
Đọc Sách Tiểu Thuyết alicia kellen Trực Tuyến - WebNovel

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  • The Forgotten Princess

    Alicia Rosalyn Von Heist is the youngest daughter of King Edward of Alvannia. She is an illegitimate child born from a maid in the castle her father has fancied. After her mother died when she was young her father took her home and ‘adopted’ her. Because of her low birth and illegitimacy she was neglected by her father the king and bullied by her stepmother the queen and her step-siblings. When she was 16 years old a war broke out with the neighboring country of Grandcrest. The war lasted for two long years and the two countries have made a truce at the end. The Grandcest empire demanded a princess to be married to the young king. It is said that the king of Grandcrest specifically asked for the hand of Alicia. Alicia was 18 years old when she was sent to Grandcrest as the fiancee of the young king who was said to be a cold blooded evil tyrant, King Regaleon of the Grandcrest empire. Note: Cover photo from Pinterest.

    Les01 · Lịch sử
  • (BL) Hunting The Field Guide

    Kellen Woods grew up never knowing a normal world. By the time he could walk, his mother and father had already sealed several serious gates that threatened the safety of his hometown. By the time his sister was born, they were famous worldwide. So the world held their breath for when Kellen and his sister came of age, waiting to see what kind of power they would awaken. His sister was just like his mom, same power, same class, while Kellen, woke up one day to find out what it meant to be special in a family the world watched. But in the worst way. Awakening weaker then your powerful parents wasn’t unheard of, but when your younger sister awakened at the same class as your parent, anyone would feel inferior. And Kellen, never one to ask for hand outs, left the comfort and safety of his hometown to become better than the weak brat everyone thought he was. Kellen went to the front lines, to where the gates normally broke out. From there, Kellen worked hard, and then worked some more until no one could doubt that he was good at his job. He got so good that even with his lower class, people would still hire him to help. But Kellen never took it to heart. He had learned a valuable lesson on the front lines. Classification only meant shit if you walked back out of the gate. Otherwise, shut your mouth and listen to those with more experience. They determined who made it out alive or not. But Kellen was tired now. He had gotten everything out of his system, and the fast paced life on the front lines didn’t suit him anymore. Now, he wanted to go home, buy a house, maybe find a nice man to settle down with, and live a normal life. All the while, the yellow eyes he’d met on the front lines haunted him, no matter how much he tried to forget about them. Especially since the Esper they were attached to refused to let him go.

    CalyB · LGBT+
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  • The Cursed Prince's Strange Bride

    The biggest mistake of Alicia's life, was trying to commit suicide. She found herself in the body of a 19 years old princess in exile, in the middle ages. What's more? She was forced to marry Prince Harold; the infamous white-haired hot tempered Prince who wouldn't mind killing someone for the most irrelevant reason. Now, her wedding is only a few hours from now and the 'princess', which happens to be Alicia, is supposed to display some 'princessly' skills to the guest. Quick question: Is twerking allowed in the middle ages? She knew one thing for sure, the wedding was going to be a disaster and the hot tempered prince was going to kill her before she found her way back home. God Help Her! ThatAmazingGirl in collaboration with Miss_Behaviour (The writers of In Love With A Klepto) is bringing you another book. "THE CURSED PRINCE'S STRANGE BRIDE" What would you do if you suddenly found yourself in the body of a princess in the ancient time? What's more, he isn't only a werewolf, he is also cursed by the moon goddess. EXCERPT: What should she do? She was confused and had no idea what was going on. Weddings in the middle ages was weird! What the hell is 'Virtues recitation'? Should she pretend to faint? That was the only thought that made sense. So that was what she did. She slowly collapsed on the ground and heard how everyone began to gasp and exclaim.  Alicia wanted them to take her out of there and then she would find a way to escape. But maybe she was unlucky after all, because when she peeped under her lashes, wondering why no one was coming to carry her out, she saw a golden robe, before the person crouched down in front of her. She shut her eyes tightly and stilled her breath. She was an actress, after all. She could pull this off flawlessly.  "That was a bad act, my lady." The deep voice spoke, causing goosebumps to rise on her skin. Scary. "I will only give you three seconds to get up."  His voice wasn't really threatening, but somehow he commanded fear, especially with the slow and careful way he spoke. She had heard he was bad-tempered. What would he do after the three seconds passed? Would he kill her? Then would she die here? How did he even know she was pretending? Were people in the middle ages usually smart? She opened one eye to peek at him and saw him staring right at her with a smirk.  THERE WAS NO WAY THE WEDDING WASN'T HAPPENING. SHE WAS SO DEAD! ******* Werewolf (Check) Cursed prince (Check) Transmigration (Check) Comedy (Check) Romance (Double Check) ADD TO YOUR LIBRARY!

