss, should we just wipe them out?" The number one martial artist in the country asked, "Who dares to bully my master?" The genius teenage boy with an IQ of 228 said, "That's my sister." A man with an incredibly seductive appearance smirked lazily and casually, saying, "Sure, then call me brother-in-law." The influential figures were confused. When the real heiress' true identity was restored, it caused a sensation on the internet. The Ying family went crazy and knelt, crying and begging her to come back. The international powerhouse family said, "Sorry, let me introduce her. This is our real heiress." Reborn as a king, making a strong comeback and launching a counterattack!

Qing Qian · Tổng hợp
272 Chs

Marry My Billionaire Second Husband

Amelia has slaved her whole life, working multiple jobs to help support her poor husband Caleb― only to discover he is a millionaire! When confronted, Caleb feels no guilt. He divorces her immediately to pursue his true love, leaving her with nothing to her name. “Kelsie is the woman that I love, the woman who truly deserves to be by my side,” Caleb said. “Now, sign the papers and I can end this farce of a marriage.” But thankfully, fate has yet to close all its doors on her. The messy breakup has led Amelia to meet the elusive Matteo Montgomery, the mysterious owner of X’el International Inc., and even though Amelia could have sworn that this is the first time they have ever met, Matteo seemed to hold more interest in her than ordinary. With her divorce finalized, Matteo’s courtship quickly grows more extravagant. He offers her everything, from a job as his secretary, a new penthouse apartment, and a permanent home in his heart. But just as Amelia’s heart begins to open up to Matteo’s sincerity, Caleb comes crawling back, determined to ruin her life. *** 【Excerpt】 “Oh?” Matteo asked, and Amelia caught a hint of amusement in his voice. “Then pray tell, what did we converse about?” Amelia swallowed. Good heavens, he was so close. She could barely even breathe, afraid that every movement she made would just amplify how loud her heartbeat was. It was racing like a bullet train at this point, and she felt it clog at her throat, refusing her a chance to speak. “I… I…I―” “I have no girlfriend, Amelia,” Matteo said. “And before you overthink, I do not have a wife in secret either.” His fingers didn’t let go of her wrist, and instead, it even tightened its grip. It wasn’t painful in the slightest, but it sent surges of electricity rushing through her body as though she had been struck by lightning in the most thrilling of ways. A coy smile curved his lips, and he leaned in just the slightest. His lips were now a hair’s breadth away from hers, and Amelia instinctively held her breath. “Unless, perhaps you would like to volunteer?”

saltedpepper · Thành thị
195 Chs

The Billionaire's Rental Wife Is A Hot Shot

“I will let you be on top from tonight, please don’t divorce me, darling!” ----- Evelyn’s fairytale life shattered when a stranger stormed in, claiming to be the real daughter of the Wright family with proof. Her enviable privileges? Stripped away. Her spotless reputation? Tarnished. Her four-year engagement? Abruptly annulled. But the worst betrayal came from her once-loving father, all set to marry her off to settle a business score—with a man twice her age! Everyone in the circle attended this scandalous wedding, eager to witness the downfall of the supposed fake heiress. Yet, the climax was not what even Evelyn had anticipated! Zevian Reign, the nation’s richest tycoon, known for being every woman’s fantasy and the nightmare of all his rivals, made a dramatic entrance. His arrival stunned the guests, but his brazen wish was even more startling! He casually demanded to replace the groom and marry the beautiful bride. No one dared to challenge, nor did anyone have the guts to disobey him. They were left with no choice but to watch the wedding unfold. And it was Evelyn’s time to smirk, for she was now the devil’s wife. And all those who had ruined her, they would pay back in tenfold! ++++ [Excerpt] "Why would I ditch my husband for a loser?" Evelyn chuckled, crossing her arms defiantly. "He is better than him in all the aspects." Her gaze drifted to her ex-fiancé nearby, and she continued with a smirk, "Actually, a lot better in bed." As Annabelle’s face flushed with disdain, Evelyn patted her back and leaned in to deliver another slap. "So, good luck with licking my leftovers, dear step-sister. He's a perfect match for you."

Zelra · Thành thị
89 Chs

A Herdeira Divorciada Está Se Casando Novamente!

