
Review Detail of Gahardt in Song of Ice and Fire: The Iron Throne [ Dropped ]

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now that i see that this is a translation it all makes sense. to put it simply whoever wrote this has absolutely no idea of how a medieval society worked. not only that but the author has 0 common sense. i mean who in their right mind would make leather armor?! besides of that the author doesnt appear to either have watched the series or read the books. the translation quality is barely acceptable though. somewhat confusing at times but it doesnt really gets in the way of understanding the content. it is however appaling that the translation is the best thing of this book. im thouroughly disapopointed.

Song of Ice and Fire: The Iron Throne [ Dropped ]


Được 3 người thích


Trả lời5


alright so I said "only protection" that was a mistake, but yes it was widely used from Egypt to France. check the Wikipedia page for boiled leather it quite literally states "It was used for some armour, being both much cheaper and much lighter than plate armour" this is from the boiled leather wiki. it wasn't as commonly used as I wrongly assumed, but it was cheap and widely used.

Gahardt:1: Although there is evidence that leather armor was used, said evideces are rare which in itself is very strong indicative that leather armor was most definetely not widely used. 2: And here is my buggest pet peave. Why on earth would you believe leather armor is cheap?! Leather is expensive today and it were even more so back in the day. Moreover, fabric armor is not only objectively better but also way cheaper to produce. 3: Most of the misconceptions regarding leather armor comes from the more common use of leather in armor which is in brigandine armor (which could use fabric or leather as a base upont which metal plates would be studed upon in a layered manner). This also where the misconception of Studded leather armor comes from. 4: I most definetely am not trying to be stupid nor do I think that I am but one can hardly be the judge of himself in that matter. Be that as ir may, i fail to see in what way would that matter in this argument.

are you stupid, or trying to be? leather armour is a widely used peace of armour in medieval times. it was cheap and offered protection. many used it as the only protection during a fight and only nobles or other rich people wore mail and plate.


also the story is kinda bad yeah I agree with that.

Dr_Void:are you stupid, or trying to be? leather armour is a widely used peace of armour in medieval times. it was cheap and offered protection. many used it as the only protection during a fight and only nobles or other rich people wore mail and plate.

1: Although there is evidence that leather armor was used, said evideces are rare which in itself is very strong indicative that leather armor was most definetely not widely used. 2: And here is my buggest pet peave. Why on earth would you believe leather armor is cheap?! Leather is expensive today and it were even more so back in the day. Moreover, fabric armor is not only objectively better but also way cheaper to produce. 3: Most of the misconceptions regarding leather armor comes from the more common use of leather in armor which is in brigandine armor (which could use fabric or leather as a base upont which metal plates would be studed upon in a layered manner). This also where the misconception of Studded leather armor comes from. 4: I most definetely am not trying to be stupid nor do I think that I am but one can hardly be the judge of himself in that matter. Be that as ir may, i fail to see in what way would that matter in this argument.

Dr_Void:are you stupid, or trying to be? leather armour is a widely used peace of armour in medieval times. it was cheap and offered protection. many used it as the only protection during a fight and only nobles or other rich people wore mail and plate.

most if not all other types of armor were cheaper than plate. Still, i get your point.

Dr_Void:alright so I said "only protection" that was a mistake, but yes it was widely used from Egypt to France. check the Wikipedia page for boiled leather it quite literally states "It was used for some armour, being both much cheaper and much lighter than plate armour" this is from the boiled leather wiki. it wasn't as commonly used as I wrongly assumed, but it was cheap and widely used.