    ThatAmazingGirl · Kỳ huyễn
  • La Princesa Olvidada

    Alicia Rosalyn Von Heist es la hija menor del rey Edward de Alvannia. Ella es una hija ilegítima nacida de una sirvienta en el castillo que a su padre le gustaba. Después de que su madre murió cuando era joven, su padre la llevó a casa y la 'adoptó'. Debido a su origen humilde e ilegitimidad, fue descuidada por su padre el rey y maltratada por su madrastra la reina y sus hermanastros. Cuando tenía 16 años, estalló una guerra con el país vecino de Grancresta. La guerra duró dos largos años y los dos países hicieron una tregua al final. El imperio de Grancresta exigió una princesa para casarse con el joven rey. Se dice que el rey de Grancresta pidió específicamente la mano de Alicia. Alicia tenía 18 años cuando fue enviada a Grancresta como prometida del joven rey, que se decía que era un tirano malvado de sangre fría, el rey Regaleon del imperio de Grancresta.

    Les01 · Lịch sử
  • A Princesa Esquecida

    Alicia Rosalyn Von Heist é a filha mais nova do rei Eduardo de Alvannia. Ela é uma filha ilegítima nascida de uma empregada do castelo por quem seu pai se encantou. Depois que sua mãe morreu quando ela era jovem, seu pai a levou para casa e a 'adotou'. Por causa de sua origem humilde e ilegitimidade, ela foi negligenciada por seu pai, o rei, e sofreu bullying de sua madrasta, a rainha, e seus irmãos adotivos. Quando ela tinha 16 anos, estourou uma guerra com o país vizinho de Grandcrest. A guerra durou dois longos anos e os dois países fizeram uma trégua no final. O império Grandcrest exigiu uma princesa para ser casada com o jovem rei. Dizem que o rei de Grandcrest pediu especificamente a mão de Alicia. Alicia tinha 18 anos de idade quando foi enviada a Grandcrest como noiva do jovem rei, que diziam ser um tirano cruel e impiedoso, o rei Regaleon do império Grandcrest.

    Les01 · Lịch sử
  • Phantasia: The Princess Knight

    [Check out my new novel: Reborn As A Dragon Girl With A System] Completed: Part of a Multiverse with Ah Chun: Ascending The Heavens and Full Dive: Eternal Phantasy(This novel continues in Full Dive: Eternal Phantasy) Higuchi Akari was a fifteen-year-old high school student that loved practicing Kendo. She had a high sense of justice and would help anyone in trouble. Her life turns upside down when she is transmigrated into the body of a seven-year-old poor girl. With no one around to help her out, Higuchi Akari has to fend for herself. Now known as Alicia, she must fight to survive until she is old enough to test out for the Royal Knights. “Royal Father why do you keep looking at me like that?” “I am just wondering why I have a princess that is always covered in dirt… By the way who was that young knight you were just talking to?” “He… He’s no one important! Royal Father, I need to go clean up!” “If he is no one important then why do you blush?.” Show your support and buy me a coffee! https://ko-fi.com/invayne https://discord.gg/79yyJSD Follow on twitter: https://twitter.com/AuthorInvayne Follow on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/invayne/ New Cover Art!

