
Review Detail of mirumiru in Mr. Clark And ME [BL]

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Let's see, the way the universes merge together feels fluid while I've seen marvel and mutants, DC and mutants, DC and Marvel or even all at once, there's always some tear in the world buildings. yet for this one, I like it quite a bit. the characters are a little biasesd, as in altered just a tiny bit to allow the presence of mc to be more acceptable but it's insignificant enough that it doesn't crumble the story as a whole. i do have a lil beef with chap 88-90 tho, felt like the revelation can be better.. but overall good enough for me. grammar and most other things are good, so far. i keep having a feel that I've seen the book somewhere long ago but iIcanneh remember so imma just throw that thought behind me. overalll, keep up the good work!

Mr. Clark And ME [BL]


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