Embora fosse apenas um casamento por conveniência, Amelie Ashford era a esposa perfeita em todos os aspectos. Ela era inteligente, obediente e bem-respeitada. Era gentil com todos e devotada ao seu marido. E estava perfeitamente contente em passar o resto da vida assim, mesmo constantemente sendo pressionada a engravidar. Isso até que seu marido entrou em casa acompanhado por uma amante ao seu lado e, eventualmente, pediu o divórcio. "Muito bem," disse Amelie calmamente, "Eu irei divorciar-me de você." Os olhos de Richard brilharam ao ouvir sua esposa pronunciar essas palavras. No entanto, para sua surpresa, ela não havia terminado. "Mas não se surpreenda quando receber um convite para o meu próximo casamento." Para o choque de todos, Amelie de fato casou-se novamente, e com um homem mais jovem e, como se viu, mais rico! E ela fez questão de que seu ex-marido percebesse o que significava perder o apoio de uma mulher como ela. _____ "Fui criada para ser a esposa perfeita da alta sociedade, preparada para se destacar e permanecer vigilante. Tudo o que sabia era como forjar um sorriso, ler e trabalhar duro para garantir que ninguém ousasse menosprezar minha família. Mas no final, foi exatamente isso que me tornou entediante e sem graça. Então, quando meu marido decidiu se divorciar de mim, por que foi que Liam se apaixonou por mim?" Importante: FL não é uma Mary Sue. O divórcio acontece na segunda parte do romance, então cuidado com a sua pressão arterial.

yoojee · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
188 Chs

¡La Heredera Divorciada Se Casa de Nuevo!

Aunque solo era un matrimonio por conveniencia, Amelie Ashford era la esposa perfecta en todos los aspectos. Era inteligente, obediente y bien respetada. Era amable con todos y devota de su esposo. Y estaba perfectamente contenta de pasar el resto de su vida así, aunque constantemente la acosaran con la idea de quedar embarazada. Eso fue hasta que su esposo entró en su casa con una amante a su lado y eventualmente exigió el divorcio. —Muy bien —dijo Amelie con calma—, te divorciaré. Los ojos de Ricardo brillaron al escuchar a su esposa pronunciar esas palabras. Sin embargo, para su sorpresa, ella no había terminado. —Pero no te sorprendas cuando recibas una invitación a mi próxima boda. Para sorpresa de todos, Amelie de hecho se casó de nuevo, ¡y con un hombre más joven y, como resultó, más rico! Y se aseguró de que su exmarido se diera cuenta de lo que significaba perder el apoyo de una mujer como ella. _____ —Me criaron para ser la esposa perfecta de la clase alta, educada para sobresalir y permanecer alerta. Todo lo que sabía era cómo fingir una sonrisa, leer y trabajar duro para asegurarme de que nadie se atreviera a menospreciar a mi familia. Pero al final, eso fue exactamente lo que me hizo aburrida y sosa. Entonces, ¿por qué cuando mi marido decidió divorciarme, Liam se enamoró de mí en su lugar? Importante: FL no es una Mary Sue. El divorcio ocurre en la segunda parte de la novela así que cuídate la presión arterial.