    invayne · Kỳ huyễn
  • La Princesse Oubliée

    Alicia Rosalyn Von Heist est la plus jeune fille du Roi Edward d'Alvannie. Elle est une enfant illégitime née d'une femme de chambre dans le château que son père avait affectionné. Après la mort de sa mère alors qu'elle était jeune, son père l'a ramenée chez lui et l'a 'adoptée'. En raison de sa naissance modeste et de son illégitimité, elle a été négligée par son père, le roi, maltraitée par sa belle-mère, la reine et ses demi-frères et sœurs. Quand elle a eu 16 ans, une guerre a éclaté avec le pays voisin de Grandcrest. La guerre a duré deux longues années et les deux pays ont conclu une trêve à la fin. L'empire Grandcest a demandé qu'une princesse soit mariée au jeune roi. On dit que le roi de Grandcrest a spécifiquement demandé la main d'Alicia. Alicia avait 18 ans quand elle a été envoyée à Grandcrest en tant que fiancée du jeune roi qui était réputé être un tyran maléfique au sang froid, le Roi Régaleon de l'empire Grandcrest. Note : Photo de couverture de Pinterest.

    Les01 · Lịch sử
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  • Die vergessene Prinzessin

    Alicia Rosalyn von Heist ist die jüngste Tochter von König Edward von Alvannia. Sie ist ein uneheliches Kind, das von einem Burgfräulein geboren wurde, für das ihr Vater geschwärmt hat. Nachdem ihre Mutter starb, als sie noch klein war, nahm ihr Vater sie mit nach Hause und "adoptierte" sie. Aufgrund ihrer niedrigen Geburt und ihrer Unehelichkeit wurde sie von ihrem Vater, dem König, vernachlässigt und von ihrer Stiefmutter, der Königin, und ihren Stiefgeschwistern schikaniert. Als sie 16 Jahre alt war, brach ein Krieg mit dem benachbarten Land Grandcrest aus. Der Krieg dauerte zwei lange Jahre und die beiden Länder schlossen am Ende einen Waffenstillstand. Das Reich Grandcrest forderte eine Prinzessin, die mit dem jungen König verheiratet werden sollte. Es wird erzählt, dass der König von Grandcrest ausdrücklich um die Hand von Alicia bat. Alicia war 18 Jahre alt, als sie als Verlobte des jungen Königs nach Grandcrest geschickt wurde, der ein kaltblütiger, böser Tyrann sein sollte, König Regaleon vom Grandcrest-Reich. Hinweis: Das Titelbild stammt von Pinterest.

    Les01 · Lịch sử
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  • Die seltsame Braut des verwunschenen Prinzen

    Der größte Fehler in Alicias Leben war der Versuch, Selbstmord zu begehen. Sie fand sich im Körper einer 19-jährigen Prinzessin im Exil im Mittelalter wieder. Und was noch? Sie wurde gezwungen, Prinz Harold zu heiraten, den berüchtigten, weißhaarigen, jähzornigen Prinzen, dem es nichts ausmachte, jemanden aus den unwichtigsten Gründen umzubringen. Nun steht ihre Hochzeit in wenigen Stunden an und die "Prinzessin", die zufällig Alicia heißt, soll den Gästen einige "prinzessinnenhafte" Fähigkeiten vorführen. Kurze Frage: Ist Twerking im Mittelalter erlaubt? Sie war sich sicher, dass die Hochzeit eine Katastrophe werden würde und dass der jähzornige Prinz sie umbringen würde, bevor sie den Weg nach Hause finden würde. Gott helfe ihr! ThatAmazingGirl in Zusammenarbeit mit Miss_Behaviour (Die Autoren von In Love With A Klepto) bringt euch ein weiteres Buch. "DIE FREMDE BRAUT DES VERFLUCHTEN PRINZEN" Was würdest du tun, wenn du dich plötzlich im Körper einer Prinzessin aus der alten Zeit wiederfindest? Noch dazu ist er nicht nur ein Werwolf, sondern auch von der Mondgöttin verflucht. EXCERPT: Was sollte sie tun? Sie war verwirrt und hatte keine Ahnung, was vor sich ging. Hochzeiten im Mittelalter waren seltsam! Was zum Teufel ist eine "Tugendrezitation"? Sollte sie so tun, als würde sie in Ohnmacht fallen? Das war der einzige Gedanke, der einen Sinn ergab. Und das tat sie auch. Sie sackte langsam auf dem Boden zusammen und hörte, wie alle zu keuchen und zu rufen begannen. Alicia wollte, dass sie sie da rausholten und dann würde sie einen Weg finden, zu entkommen. Aber vielleicht hatte sie ja doch Pech, denn als sie unter ihren Wimpern hervorlugte und sich fragte, warum niemand kam, um sie hinauszutragen, sah sie ein goldenes Gewand, bevor sich die Person vor ihr niederhockte. Sie schloss ihre Augen fest und hielt den Atem an. Immerhin war sie Schauspielerin. Sie konnte das makellos durchziehen. "Das war ein schlechtes Schauspiel, Mylady." sprach die tiefe Stimme, die ihr eine Gänsehaut auf die Haut zauberte. Beängstigend. "Ich gebe Ihnen nur drei Sekunden Zeit, um aufzustehen." Seine Stimme war nicht wirklich bedrohlich, aber irgendwie verbreitete er Angst, besonders durch die langsame und vorsichtige Art, wie er sprach. Sie hatte gehört, dass er übellaunig war. Was würde er tun, wenn die drei Sekunden vorbei waren? Würde er sie töten? Würde sie dann hier sterben? Woher wusste er überhaupt, dass sie sich verstellte? Waren die Menschen im Mittelalter normalerweise klug? Sie öffnete ein Auge, um ihn anzuschauen, und sah, dass er sie direkt anschaute und grinste. DIE HOCHZEIT WÜRDE AUF KEINEN FALL STATTFINDEN. SIE WAR SO WAS VON TOT! ******* Werwolf (Check) Verfluchter Fürst (Haken) Seelenwanderung (Abgehakt) Komödie (Abgehakt) Romanze (Doppelter Check) ZU IHRER BIBLIOTHEK HINZUFÜGEN!

