
Review Detail of Universal_Foodie in

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Honest review: I think many people leaving reviews are being too harsh and by all means too spoiled. The pace of the novel is solid; the greatest enemy of an author is lack of material. For the author to keep it entertaining and deepen the characters beyond the 2D traits that we already know about them, while making minor advancements in the plot each chapter should be the goal. I think people need to wake up and realize that this isn’t a crack fic that’s gonna end in 20-30 chapters and it has the potential to go quite far. So instead of being dopamine wish-fulfillment addicts; enjoy a refreshing plot that is new. As for the whole infinite tsukiyomi belief; JUST BECAUSE THE MC THINK THAT; it doesn’t mean that it’s true. As for the people spamming “dropped”; stop doing it. It’s already hard enough to find good fics here, it’s gonna be harder if every budding author is demoralized WITH EVERY CHAP THEY PUT OUT. I think this belongs on Fanfiction.net or even AO3.net. I don’t say this lightly at all. I think this is a great fanfic with a great idea and a great main character that interacts with plot in a realistic way. Now dear author as someone who has written some fics that have gone to perform well on this platform. Don’t be demoralized, just realize that the people who enjoy your writing are a lot more than the people commenting “dropped” because of the infinite tsukiyomi plot. I don’t know where you’re going with it and even with some predictions; I honestly don’t care as long as it’s something written well. I’m enjoying myself reading this fic and it’s something that I wasn’t expecting to binge on a random Tuesday morning. Keep going and I look forward to your next chaps and what your own unique spin brings to the Naruto fandom.

Được 27 người thích


Trả lời8


so just to verify, is him questioning reality the center of this story or just a side plot? its an interesting idea but if it's something that spans the length of the story then that's to much for me to invest in. if it ends up being an illusion and I've invested into it ill be so sad lol. I watched the last twilight movie with my gf and its basically just a big illusion, if I would have been invested in the movie like her I probably would of burned the theatre down and I was like 13 or 14 at the time. now I'd just be more upset lol 😆


Reminds me with a FF I read, about 400 ch long , and suddenly author drops a ch saying the end, in it, the mc wake up finding it was all dream and he kills himself thinking he will go back in some way. I swear to god I hated that author to unimaginable degree that days.

DetachedDreamer:so just to verify, is him questioning reality the center of this story or just a side plot? its an interesting idea but if it's something that spans the length of the story then that's to much for me to invest in. if it ends up being an illusion and I've invested into it ill be so sad lol. I watched the last twilight movie with my gf and its basically just a big illusion, if I would have been invested in the movie like her I probably would of burned the theatre down and I was like 13 or 14 at the time. now I'd just be more upset lol 😆

I haven't read a single word of this fic, yet I did read a good part of this author's EPIC fic. So there's at least one thing I can disagree with you in: a crack fic doesn't have to be short or fast paced, a very long and slow paced fic can also be a crack fic. Am I calling EPIC a crack fic? Yes. That thing was a combination of so much... stuff... that it just made it worse and worse. That is, of course, to my liking. Now, I'll take a peek anyways to this one, as I like to give at least a chance to every non-chinese-looking fic


Not to sound callous and arrogant but I would classify that as the wrong way to enjoy any type of fiction; movies or fanfiction. By investing there shouldn’t be an aversion to plot twists. There should be an aversion to random stuff that happens for no utter reason or nonsense that just seems lower quality. An example would be the last season of Game of thrones. No matter if it’s happiness or sadness or the many emotions in between as long as a fanfic is able to invoke significant emotion then it has done its job. As for the questioning reality, it’s a realistic question. It comes up a lot but then tones down. Matter of face think about it if something like infinite tsukiyomi exists and the mc has reached that point in time where the fourth shinobi war is being fought. It’s a very rational conclusion explaining a lot.

DetachedDreamer:so just to verify, is him questioning reality the center of this story or just a side plot? its an interesting idea but if it's something that spans the length of the story then that's to much for me to invest in. if it ends up being an illusion and I've invested into it ill be so sad lol. I watched the last twilight movie with my gf and its basically just a big illusion, if I would have been invested in the movie like her I probably would of burned the theatre down and I was like 13 or 14 at the time. now I'd just be more upset lol 😆

Yea well that’s just ridiculous

Chaos_Order8:Reminds me with a FF I read, about 400 ch long , and suddenly author drops a ch saying the end, in it, the mc wake up finding it was all dream and he kills himself thinking he will go back in some way. I swear to god I hated that author to unimaginable degree that days.

Well crack fics by definition are random/absurd fanfictions created just to be absolutely random and weird. It’s not an absolute that the fics have to end short but it just happens rather often because the premise of a crack fic is ridiculous or it should be ridiculous because if it’s logical or possible or even remotely realistic then it shouldn’t be termed as a crack fic

Mdayitas:I haven't read a single word of this fic, yet I did read a good part of this author's EPIC fic. So there's at least one thing I can disagree with you in: a crack fic doesn't have to be short or fast paced, a very long and slow paced fic can also be a crack fic. Am I calling EPIC a crack fic? Yes. That thing was a combination of so much... stuff... that it just made it worse and worse. That is, of course, to my liking. Now, I'll take a peek anyways to this one, as I like to give at least a chance to every non-chinese-looking fic

Its a side plot. He questions reality sometimes, but otherwise he just assumes this is reality which I also believe to be the case. This a very weird illusion if it is and to throw away all the character development l, plot, basically the entire story would be the height of stupidity.

DetachedDreamer:so just to verify, is him questioning reality the center of this story or just a side plot? its an interesting idea but if it's something that spans the length of the story then that's to much for me to invest in. if it ends up being an illusion and I've invested into it ill be so sad lol. I watched the last twilight movie with my gf and its basically just a big illusion, if I would have been invested in the movie like her I probably would of burned the theatre down and I was like 13 or 14 at the time. now I'd just be more upset lol 😆

What he said 😤😆