yoojee · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
188 Chs

La divorcée héritière se remarie !

``` Bien que ce ne fût qu'un mariage de convenance, Amélie Ashford était la femme parfaite en tout point. Elle était intelligente, obéissante et bien respectée. Elle était aimable envers tous et dévouée à son mari. Et elle était parfaitement contente de passer le reste de sa vie ainsi, même si on la harcelait constamment pour qu'elle tombe enceinte. Jusqu'à ce que son mari entre dans leur maison avec une maîtresse à ses côtés et finalement exige le divorce. "Très bien," dit Amélie calmement, "je te divorcerai." Les yeux de Richard pétillaient en entendant les mots de sa femme. Cependant, à sa grande surprise, elle n'avait pas encore fini. "Mais ne sois pas étonné quand tu recevras une invitation à mon prochain mariage." A la surprise générale, Amélie se remaria en effet, et avec un homme plus jeune et, comme il s'est avéré, plus riche ! Et elle s'est assurée que son ex-mari réalise ce que signifie perdre le soutien d'une femme comme elle. _____ "J'ai été élevée pour être l'épouse parfaite de la haute société, façonnée pour exceller et rester vigilante. Tout ce que je savais, c'était comment feindre un sourire, lire et travailler dur pour s'assurer que personne n'ose mépriser ma famille. Mais en fin de compte, c'est exactement ce qui m'a rendu ennuyeuse et terne. Alors, quand mon mari a décidé de me divorcer, pourquoi Liam est-il tombé amoureux de moi à la place ?" Important : La FL n'est pas une Mary Sue. Le divorce a lieu dans la seconde partie du roman alors attention à votre tension artérielle. ```

yoojee · Thành thị
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188 Chs

The Marriage Trap

[Bad Body X Downfall Heiress] When Shen Chaoxi first met Shang Jianghan: She had been thrown out of her house by her biological father, while he was trapped inside his car after being overtaken at a sharp bend. A pair of slender and fair hands parted the crowd, and at a glance, saw Shang Jianghan's handsome face crushed beneath the weight. The crowd was panic-stricken, trying every possible means to rescue him, but none were as effective as Shen Chaoxi's cunningly angled kick that broke through the door. —— When Shang Jianghan saw Shen Chaoxi again: In Shangjing's top-notch club, Shen Chaoxi, dressed in an overly loose Didalun janitor's uniform, was squeezed into a corner of a corridor by several young scions of the Beijing Circle, with only a metal fence separating her from the twenty-meter drop behind her. Shang Jianghan, hands in pockets and a cigarette hanging from the corner of his mouth, watched coolly, waiting for her to open her mouth and ask for help. With a clap of her hands, Shen Chaoxi swiftly knocked the group of scions to the ground, wailing in pain! —— The next time Shang Jianghan and Shen Chaoxi met: In the corridors of the Beijing University Affiliated Hospital, all was white. Her grandmother's condition had worsened beyond help, and in front of her lay the cold, black-on-white consent form to give up treatment. Her pale, delicate fingers held the black pen, signing her name with firm strokes. Shang Jianghan approached and, with a swipe, tore the document to shreds. I'll save the person, I'll pay the bills, you're mine! —— Years later, As the setting sun cast long shadows, Shang Jianghan leaned against the car door, watching his wife's aggrieved face as she complained, shaking her slender arms: "Your son must lose weight, my arms are sore from holding him!" Shang Jianghan's lips curved into a faint smile as he gathered her into his arms to soothe her, his emotions swirling with gratitude that such a Shen Chaoxi belonged solely to him! Sweet pampering/dual purity, join the story with ease!

Pure Eleven · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
159 Chs

The Heiress Twisted Fate

Destiny Ganzon is the epitome of a perfect heiress. She is beautiful, intelligent, and doted by her father, Alejandro, the Real Estate Magnate of the country, until one day, her mother died, and everything changed when his father remarried. Excerpt: A loud smack! "How dare you ruin my reputation, Destiny?" Alejandro asked after he slapped his daughter. That was the first time he used force on his only hier. "Dad, you have to believe me, it wasn't true, you raised me well. Do you think I will do something like that?" She asked back, caressing her beautiful face. "No, this time I had enough of your lies; your stepmother was right; you are only a nuisance and only bring shame to our family!" He angrily responded. "I had warned you. I will disinherit you. You will not receive even a single cent from me, and you must leave this house right now, or else I will ask the guards to drag you out!" He added before he turned his heels and walked away from his study with the loud slamming of the door. One scandal led to another, and what she couldn't accept was her first love and childhood sweetheart, Red Galvez, was part of their betrayal. Destiny's world crumbled, and she couldn't believe her stepmother and stepsister finally succeeded in planning her downfall. With a broken heart and no choice, Destiny left their mansion and lived an ordinary life with her nanny, the only person who never left her side. She pretended to forget her old life and started living and embracing the mundane world. Still, she promised herself that she would do everything to make her enemies, including Red, pay the price of their betrayal. But it was more complicated than she thought since her father was brainwashed with his wife and stepdaughter, and they made her life a living hell. Years later, Destiny met Red again, and he was still the same hot and gorgeous. On top of that, her ex became one of the highest-paid attorneys in the country. All unwanted memories came rushing back to her. Destiny hated him with all her heart, but Red promised to help her win back what was rightfully hers. Can Destiny forgive Red and trust the hottest attorney to claim back her inheritance without breaking her heart?

sirenbeauty · Thành thị
85 Chs

Pewaris yang Sudah Bercerai Akan Menikah Lagi!