    ThatAmazingGirl · Kỳ huyễn
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  • This Villainess will not be Timid!

    Alicia Stardust, the main antagonist of the Otome Game: Love Beneath The Moonlight. Surely, reincarnating into her body would be a bad thing right? Nope. Becoming a Villainess was one of the best things that could have happened to me. Despite being born as the genius daughter of a Duke with every single magic spirit at her command, Alicia Stardust fell for the crown prince and used every possible means to seek an engagement with him, regardless of if her methods were vicious or wicked. However, after succeeding and gaining the engagement with the Crown Prince, it was then that her ruthless behavior became highlighted and she became unfavorable to many within the noble faction. Her downfall would finally arrive when she tried to kill the female lead, a commoner from the countryside who won the affection of her beloved Crown Prince. She was then exiled and was scorned as a wicked woman who met a rightful end, at least in the game that is. After spending three days straight playing the game I passed out. When I finally regained my consciousness I found myself waking up in the body of Alicia Stardust six months before she enters the Royal Academy of Magic. "Hahaha, some would think of this as unfortunate... but this is a blessing! I will embarrass that female lead and show this world what a real Villainess is capable of!"

    Rokuro_ · Kỳ huyễn
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  • La Extraña Novia del Príncipe Maldito

    ``` El mayor error de la vida de Alicia fue intentar suicidarse. Se encontró en el cuerpo de una princesa de 19 años exiliada, en la Edad Media. ¿Y qué más? Fue forzada a casarse con el príncipe Harold; el infame príncipe de cabello blanco y de mal genio que no dudaría en matar a alguien por la razón más irrelevante. Ahora, su boda es en solo unas horas y la "princesa", que resulta ser Alicia, se supone que debe mostrar algunas habilidades "principescas" a los invitados. Pregunta rápida: ¿Está permitido el twerking en la Edad Media? Una cosa sabía con certeza, la boda iba a ser un desastre y el príncipe de mal genio la iba a matar antes de que encontrara el camino de vuelta a casa. ¡Dios la ayude! ThatAmazingGirl en colaboración con Miss_Behaviour (las escritoras de "Enamorado/a de un/a Cleptómano/a") te traen otro libro. "LA EXTRAÑA NOVIA DEL PRÍNCIPE MALDITO" ¿Qué harías si de repente te encontraras en el cuerpo de una princesa en la antigüedad? Además, él no es solo un hombre lobo, también está maldito por la diosa lunar. EXTRACTO: ¿Qué debería hacer? Estaba confundida y no tenía idea de lo que estaba pasando. ¡Las bodas en la Edad Media eran extrañas! ¿Qué diablos es "Recitación de virtudes"? ¿Debería fingir desmayarse? Ese era el único pensamiento que tenía sentido. Así que eso fue lo que hizo. Se desplomó lentamente en el suelo y escuchó cómo todos comenzaron a jadear y exclamar. Alicia quería que la sacaran de allí y luego encontraría una manera de escapar. Pero tal vez después de todo era desafortunada, porque cuando miró por debajo de sus pestañas, preguntándose por qué nadie venía a cargarla, vio una túnica dorada, antes de que la persona se agachara frente a ella. Cerró los ojos fuertemente y contuvo la respiración. Después de todo, era actriz. Podría hacerlo a la perfección. "Esa fue una mala actuación, mi señora", la voz profunda habló, causando escalofríos en su piel. Aterrador. "Solo te daré tres segundos para levantarte". Su voz no era realmente amenazadora, pero de alguna manera imponía miedo, especialmente por la manera lenta y cuidadosa con la que hablaba. Había oído que era de mal genio. ¿Qué haría después de que pasaran los tres segundos? ¿La mataría? Entonces, ¿moriría aquí? ¿Cómo sabía él que estaba fingiendo? ¿Era la gente de la Edad Media normalmente inteligente? Abrió un ojo para echarle un vistazo y lo vio mirándola fijamente con una sonrisa burlona. ¡No había manera de que la boda no ocurriera! ¡Iba a morir sin duda! ******* Hombre lobo (Comprobado) Príncipe maldito (Comprobado) Transmigración (Comprobado) Comedia (Comprobado) Romance (Doble comprobado) ¡Añádela a tu biblioteca! ```

