
Review Detail of Wachdog in A Sage Adrift (NarutoXMCU)

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Hello everyone, 5 episodes so far, I like the story because although it has just begun, it does not have exaggerated things to take Naruto to another world, due to the plot he lands in a certain place (if I say so it is a spoiler) and it has emotions that They would destroy anyone, but being Naruto he manages to maintain a bit of stability, the only thing the author adds is that Naruto is aware of himself because I see that he has free thinking and a bit of his own arrogance, as for the episodes, a bit crazy unlike the canon because it is almost a mockery on the part of the author that I agree a little when reading it. FINALLY, UPLOAD MORE CHAPTERS, AUTHOR OF FANFIC LAZY.

A Sage Adrift (NarutoXMCU)


Được 3 người thích

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