``` Walaupun hanya perkawinan semata-mata demi kenyamanan, Amelie Ashford adalah istri yang sempurna dalam segala aspek. Dia cerdas, patuh, dan dihormati. Dia baik terhadap semua orang dan berbakti kepada suaminya. Dan dia sangat puas untuk menghabiskan sisa hidupnya seperti itu, walaupun dia terus-menerus didesak untuk hamil. Sampai suatu saat suaminya masuk ke rumah mereka dengan membawa selir di sisinya dan akhirnya menuntut perceraian. "Baiklah," kata Amelie dengan tenang, "Saya akan menceraikan Anda." Mata Richard berbinar ketika ia mendengar istrinya mengucapkan kata-kata ini. Namun, kejutan baginya, dia belum selesai. "Tapi jangan heran ketika Anda mendapatkan undangan ke pernikahan saya berikutnya." Untuk kejutan semua orang, Amelie memang menikah lagi, dan dengan pria yang lebih muda dan, ternyata, lebih kaya! Dan dia memastikan bahwa mantan suaminya menyadari apa artinya kehilangan dukungan dari wanita seperti dirinya. _____ "Saya dibesarkan untuk menjadi istri kelas atas yang sempurna, terlatih untuk unggul dan tetap waspada. Yang saya tahu hanyalah bagaimana memalsukan senyum, membaca, dan bekerja keras untuk memastikan tak ada yang berani merendahkan keluarga saya. Tetapi pada akhirnya, itulah yang membuat saya menjemukan dan membosankan. Jadi ketika suami saya memutuskan untuk menceraikan saya, mengapa Liam malah jatuh cinta dengan saya? Penting: FL bukan Mary Sue. Perceraian terjadi di bagian kedua novel jadi hati-hati dengan tekanan darah Anda. ```

yoojee · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
188 Chs

Wooing My Wife Back With Our Cute Twins

When she married the CEO, who is also the man she loved, she thought the marriage would be the beginning of happiness. Little did she know, it was the start of a nightmare. The mistress told her, "I'm pregnant, please sign the divorce paper here. Let's not make it too ugly." She retorted indignantly: "You can't set foot in this house until I divorce him. He will change his mind sooner or later." But with countless calculated plots thrown at her and she finally numbed her nerves, her child in the womb was put to death. She finally agreed to sign the divorce papers with a broken heart, "This is the last time I'd say I love you. I let you go." She thought they would part and live in peace from then on, Who knew that he would turn around and cling to her again, "Do you really want to take back your love for me?" When she was no longer the poor girl and became a mysterious heiress, he proposed to her again and again. "Darling, let's get remarried." "Darling, You have too many admirers. I need reassurance." She raised an eyebrow, "NO! It feels better to have all the fishes in the sea." "Miss, may I ask what your relationship with CEO Li is?" When the media asked her, she replied with a coquettish smile, "We are just friends." He wasn't annoyed, and instead pulled her into his arms, a mischievous smirk appeared on his lips, "Yes, we are the kind of friends who had twin babies together. And we're already planning for more."

Thousand Layer Snow · Tổng hợp
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492 Chs

His Crimson Obsession

[mature//no rape] At the age of 14, Eiravyne had endured a life-altering burn inflicted by her father, a punishment she believed was a manifestation of her own inadequacies: her perceived lack of beauty, worth, and intellect. It wasn’t until a horrific massacre claimed her entire family that she had learned the true nature of her suffering. The burn had not merely been a mark of her father’s cruelty but a binding ritual linking her to Duke Ilkar Skivarion, the very man she had been taught to fear above all. As Eiravyne was thrust into an arranged marriage with the Duke, she found herself entangled in a treacherous web of political power and intrigue. Amidst the chaos, she uncovered a staggering truth: her abusive family had not been her true lineage. Instead, she was the heir to the Sangrevers—a feared and formidable bloodline notorious for its depraved, lustful, manipulative, and twisted behavior…Afamily that was eradicated by the king for their own treason . With this revelation, Eiravyne faced a new nightmare. Duke Ilkar, convinced that she inherited the worst traits of her scandalous mother, regarded her as nothing more than a means to serve his own ambitions, while Eiravyne's deepest desire was to belong to a family that truly loved and accepted her. ******* Updates: 02 chapter /day Genre: fanatasy, female lead, romance,magic, obssessive male lead, good support side side characters, a lot of intimacy, enemies to lovers, powerful couple, evil and good , bad boy .forced marriage Cover: is mine, it is commissioned, i don't alow anyone to use it . The art of this novel is also comissioned ------------------- Follow me on instagram: isaac_black2013 Discord server : https://discord.gg/VNH4pKgyT3 ko-fi page: https://ko-fi.com/isaacblack ------------------- Check out my other contracted works: For male lead: *First Stygian Diviner: Apocalypse *Villain's Supremacy For female lead: *I created the villain *The body we shared .

Isaac_black · Kỳ huyễn
156 Chs

Die geschiedene Erbin wird wieder heiraten!