    ThatAmazingGirl · Kỳ huyễn
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  • Alicia Lisa

    This novel is about Alicia's growth throughout.

    Zaira_Bhatti · Thành thị
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  • Alicia Tsunami

    When Alicia Branwen's stress from an fire that destroys half the city causes a space quake due to her actually being a spirit, a secret her friends soon discover after hiding for ten years. Now she must figure out who she can and can't trust, along with making some friends, rivals and possibly meeting the love of her life along the way. Will her story have a happy ending filled with love? Or will she meet a deathly fate? And what will happen when she learns of the other spirits in the world? DO NOT OWN DATE A LIVE

    Celestial_D · Kỳ huyễn
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  • Adventure of Alicia

    In the beginning the main charter gets kidnap.

    Alexis_Washington_6346 · Thanh xuân
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  • Alicia in Wonderland

    Modern take on Alice in Wonderland

    Tami_Robinson · Thanh xuân
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  • Alicia & the evil general

    "What's stopping you from moving?" A loud deep and menacing voice sounded from the carriage, the items in the carriage shook because of the exuding aura coming from the guy. "Sir, there is something on the floor, someone I guess" He replied back to his master. "A human? what is she doing here does she want the night creatures to feed on her?" Asher asked himself as he ordered his servant to carry the girl into the backside of the carriage. *** Alicia, a twenty year old girl thought that life was easy and depended on her parents for almost everything, she was a spoilt brat to be precise being that she was the only child so she was being pampered and cared for, one day, after coming back from her dance class, she met their house burning, her parents were trapped inside after so many attempts to put away the fire, only her mother survived. Life became hard for the two of them and the villagers weren't making it easier for them at all, they tortured Alicia and her mother and made them do tedious work for them, they treated them like slaves. An unfortunate event happened and the village was under raid, the villagers thought that Alicia and her mother had something to do with it so they were chased out. Alicia couldn't keep up with her mother as they were running under the rain, she slipped on the ground and her head hit the rock. What happens when she's saved by the evil general, thinking that her life would change and become better but she's got the wrong idea because she has now entered into the realms of hellfire. Asher would do anything to make her suffer, he would torture her, find ways to molest her but wouldn't succeed in doing that because behind that naive self of hers was a girl who would always protect her dignity. What happens after Asher gets married to the daughter of the duke but finds out that his dark heart doesn't want her but someone else, would he find ways to divorce his wife and choose what his heart wants, Alicia. **** This is another novel written by me and it's actually a slow burn book, I hope you guys like it and please give this book a chance. Cover isn't mine, gotten from Pinterest, Regards to the real owner. Facebook: Liz zenny Instagram: zenny 0014

    Liz_Zenny · Kỳ huyễn
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