
Review Detail of DoubleAccount in Harry Potter: Winchester Chronicles

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Interesting plot and start, thought the initial changes to the winchester Family was weird what broke it for me was changing their association from angels to demons the curse, good luck on the story

Harry Potter: Winchester Chronicles


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The_discipleTác giảThe_disciple

Other than the name itself and the demon plot, I didn't intend this to be a supernatural/Harry Potter spinoff from the start (Just some inspiration). But thanks, I'll make sure to write it in the synopsis if it's confusing to other people as well.


I think it’s a good idea to expand the synopsis since If people go into the story with an idea of the universe/premise they may enjoy it more, usually when readers go into it with one expectation and find out it is not exactly reflected in the story even if it is a good plot/idea they tend to have a negative view on it even if they may have enjoyed otherwise, anyway keep up the good work