
Review Detail of Sweatysausage in Whispers of the Mystic Gate

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Uh this is stolen. The original is ‘a record of a mortal’s journey to immortality’ btw. All he did was change the names of the main guy

Whispers of the Mystic Gate


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Joel_BlydenTác giảJoel_Blyden

Before the final chapters of my novels hit the shelves, I believe you're a stand-up and kind-hearted soul. So let’s keep our conversations friendly and hold off on crying 'copycat!' too soon, shall we? Think of it like spoiling the latest blockbuster plot twist at a party—nobody wants to be that person, right? Let’s enjoy the mystery while it unfolds!

Joel_BlydenTác giảJoel_Blyden

I'm thrilled to read your comments! If you come across any part of the story that doesn't quite flow, please let me know so I can make the necessary adjustments. Thanks a bunch!