
Review Detail of BookloverUSA in My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire!

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What a bad book, it is very cliche…Childish is an understatement to describe the story…Character development is yet to be seen…I truly regret starting this book because unfortunately I am the kind of reader that finishes the book that they start…Maybe this will be the first time I do not finish a story ??? Very disappointing

My Accidental Husband is a Billionaire!

Mr. Yan

Được 7 người thích


Trả lời18


And yet you are reading it??? go write your perfect book for readers to read🌚🌚


Same here😕cant read the story anymore


The suspense and roundabouts are getting on my last nerve


lol, Are you the author? I read books I do not write them…And for your info you loony, I do finish my books even when they are bad…And I wrote exactly why I am still reading it in my review…Wacko…

Muhammed_shafa:And yet you are reading it??? go write your perfect book for readers to read🌚🌚

Liar. no you didn't. you only talked the bad phase of the book, more like trying to discourage other readers. Also, I don't think there is need for arguing with you when you are contradicting yourself.

BookloverUSA:lol, Are you the author? I read books I do not write them…And for your info you loony, I do finish my books even when they are bad…And I wrote exactly why I am still reading it in my review…Wacko…

Idiot…There is indeed no need to argue with you, clearly you do not understand English. And yes the point of a review is exactly that to either encourage or discourage people that is literally what reviews are…And I said I am the type of readers that do finish books either good or bad in my original review , try and read again… It is a terrible book and if you do not agree then move on…Also reviews are good for authors to better themselves. I will make sure to never read any of your books clearly you cannot understand so no expectations there…I pay for my books I will continue criticizing them…We are done here…

Muhammed_shafa:Liar. no you didn't. you only talked the bad phase of the book, more like trying to discourage other readers. Also, I don't think there is need for arguing with you when you are contradicting yourself.

OMG yes…And it seems that every chapter something will happen but it does not really lol 😂

suzzette:The suspense and roundabouts are getting on my last nerve

I can understand that suspense makes a reader want to go on but the chapters don't depict the title and actions seem to be going in a roundabout manner. It makes it really annoying and tiring, some scenarios are really unnecessary.


How in heavens name can you say this is a bad book🤔? This is one of the best books I've read so far!!!!


You might not read a lot then if this is the best book you have ever read…But I will tell you why I believe that this is a bad book. The stories are very, very childish some of the interactions seems to be between elementary school age persons. It is label a romance but the story between Kiera and Lewis is almost non existent as for the hot scenes? lol I can only laugh…Supense is good, it keeps the reader engaged but NOT EVERY single story or side story need it, it becomes repetitive and definitely tiresome which is what this author does repeat and annoy his readers ( check comments within chapters) …Some things should not be dragged so the story can move forward…For the record I do not think you are even reading this book so I wonder why you asking? Bot?

EsmeraldaArendse:How in heavens name can you say this is a bad book🤔? This is one of the best books I've read so far!!!!

Oh i am definitely reading this book. But i am not going back and forth with you on this. I am enjoying this book and that's all that matters for me. Have a nice a nice life.

BookloverUSA:You might not read a lot then if this is the best book you have ever read…But I will tell you why I believe that this is a bad book. The stories are very, very childish some of the interactions seems to be between elementary school age persons. It is label a romance but the story between Kiera and Lewis is almost non existent as for the hot scenes? lol I can only laugh…Supense is good, it keeps the reader engaged but NOT EVERY single story or side story need it, it becomes repetitive and definitely tiresome which is what this author does repeat and annoy his readers ( check comments within chapters) …Some things should not be dragged so the story can move forward…For the record I do not think you are even reading this book so I wonder why you asking? Bot?

lol you have read all the way to chapter 46? Come back when you get to chapter 200 maybe? Going back and forth? I have answered a question you asked under a review I made…I am having a nice life thank you and hopefully you do too and maybe try an actual book after you are done with this thing ( we will go with book since this is what it is label as) ? It will open you mind , sharpen it too…


I agree with you. sincerely, this book is definitely a NO GOOD❌️ for me. the drama is unnecessarily dragged on, the character are not very developed and I've read clichés that are far better than this. I think the author had something good with the core concept but the way the story is narrated really isn't appealing. maybe it'll get better by the end but in order to reach the end, the author needed to capture and retain our attention in the first place. But the more I read, the more vexing it is. and not in good way. I usually finish my books but I don't think I'll be able to finish this one. sorry


Yeah too bad , you are right it had potential…I stopped reading it though some weeks ago no longer interested…Let me know if/when it gets better 😂

Lee_Yuhane4:I agree with you. sincerely, this book is definitely a NO GOOD❌️ for me. the drama is unnecessarily dragged on, the character are not very developed and I've read clichés that are far better than this. I think the author had something good with the core concept but the way the story is narrated really isn't appealing. maybe it'll get better by the end but in order to reach the end, the author needed to capture and retain our attention in the first place. But the more I read, the more vexing it is. and not in good way. I usually finish my books but I don't think I'll be able to finish this one. sorry

same gosh


Totally agree. This could’ve been a good novel, except all the characters are trash, with cliche plots.

Lee_Yuhane4:I agree with you. sincerely, this book is definitely a NO GOOD❌️ for me. the drama is unnecessarily dragged on, the character are not very developed and I've read clichés that are far better than this. I think the author had something good with the core concept but the way the story is narrated really isn't appealing. maybe it'll get better by the end but in order to reach the end, the author needed to capture and retain our attention in the first place. But the more I read, the more vexing it is. and not in good way. I usually finish my books but I don't think I'll be able to finish this one. sorry

Expensive and dragging


complete lack of character development on where the twin sister shows up, it was absolutely bizarre for me