Obwohl es nur eine Zweckehe war, war Amelie Ashford in jeder Hinsicht die perfekte Ehefrau. Sie war intelligent, gehorsam und hoch angesehen. Sie war freundlich zu allen und ihrem Mann treu ergeben. Und sie war vollkommen zufrieden damit, den Rest ihres Lebens so zu verbringen, auch wenn sie ständig damit genervt wurde, schwanger zu werden. Das war so lange, bis ihr Mann mit einer Geliebten an seiner Seite das Haus betrat und schließlich die Scheidung verlangte. "Nun gut", sagte Amelie ruhig, "ich werde mich scheiden lassen." Richards Augen leuchteten, als er seine Frau diese Worte aussprechen hörte. Doch zu seiner Überraschung war sie noch nicht fertig. "Aber wundere dich nicht, wenn du eine Einladung zu meiner nächsten Hochzeit bekommst." Zum Entsetzen aller heiratete Amelie tatsächlich wieder, und zwar einen jüngeren und, wie sich herausstellte, reicheren Mann! Und sie sorgte dafür, dass ihrem Ex-Mann klar wurde, was es bedeutet, die Unterstützung einer Frau wie ihr zu verlieren. _____ "Ich wurde dazu erzogen, die perfekte Ehefrau der Oberschicht zu sein, die zu Höchstleistungen und Wachsamkeit erzogen wurde. Alles, was ich wusste, war, wie man ein Lächeln vortäuscht, wie man liest und wie man hart arbeitet, um sicherzustellen, dass niemand es wagt, auf meine Familie herabzusehen. Aber letztendlich war es genau das, was mich langweilig und langweilig machte. Warum also hat sich Liam in mich verliebt, als mein Mann beschloss, sich von mir scheiden zu lassen?" Wichtig! FL ist keine Mary Sue. Die Scheidung erfolgt im zweiten Teil des Romans, also achten Sie auf Ihren Blutdruck.

yoojee · Thành thị
Không đủ số lượng người đọc
188 Chs

Blood Oath Betrayal: The Vampire Heiress of Block 21X

Betrayal. The age old destiny of all of those in power. Nelly the crown princess to the Arbore Empire was about to embark upon a journey of sweet marriage. A bond born of love, a match sculpted by goddess of love, two souls to be joined in union for all eternity. Betrayal. Mere hours after she had recited her vows and signed the deal with a salty kiss, she was duped. Nelly's childhood friend had invoked the blood oath, forcing Nelly to stab her beloved. An oath Nelly had sworn to show that their friendship was equal. Betrayal. That same childhood friend, that same beloved husband joined hands in a shotgun wedding. Right after waking up from surgery the two were wed, in an affront to the sanctity of Nelly's marriage and a slap in the face for the Arbore Empire. Betrayal begets betrayal. Nelly had been saving her first time sucking blood for her husband, but she decided otherwise. Through fates fancy she sucked the blood of a suitor from the past, unbeknownst to her breaking the heart of her personal guard. Betrayal. Nelly's extended family had become rotten. A corruption brewed within the Arbore Empire, the Dove's eyes have been woolled over. Leaving lecherous cretins to indulge in forbidden pleasures. Oath. Nelly swore to protect her family. She swore to become stronger. Yet her broken heart couldn't stop yearning for love, but all the men in her life were poison. Some more potent than the others. Would she find the right dosage or would she explore wider options.

VileNeon · Khoa huyễn
64 Chs

The Heiress of Verdaselles

~WARNING: VIOLENCE AND ADULTS CONTENTS ARE IN THIS BOOK THIS IS A FICTIONAL WORLD NO REAL LIFE EVENTS ARE MENTIONED IN THIS BOOK~ After the tragic deaths of her parents and brother, Evangeline childhood is shattered, leaving her to inherit the powerful Verdaselles estate, her grandmother didn't want her to do it alone. To secure her family's legacy and maintain her grip on the Verdaselles estate, Evangeline marries a man she despises—a man who was her late mother's and family rival, a cunning and ruthless nobleman. However, unknown to Evangeline, this man harbors no ill intentions toward her. He married her out of duty to her grandmother and out of genuine love for Evangeline . But as she continues to despise him, he moves away, focusing solely on his role as a Viceroy and distancing himself from his family's schemes while he's doing the wishes of Azielle, Evangeline's grandmother In the midst of her grief and duty, Evangeline finds unexpected solace in her bodyguard. Their bond deepens into a passionate affair Evangeline feels alive again, her pain momentarily soothed by the warmth of his embrace. However, she faces a daunting choice: between the love that brings her peace or fulfill her destiny by taking responsibilities on Verdaselles or as a renowned artist as a career. Torn between love and duty, Evangeline must decide if she can find happiness without sacrificing everything she holds dear and protecting herself and her family from danger .

XiXi_105 · Lịch sử
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40 Chs