
Review Detail of WraithsThighs in Beta Testing the Apocalypse

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Same old Ein, same formula for his fanfics. The uncomfortable situations involving the MCs relationships still plague his work. It's like he refuses to write anything remotely wholesome and just makes all of the females extra h***y even when the MC isn't involved. I genuinely loved EPIC, except for a few useless situations involving the MCs girls, but it seems like Ein just refuses to evolve as a writer and sticks to the same formula, even when it doesn't work anymore. Just TRY something new, something wholesome, without all of the unnecessary relationship stuff involving MCs girls and other people, and see how many more NEW readers you draw in. You would probably have to do it on an alt though, since your name is now synonymous with the uncomfortable situations you enjoy putting your MC in. Oh well, I wasted enough time typing this out, yeet it or do whatever, I said what I wanted.

Beta Testing the Apocalypse


Được 136 người thích


Trả lời17


In my secondary account, I read up to the current chapters of EPIC, I think it was in 2021. Man, I used to read 40-50 chapters a day back then, I remember I started in November and only finished in January 2022. I also read Ein's original, Nobunaga something else, I can't remember the name anymore, it was a very interesting novel. But I kept reading other works and lost my taste for Ein's works, especially when I read two books by Niggross and realized the similarities between the two, although Ein did it more subtly, Nig made it very clear. These two authors who I've read a lot of but who have a talent for irritating their readers, perhaps unconsciously or intentionally. Idk, but I can't read anything by these two authors these days.

EinlionTác giảEinlion

Is there anything specific that set you off? Because the MC doesn't 'have' any girls, and even Mordred only fools around with other women.


What difference does her fooling around with other women make? The people that say it's ok for a girl to sleep around with other women while being with a dude have double standards, because they will 100% get upset if she messes around with a dude. Sorry to tell you, but guy or girl makes no difference when it comes to sleeping around, because idk if you know this, but feelings can still develop between the same gender when they are messing around. You ALWAYS say that the girls aren't actually in a relationship with the MC yet when you add situations like this, but when the MC feels that they are, and the fml acts like a gf or wife, then they basically are. I've honestly been holding this in for a while, every time I noticed a new fic from you I would check it out, hoping the relationships would be clean and free from all of the unnecessarily uncomfortable stuff you tend to add, but you continue to do it in EVERY fic, even in your original novel. Drama? That's fine, relationships have that. Arguments? They have that too. They do NOT usually have the girl or guy going around sleeping with others without the other even being there. It' like the only way you know how to "spice" up relationships is to add some sort of triangle to it, and it just puzzles me why you continue to do it, even with all of the readers you lose due to it. Once again, this is not coming from a place of negativity. I genuinely think that you are a good writer, but you keep using similar situations for some of the relationships in all of your works, and it just frustrates me. Drake, Freya, that one summon in your Mushoku fic, the first fml in your OG novel, heck even Inko in your BNHA fic (They were both interested in each other and then you wrote her with AM), not to mention the whole yuri thing in that too. It's like you specifically need the fmls to sleep with other people before or even while being with the MC, it's almost as if the MC will not be interested until it happens. You can talk your way out of all of the above situations by saying they weren't technically with the MC, but the fact remains that it does make most of the readers uncomfortable when it happens, you know this, I know this, all of your readers know this. Yet you continue to add them in every single fic you make. I just can't comprehend why you don't try to change it up some. Sorry for this being so long, but as I said, it's been building up for a while.

Einlion:Is there anything specific that set you off? Because the MC doesn't 'have' any girls, and even Mordred only fools around with other women.
EinlionTác giảEinlion

What you're disregarding is the fact that Mordred and the MC aren't together. You're 'pairing' them together in your head.

WraithsThighs:What difference does her fooling around with other women make? The people that say it's ok for a girl to sleep around with other women while being with a dude have double standards, because they will 100% get upset if she messes around with a dude. Sorry to tell you, but guy or girl makes no difference when it comes to sleeping around, because idk if you know this, but feelings can still develop between the same gender when they are messing around. You ALWAYS say that the girls aren't actually in a relationship with the MC yet when you add situations like this, but when the MC feels that they are, and the fml acts like a gf or wife, then they basically are. I've honestly been holding this in for a while, every time I noticed a new fic from you I would check it out, hoping the relationships would be clean and free from all of the unnecessarily uncomfortable stuff you tend to add, but you continue to do it in EVERY fic, even in your original novel. Drama? That's fine, relationships have that. Arguments? They have that too. They do NOT usually have the girl or guy going around sleeping with others without the other even being there. It' like the only way you know how to "spice" up relationships is to add some sort of triangle to it, and it just puzzles me why you continue to do it, even with all of the readers you lose due to it. Once again, this is not coming from a place of negativity. I genuinely think that you are a good writer, but you keep using similar situations for some of the relationships in all of your works, and it just frustrates me. Drake, Freya, that one summon in your Mushoku fic, the first fml in your OG novel, heck even Inko in your BNHA fic (They were both interested in each other and then you wrote her with AM), not to mention the whole yuri thing in that too. It's like you specifically need the fmls to sleep with other people before or even while being with the MC, it's almost as if the MC will not be interested until it happens. You can talk your way out of all of the above situations by saying they weren't technically with the MC, but the fact remains that it does make most of the readers uncomfortable when it happens, you know this, I know this, all of your readers know this. Yet you continue to add them in every single fic you make. I just can't comprehend why you don't try to change it up some. Sorry for this being so long, but as I said, it's been building up for a while.

Amigo en serio? en este punto tu argumento de que uno lo empareja no sirve de nada lo has hecho en tus otras historias de que se vuelve repetitivo y predecible, no puedo negar de que haces historias buenas pero con respecto a las relaciones eres al rato para decirlo de buena manera, te compraría de que uno es que ve el emparejamiento pero tú mismo no dejas aunque que sea una mínima duda de que no van a terminar juntos ( en pocas palabras no dejas incertidumbre de que no van a quedar juntos ), en serio espero de que al menos harías una pareja normal o un harén normal pero después de tus primeros fics te fuiste por la tangente.

Einlion:What you're disregarding is the fact that Mordred and the MC aren't together. You're 'pairing' them together in your head.
EinlionTác giảEinlion

I wish you were half as introspective as you expect others to be. I'm not perfect and have never pretended to be. What annoys me is people like you who will jump on bandwagons like this and lay on a bunch of things one-sidedly without any receipts. I prefer speaking with people face to face or having an actual conversation with them on platforms like Discord. Trying to 'resolve' anything when there a days, weeks, or even months between correspondence is just inanity. But since it lets people like you just say whatever they want before walking away, it's pretty much the only method you use.

Nội dung đã bị xóa

This was the first story I read of his, and I do agree with a lot of your points and the relationship dynamic was the reason I ended up dropping this; I don't enjoy open relationships or situations where nobody really knows where they stand, it's not satisfying for me. That's my own taste though, as everyone else has theirs. This isn't a slight on Einlion. This novel seems relatively popular and they clearly have an audience that appreciates it - that audience just doesn't include me, or you. That doesn't mean Einlion needs to change things if his target audience enjoys it, and probably more importantly, if he enjoys writing it.


I see, I guess it's more like the other comment said about me not being the target audience. I don't and never really will agree with the whole sleeping around thing while agreeing to be in a harem, you know what you're signing up for when you agree, so you shouldn't really use that as an excuse to sleep around imo, even if it's "just" with other girls lol. I am sorry for this bringing out some unsavory comments towards you, like I said, none of it came from negativity on my end.

Nội dung đã bị xóa



No way this happened again


Tnks Bro


You just ignored everything else they said

Einlion:What you're disregarding is the fact that Mordred and the MC aren't together. You're 'pairing' them together in your head.

Einlion:What you're disregarding is the fact that Mordred and the MC aren't together. You're 'pairing' them together in your head.

wow... you just choose to ignore everything he wrote i feel the need to clap my hands at ur amazing wayz to just ignore everything he wrote and still use the same excuse he just told us that you vould use :'D so here to you author for being so obviouse " clap clap"

Einlion:What you're disregarding is the fact that Mordred and the MC aren't together. You're 'pairing' them together in your head.

I've tried reading a few of the Author's works and everytime the romance/relationship aspect turns uncomfortable. Also of course people are pairing Mordred and the MC together you have a romance and harem tag and fool around with each other what kind of conclusion are people supposed to make? like "oh he went down on her and they've learnly shown chemistry I doubt anything's going on there they can't possibly be together."


well it's because you keep hinting that something will happen to them

Einlion:What you're disregarding is the fact that Mordred and the MC aren't together. You're 'pairing' them together in your head.

The cool thing about the author is that when the comment hit a sensitive point of his, he simply ignored the comment and went back to the beginning with another one that was deleted (if you didn't understand exactly what I said, I'm using a translator)


Thank You